MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2396 They are thieves

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Chapter 2396: They Are Thieves

The jeep couldn't carry it in front of the tractor.

The tractor slammed into a violent posture, and the jeep was knocked over to the ground.

The response of cloud painting was very sharp.

The first time the tractor hit, she protected Chen Kang around her.

The vehicle rolled over, and she and Chen Kang bumped around in the car like tumblers ...

Finally, the vehicle stopped rolling.

Yun Hua only felt that he was in pain all over.

Quickly look at Chen Kang again.

Chen Kang was frightened, his eyes trembling shivering.

Yunhua roughly checked him and knew that Chen Kang should have no major problems, she was relieved.

Look at Zhou Shengbei Qian in the front row. Zhou Shengbei Qian did not wear a seat belt. At this time, there is not so much awareness of driving safely. At this moment, Zhou Shengbei Qian was fainted.

Yun Hua struggled to get out of the car.

The car turned upside down.

Chen Kang was fine, but there were some skin injuries. Yun Hua quickly rescued Chen Kang and went to save Zhou Sheng Beiqian.

Soon, Yun Hua's face changed.

Zhou Shengbei Qian was seriously injured. He now has effusion in his chest. If he does not deal with it in time, his lungs will collapse and he will suffocate to death!

But here is far from the big hospital, the key is that there is no car!

How to do?

Yun Huaxin's heart was horizontal, but now there is really no way out.

She shouted at the crowd, "Give me a sharp knife, hurry up, and disinfect with alcohol!"

The onlookers quickly helped find it.

Soon, a sharp dagger was handed to Yunhua. This dagger looks like it should be made in Switzerland, probably a booty on a certain battlefield.

The cloud painting used to disinfect the knife, but the conditions were rough and there was no way out.

She made a dangerous subcostal incision ...

The people around did not know what she was doing. When she saw her posture, she was scared one by one. Can this really save people? Really not killing?

Cloud painting moves quickly.

Finally, after she inserted the pen tube into the pen, and shortly after the effusion was discharged, Zhou Shengbei Qian resumed breathing.

Cloud painting was also relieved.

At this moment, the helper also found another tractor. The good-hearted person was still flapping on the quilt. A large group of people helped transfer Zhou Sheng Beiqian to the tractor compartment and constantly told the driver to drive slowly. .

Yun Hua sat in the carriage with the frightened Chen Kang ...

When Zhou Shengbei Qian was taken to the hospital, he immediately advanced to the operating room.

Yun Hua didn't know who to notify, so he asked Chen Kang, but Chen Kang didn't speak at all. Yun Hua thought about it, asked Chen Kang's phone number, and contacted Sister Liu.

When Sister Liu heard the accident, she was so scared that she was gone.

"No one can tell that Comrade Chou Sheng has been abroad before. His father died in those ten years, and his mother was crazy. He went with him shortly thereafter. Except for the two married sisters, the Chou Sheng family was left. He is alone. "

"His two sisters, the one who married the family, is also abroad. The other is Kang Kang's mother. Kang Kang's mother died shortly after she gave birth to Kang Kang."

"So no one can tell."

Cloud painting: "..."

Zhou Shengbei Qian in this life is still so miserable.

Cloud draws a sigh.

Sister Liu hurried over.

Yun Hua asked Sister Liu to wait in the hospital. She took Kangkang home first, but Dudu and her lunch had not yet arrived. She promised to pick them up from school, and she would have to break her promises.

The two children will certainly not blame her, but they will not be able to find him after returning home, and the two children will be anxious.

When Yun Hua took Kangkang home in a hurry, Dudu and Tudou were preparing to go out to find her.

Seeing her return, the two children were relieved.

"I'm sorry, my mother has delayed today." Yunhua said helplessly, "I went to see Kang Kang, and Kang Kang's sister-in-law gave us when I came back. I thought of going to buy some beef sticks and cook them for you. I didn't expect a car accident. Kangkang Xiaoyan is seriously injured and is still in the hospital at the moment. Sorry, my mother was going to pick you up. "

Dudu and Gaodu were startled, and quickly looked at Yunhua again: "Mom, are you injured?"

Yunhua shook his head, "I'm fine."

"Mom, your legs are bleeding!" Suddenly said.

Dudu hurried to get the medicine box. There is a medicine box prepared for Yunhua at home, which contains some commonly used medicines.

"It's okay, a little trauma."

After Yun Hua hurriedly processed, he started cooking for the children.

Dudu didn't let Yunhua do it, and just said that cooking noodles was just fine.

There is a roll of dried noodles at home. You only need to cook them when you eat them.

Dudou is responsible for burning the fire. Dudu cut some diced meat, stir-fried onion, ginger, garlic and garlic gizzards, and then made the dumplings.

The two children were too sensible, and Yun Hua was both comforting and guilty.

Chen Kang was probably really scared. Until he had eaten, he asked Yun Hua blankly: "Aunt Lin, Xiaoxun ... Xiaoxun ... wow--"

Chen Kang started to cry.

This child, the reflection arc is relatively long.

Yunhua quickly comforted: "It's okay. We will go to the hospital after we have eaten. Your sister-in-law will be fine."

Chen Kang nodded quickly, his mouth seemed to be assured: "My sister-in-law will be fine."

Go to the hospital in the afternoon.

Zhou Shengbei Qian's surgery has been successfully completed, and the dangerous period is next ...

Even so, everyone was relieved.

The next day, Zhou Shengbei Qian was out of danger.

The fifth day.

Yun Hua came to see him.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian can already speak normally.

"Thank you," he said, "I always seem to say thank you."

Yun Hua laughed, "You're welcome. In that case, I was surprised to save you."

Zhou Shengbei Qian smiled and said, "I'm bothering you these days."

"You don't need to be too polite." Yun Hua said looking at him.

The care he takes these days is actually on his face. Of course, she didn't say anything about it.

Chen Kang's father rushed back from the field.

The leader is majestic.

"You are Comrade Lin, thank you very much." Father Chen extended his hands to shake Yunhua with a low attitude.

Yun Hua smiled: "You're welcome."

Father Chen talked a few words with Yunhua again, and Yunhua said goodbye.

After she left, in the ward, Father Chen looked at Zhou Shengbei Qian and said, "It has been investigated. The car accident was artificial. Someone wants your life."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was silent: "There are more people who want my life."

Father Chen sighed: "It looks like your identity has been exposed. I was afraid that the previous tasks had caused you too many enemies."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian smiled: "They don't just dare to be in the dark, rest assured."

Father Chen said, "Anyway, we must be more careful in the future."

"I know." Zhou Shengbei Qian answered in a low voice.

Father Chen glanced at him again: "The woman just now ..."

Zhou Shengbei Qian did not speak.

Father Chen whispered, "You treat her ..."

Zhou Shengbei Qian's eyes condensed: "She is Bo Siqing's wife."

Father Chen frowned and frowned: "Then you are ..."

Zhou Shengbei Qian: "She is the only weakness of Bo Siqing."

Father Chen thought for a while, and always felt that there was something wrong, but he didn't say much after all: "You are just fine."


Zhou Shengbei Qian lowered his eyes.


Since Chen Kang's father returned, Yunhua has never been to the hospital.

Father Chen is naturally also the family member of Zhou Sheng Beiqian. With family members to take care of her, she does not have to go. She also has her own family, and I also want to consider it myself.

I just didn't expect something went wrong with Dudu and Todou.

"The two kids steal?"

Yun Hua looked at the school teacher, his eyes were cold, "Is there any evidence?"

"It's not enough to find something out of them? When you steal money when you're stealing the needle, you should send it to the police station!" The teacher said with a grimace.

Yunhua blocked Dudu and Tu directly behind him, and looked at the teacher indifferently: "You said they stole something, and the evidence is that you can't rely on you to say that they stole it. Who is the one who lost the money? Come out and confront. "

"Stolen, you stole. As a parent, you don't talk about educating your children, but also support your children. No wonder they can raise children who steal things." The teacher was angry.

At this time, the teacher is the authority, and basically no parent will refute the teacher's words, but today, Yun Hua has to regain justice for Dudu and Godo.

Don't talk about children. They are not afraid of being told. If they are wronged, they will be wronged. Many people think so.

But in fact, children's psychology is more fragile, and adults are not willing to be misunderstood, let alone children?

If today they are forced to admit that they have not done it, they will leave a psychological shadow in their lives.

"Teacher, if you don't give me a statement today, I will never give up."

Yun Hua's attitude is very tough.

At this time, the teacher's attitude softened a little.

"Liu Hong, come out and say, how did you lose your money?" The teacher called a classmate in the class.

The girl stood up and said, "I'm the monitor and my money is my birthday gift from my aunt. I keep it on my body and put it in the pocket of my jacket. It's too hot today in the gym class. I took off my jacket I put it on the seat, and the money disappeared when I returned. Some people say that only Dudu and Dudou came back to the classroom. Who can steal my money?

The little girl said righteously, with a look of anger.

Yunhua: "How much did you lose?"


3 yuan, for ordinary people in this era, that is a big number, let alone children, many children have not touched that much money.

Yunhua asked again, "How much money did you find in Tudu and Dodou?"

"Three!" Liu Hong said immediately, "They just stole my money!"

Yun Hua's eyes were faint: "It's all three, which is a coincidence. For you, what are you going to do with the three dollars on your body?"

A look of rage in his arms, "We are going to buy a book with an old gentleman. He has a lot of books at home, and we have made an appointment. Go to him to buy books. If you do n’t believe me, ask the old gentleman!"

The teacher snorted coldly: "Who believes? Even if you really want to buy a book, will you not ask the parents for money? You. Mom will not know that you asked for 3 yuan? Where did your money come from? You tell me again Are you stealing your money? "

With a look of anger, "I owed my brother and my brother! We will go to help sell newspapers during the holidays, we will help run errands, and our brothers make their own money!"

Teacher: "How much money can I make by selling newspapers?"

"We can sell hundreds of newspapers every day from morning to night!" Dodging was angry. "If you don't believe it, you can check with the newspaper. The newspaper knows us!"

The teacher still didn't believe it.

Yun Hua said faintly: "Teacher, everything you want is explained by the children. The money is indeed not stolen by them. Should you apologize?"

"Who stole the money? Only they had exactly three dollars on them." The teacher said with a black face.

Yun Hua glanced at Liu Hong and smiled: "Student Liu Hong, the card on your head is very beautiful. I saw it at the department store yesterday. It's from Hong Kong Island."

Liu Hong's face suddenly turned white.

Just then, Liu Hong's parents also came. A middle-aged woman was aggressive: "Who steals the red money of our family, stand up!"

The teacher hurriedly said, "The two boys did not admit it, they said that the money was theirs, and they had to check it."

"Check what? They have so much money! Our red money was also given to her by her aunt." The middle-aged woman glared at Yun Hua. "You are the parents of the two boys? Young is not good Mom, you have to protect yourself when you do something wrong. "

Yun Hua's eyes grew cold: "I said, my sons didn't steal money. Liu Hong, do you want me to repeat what I just said?"

Liu Hong couldn't help but reach for his new card.

She bit her lip: "Mom, I think of it, my money ... It seems like I received the piggy bank last night. I'm afraid of losing it ... I think of it, I just lost the piggy bank and go back I'll find it for you. "

The middle-aged woman froze, and the teacher froze.

It was really not expected that Liu Hong would suddenly turn against her.

Yunhua looked at Liu Hong: "Are you sure you didn't lose your money? Did you put it in the piggy bank yourself?"

Liu Hong did not dare to look at Yun Hua's face and nodded his head: "I remembered that the money was not lost, that is ... it was just put up by me. I was just panicked. I forgot about it and treated it as my money lost……"

The teacher's face is very bad.

The middle-aged woman also shot Liu Hong fiercely, "You dead girl, you can't remember this, your brain was eaten by the dog."

The teacher quickly released the siege, "Don't scold the child, this kind of thing is sometimes normal to forget."

Yun Hua looked at the teacher: "Now things are clear. Teacher, should you apologize to my sons?"

The teacher blushed: "Comrade Lin, how can you make the teacher apologize to the students? How can you make them respect the teacher in the future?"

"Respect the teacher and respect the teacher. You must have respect for the teacher." Yun Hua's attitude is very strong. "Teacher, do you know that you previously thought that Dudu and Tudou were thieves? Going around is considered a thief. "

"We know they don't have to."

"No," Yunhua said, "I ask the teacher to apologize to Doudou and Todou in public, and to ask you to say that Doudou and Todou are not thieves in front of the class!"

"This is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)