MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 740 She is mine

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The succession ceremony of the next owner of the Ye family can be described as lively. First, a true and false Ye family, revenge and resentment, now it is a fire dragon and a bead, which is really wonderful.

And this big show of congratulations is not the usual dragon and lion dance at the door of the company's opening. The flame calculated to flip up and down in the air has long exceeded the laws of nature, and the fire dragon game is not a colored ball, but a genuine one. people.

As time passed by, Mo said that it was the audience and the fugitives also knew that this was a deliberate teasing by the opponent.

Even though Nakata had resentment in his heart, the situation was stronger than others. His skin had been burned a lot, and the burning pain made him afraid. Then he gave up his bones and asked for dignity to ask for mercy. "Song Ye, stop and ask Stop, I confess, confess! "

You win.

There is a competition on the platform. Once the point is reached, the opponent will stop if he admits defeat, and may not continue to attack.

Unfortunately, "this is not a test." Song Ye raised his eyebrows, his cold voice was not high or low, but it just passed into everyone's ears, and he was murderous with anger, "Your provocation is this end."

She raised her hand and waved, indicating that she had seen enough of the man's funny face.

The people on the stage thought she was launching a power, and her heart was stunned, and she immediately saw that the fire dragon that had been walking tepidly rose suddenly in the air, and then opened her mouth and rushed into the speed. Tian Ping.

"Ah ..." A scream screamed through the air, lingering in the whitening days of autumn, and could not dissipate for a long time. The whole person of Nakada was shrouded in flames, struggling in pain, shouting, and finally burned to ashes.

Song Ye saw painful despair and regret from his last glance, but unfortunately, if he didn't do anything, he wouldn't die. Everything was too late.

From the beginning, he was used as a gunman and thought he was right. This time, he really regretted that he had no life to recover.

There is just such a person who can use it to kill chickens, tamarins, and Song Ye.

The flame was completely extinguished, and the burnt corpse was flying in the wind, and it seemed like a gray snow was falling in the sky. The smell lingering on the nose made people feel suffocated and panic. Both the Ye family and other members of the family Stuck into a brief silence, staring silently at the girl above the altar and killing someone, she is still the cold look, and the majesty of the eyebrows makes people dare not look straight.

Those eyes that despised and looked down upon before became fear in this incineration. At the age of eighteen, there is such a means. No one can estimate how far they will grow in the future.

"Congratulations to the owner, congratulatory congratulatory family, and his subordinates are willing to follow him." Suddenly, the crescent moon in front of the team knelt on one knee and shouted such a sentence.

The voice shocked the disciples of Ye family, and then more people chose to surrender.

"Congratulations to the family and congratulations to the family. Her subordinates are willing to follow and die." The children of the Ye family all knelt down neatly.

In such a world with strong respect, there is nothing more reliable than adhering to a strong and advancing under the leadership of the strong.

Although the Seven Great Families have not become popular with the time to bow down as the times advance, the day when the hosts took over, everyone must bow their heads in order to show unity.

Even Ye Meirou, an elder, could not be exempted, but if you look closely, you will find how hard she grasped her fingertips on the skirt under her weak, pitiful appearance.

Qin Zhan looked at Song Ye from afar. A comfortable and gentle smile was held at the corner of his mouth. The hand resting on the coffee table was just about to be retracted, and suddenly he felt a look from his side.

He turned his head to face Father Luo's old face that could be used as the bottom of the pot, and his eyes full of meaning.

On the day when the Ye family succeeded to the ceremony, the Luo family first left the field. When Song Ye stepped forward, he didn't get any good looks.

He rushed back to the Luo family all the way, and as soon as he entered the main house, Father Luo gave up all his children and grandchildren, leaving Qin Zhan to discuss in detail. This created the illusion of being a pet, and immediately gave Qin Zhanla Here comes a wave of hatred.

In fact, the atmosphere in the hall that closed the door at this time was completely frozen.

"A Zhan, I have investigated. When you first came, you were with Song Ye. It is said that you have a good relationship." Father Luo was sitting on the chair of the master's chair, black and green dyed in a brocade, ironed. Properly seated, sitting deep and deep, really like a high-powered ancient teacher.

He did not directly break through Qin Zhan's relationship with Song Ye, and did not want to speak up.

Qin Zhan was very generous, sitting there as steady as Taishan, "Well, she is mine."

She is my person.

This understatement made the old man nearly slip out of the chair, and slammed, and immediately patted the table, "Your person? You know what you said in the mouth, is the new homeowner who has succeeded Ye's family. Of the same race? "

This is not a good match for Qin Zhan's future, whether it is a homeowner or his family.

Mr. Luo finally managed to wait for such a good seedling to inherit the family business. He had already arranged the way for him, even his future wife. But now Qin Zhan suddenly told him that he had stepped into the muddy water of Ye Family's beach.

"My affairs, I decide for myself." Qin Zhan was still indifferent, as if the other party was angry or happy, it had nothing to do with him.

Father Luo blocked his heart in one breath. If he had grown up in his own hands, he would have to go up and pump his two mouths, but he had some scruples about Qin Zhan.

This elder grandson has been calm and calm since he came back, giving a deep sense of mystery, high ability, fierce shot, those juniors in the yard, and even some elders have suffered under his hands, Father Luo He still couldn't figure out his temper, and he was passive at all, so he didn't dare to step over the border.

So after pondering over and over again, he could only bear his temper and said, "Without mentioning Song Ye's identity, she is the blood of the seven major families. If you are with her, you will touch the curse of intermarriage between the same family. Children and grandchildren will be scourged. "

Whenever a man wants to pass on the line, who knows that the gene is not suitable has to find himself unhappy.

Mr. Luo did not touch Qin Zhan's inverse scale, and tried to make him give up with roundabout tactics.

Unfortunately, there really is such a person in this world who doesn't care about this.

Qin Zhan lifted his eyes and looked at the old man, "I want her, and it has nothing to do with her quality, health, and offspring."