MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2386 good news

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Chapter 2386: Good News

Early December.

Cloud Painting received news from Hong Kong Island.

The friend of director Wang Miao's work at Three Lions contacted Wang Miao and said that the script of Yun Hua was ready for project establishment.

Wang Miao was very surprised.

Generally speaking, there is a huge difference between foreign and domestic cultures, and there are barriers in film creation. You may be able to enjoy foreign movies, but if you are a native of China, there is no way to write a script that conforms to foreign cognition. of.

Therefore, Yun Hua previously told Wang Miao that when it was time to submit scripts to foreign film companies, Wang Miao did not take it seriously, because it was impossible.

However, it really succeeded!

The script was left behind by the film company, but it really had to be approved!

You know, film companies often hoard various scripts. Many of the hoarded scripts will not be filmed for many years. It was only a few months after the cloud painting was handed over, and it was actually selected. It was incredible. !!

Wang Miao has seen the script painted by Yun.

It's a horror movie. It doesn't seem to be anything special. Why is it so accurate?

"There are ratings for movies in Europe and the United States. They like this low-cost horror movie. It is low-cost, can be shot casually, and is very decompression. At the same time, there are some thought-provoking realistic thoughts. This is the favorite style over there."

Yun Hua said concisely.

Wang Miao had to be sighed that Yun Hua was really beyond his imagination and always gave him an unexpected surprise.

However, this script is suitable for foreign countries and not for Hong Kong Island. So it seems that the paintings written for him by Cloud Painting are suitable for the market on Hong Kong Island. She really knows the subject matter!

Cloud painting in the Mainland is very inconvenient to contact with foreign countries. If frequent contact is made, it is easy to be identified as a spy.

So she entrusted this matter to Wang Miao to help her contact M country.

She kept in touch with Wang Miao at any time.

"Buy the script for $ 100,000?" Yunhua thought for a while, "You ask them if they accept the investment? I don't take the cost of the script, which is converted into the investment of the film, and I will share it later."

After Wang Miao contacted there, she quickly said to Yunhua, "No."

Yunhua sighed, "If you don't accept it, there is nothing you can do. Then I ask for a script fee of $ 150,000. You tell them that I have registered this script with the Screenplay Guild. The copyrights are also registered."

Wang Miao originally thought that the price would not be accepted on the other side, but did not expect that the other side would have agreed soon!

$ 150,000!

For today's China, it is simply an astronomical figure.

In this era, the exchange rate was very low, and only 150,000 US dollars could be exchanged for 200,000 yuan. The exchange rate was about 1.5.

However, this is only the official exchange rate. In fact, due to the huge domestic gap against the US dollar, this exchange rate is virtually useless. Domestically, to purchase various advanced instruments and technologies internationally, they must be settled in US dollars. Therefore, it is impossible to use the standard exchange rate in China to exchange for US dollars. On the black market, the exchange rate is very high. Already.

If the 150,000 US dollars is placed on the black market, hundreds of thousands of yuan can be exchanged.

However, Yun Hua did not plan to take the money back to China, so it was easy to operate outside.

The Three Lions movie isn't stupid. The script of Cloud Painting is a series at first glance. They want to take the opportunity to sign at least two scripts with Cloud Painting.

Of course, Yunhua would not agree. The price of signing the sequel now is the same as the price of the first resale after the first big release. It must be one in the sky and one under the ground.

At the same time, she also wrote back to the well-known publishing company in country M!

(End of this chapter)