MTL - Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 72

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Ananda woke up from a coma. First of all, she felt a burning pain in her shoulder. She was strangled by a hand around her neck, she had trouble breathing, and a man's proud laughter sounded in her ear.

"Haha ... Lord Dachu, I didn't expect you to come so soon! Sure enough, you shouldn't let go of that lucky girl!" The man's voice was a little regretful.

"Let her go!" The cold baritone still calm, but like a deep pond that contains indescribable coldness and murderous intent, more unbearable than the chill of this early spring.

When she heard the familiar voice, she felt a shock in her heart, narrowed her eyes and looked away. She just saw the tower not far away. What made her tremble is that the knight sitting on the horse below the city tower, wearing a Jinyi fox fur, a black cloak, is upright and resolute, and proudly, she is prestigious in the cold sunshine of spring, but she is so brave. The serious face remained, only those pairs of eyes that should have been so quiet and deep beating the indescribable flames that made people palpitated.

She looked at the man holding the bow and arrow at them not far away and almost forgot her situation. However, very quickly, the strength of the big hand around her neck tightening made her cough.

"Awake?" The man who hijacked her looked down at her with a surprised look, and raised a weird smile on the corner of his lips. He said, "I never thought that King Su of Dachu would find you missing so soon! Look He really loves you here, and puts strict protective measures around you! Alas, just a woman, why ?! "

His voice was a little scornful, and it looked like he looked down on a man who was so painstakingly trying for a woman.

Ananda was relieved. No matter who Chu Baning arranged for her to guard in secret, she just wanted to thank him for his care and love, and understood why he appeared so quickly. She thought that he should be in a hurry to get to the news, so he only brought out a few of his guards, and there was no Tongcheng guard soldier. The gate behind him was closed, and it seemed to be his own arrangement.

"Lord, go first, after your subordinates break with Sagu!" Adu's voice sounded.

Ananda was half-sit on a carriage at this time, half of her body was confined in his arms by the man, and the hand around her neck forced her to lift her head slightly, so as not to be too uncomfortable. At the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang glanced at the carriage, and Adu stood side by side with a scimitar, alertly, and the expression had already made a lifeless decision for this. And there is a strange man on the side. It is estimated that it is the "Sago". There is a horse hissing from time to time behind the carriage. There should be a few people riding on the horse, which are under the North Vietnamese royal men.

"Not in a hurry, let the king see what the prince of Dachu has!" The man's voice was arrogant, as if he didn't put his opponent in his eyes. Then he showed a white tooth to the man who was not far away, and said loudly, "Master of Dachu, do you think? Do you want me to Luo Kui's life, or do you want this woman? Oh, actually, A woman, just kill her and look for it! Dachu's lord, do you think I'm right? "

When Ananda heard the name "Du Luo Kui", she knew in her heart that it was Du Luo Kui, the seventh son of the North Vietnamese King. However, after hearing a few words of contempt for a woman behind him, Ananda was annoyed with heart: This is not the world of bl having children, can you be born without a woman? And his words provocatively provoke Ananda for a while.

Sure enough, it was hard to see that the prince's increasingly calm face and dazzling eyes had an illusion of being burned in his heart.

"Du Luokui, how can you let go of her?" Chu Baning asked calmly, with a few days of heavenly power and supremacy of the superiors. Even under threats, he was so proud that he couldn't succumb.

Du Luokui was happy in his heart, but he laughed, "The grandfather of Dachu, although this is only the first time, the king has to say that you have failed. The elder husband stands between the heavens and the earth, and has the ambition of Ling Yun. The woman compromised, oh! "Du Luokui shook his head in a sigh as if to admire the expression on his face, and then said," Let your people go back to the city, and we must not stop us from leaving. When we arrive safely in Heishui City, we will naturally release Your princess! "

Chu Ba Ning looked at him coldly and quietly, then hummed and said, "Du Luokui, do you think the king is as brave as you are? Fool!"

That contemptuous contempt and straightforward words were so pitiful! As the seventh son of the North Vietnamese King, Du Luokui is famous in the court for his cunning and ruthlessness. One of the most successful heirs of the North Vietnamese King, the future prairie master, has never dared to call him a fool! And the prince successfully angered him!

"Oh, Chu Ba Ning, you can talk now, but the king doesn't mind twisting the woman's neck." Du Luo Kuipi said with a smile, his hands tightened a bit.

Ananda showed an uncomfortable look, grasping the hand around his neck with both hands, knowing that he still had some strength, just to threaten Chu Baning with her. Ananda bit her lip and looked at the man in the distance. She didn't know how he felt at this moment, but she felt that she had to save herself! Do nothing and wait for a man to save a woman is definitely sb! She can't wait!

Suddenly, Adu exclaimed, something broke.

"Sneak attack, protect the Lord !!"

Ananda knew that this was a good time. While everyone's minds were attracted by the sudden attack, he felt a silver maggot on his head with difficulty, plucked it out, and grasped the silver maggot tightly. Severely piercing the sharp edge of Yin Zhi from the waist into Du Luokui's abdomen. Du Luokui was supposed to deal with the man in black who was ambushing next to him, but he never thought that, being caught off guard, the woman he was once again despised hurt him.

The pain came, and Du Luokui was so pale that he could hardly believe that the same woman could hurt him again ...

Du Luokui hated so much that he couldn't care about the woman who wanted to kill and kill him again and again! When he was about to tighten her strength and twist her neck, the sound of the arrow string burst suddenly made him have to avoid the dying arrow first.

An Nian couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, and saw that the man in black who was attacking suddenly was Chu Ba Ning's dark guard, knowing that he would not have a chance if he didn't run at this time, and when Du Luokui was injured by her, she let go. He was ruthless, grabbed the clothes on his shoulders, and threw him over a shoulder.

Du Luokui fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Coincidentally, at this time, a broken arrow shot at Du Luokui's position. If it wasn't for Anan's over the shoulder, the arrow should have hit Du Luokui.


A Duo and Sa Gu sounded loudly, but they could not be stopped by the dark guard, and could only watch as their petite woman fell out of their great master in a strange posture. In the meantime, not only was Adu and others dumbfounded, in fact, even those guards brought by Chu Baning had the same incredible expression.

Ananda was a little bit guilty, and naturally knew who shot the arrow, knowing that he had broken the good thing of the Lord, secretly crying, but the body responded quickly to the thief, freed from the restraint of Du Luokui, turned and headed for the city gate. She ran in the direction, but she was injured and pinched her neck. Her strength had not recovered and she was not running fast.

Du Luokui soon got a woman standing upright, her hands covering her abdomen and glaring at the woman who repeatedly hurt him.

"I am going to kill you!"

Du Luokui was red with a pair of eyes, her face was haggard, her eyes had an unspeakable hatred, and she could not wait to kill her on the spot. Also, a future prairie master, who was beaten by a woman who had no cling to the power of a chicken, punched a hole in the egg, and was knocked out somehow, it really hurt the man's heart.

Du Luokui's voice didn't fall. She raised her hand towards the girl who ran towards the city gate, and saw a flash of cold light, and a dagger in the sleeve stabbed away--


Ananda heard that he broke the calm and furious voice, and heard the sound of wind and something breaking into the air. He looked up and saw the man who came from the horse slightly crouched, and his cloak rolled out with the wind. A wave of arc, hunting in midair, and the arrow in his hand blasted towards her ...

She didn't know why the arrow came at herself, but she couldn't stop.

She only heard a slight sound of "Ding". She took the opportunity to turn her head and happened to see the arrow leaning over her shoulder. She struck a stabbed dagger in the wrong direction. Her heart was cold and she couldn't care about anything else. With heavy legs running forward. Suddenly, when she heard Adu roar, she felt that the blade on the back was sharp and aggressive, making her heart chill, and then a thrust came from her back, and she fell forward.

When Ananda closed her eyes in preparation for the unlucky angel who faced the ground, he suddenly tightened his waist, and the whole man flew up, then fell into a familiar embrace, a pair of strong arms tightened her Hold it as if to rub her into the body!

Smelling the familiar smell on the man, she relaxed.


Suddenly, a terrifying scream sounded. Ananda turned to look at it, and saw the horse's forefoot lifted up, hissing, and then the two hoofs stepped heavily on Adu, who had been hurt by an arrow in front. On him, blood splattered ...

Her head was pinched into his warm chest by a big hand. In addition to the sound of wind whispering in her ears, there were various sounds of swords and swords. The sound, and those **** eyes that were about to explode, filled her with resentment ...

"You killed your most loyal subordinates, and your king wants you to pay."

Du Luokui roared and grabbed a bow and arrow. He is a good prairie hunter, and his archery makes him extremely skilled. Ananda heard the broken arrow string approaching, and then was beaten by something. From beginning to end, she was held tightly in her arms.

"Ha ha ha! Chu Ba Ning, you don't want Lao Tzu's life so simple! One day, I will let you and that woman die!"

Du Luokui's voice seemed to come from hell, full of resentment, reminding her of his gaze like a wild beast, and the bite on her shoulder.

"Kill them!" The voice of the man holding her was calm and cold, unmoved by Du Luokui's words.

Women really are not suitable for war.

Her throat was dry, her stomach was nauseous and she wanted to vomit, but the most painful and uncomfortable thing was a hot back pain, as if something was being lost. She knew that this was the blade that A Duo had just penetrated into her body, but she also made a stroke on her back. The blood had stained the clothes on her back.

"Ananda, you did a good job, hold on!" He held her tightly, whispering in her ears while blocking Du Luokui's attack.

She sat sideways in his arms, hearing his voice and looked up at him with difficulty, only to see his sturdy and firm jaw. His eyes were a little hazy, and he wanted to smile at him, but his mouth just moved, and the flames in his eyes before him were not extinguished. She knew that there was still a raging flame under his calm appearance. She knew that she was miserable this time. He was even more angry than when she knew she was sick when she came to Tongcheng last time. Now, she will not only be tortured, but also tortured.

But she really hurts, and her consciousness gradually blurred ...


When Ananda woke up vaguely, he heard Ru Cui's cry.

"Woohoo ... Master, it's not good for slaves, slaves haven't protected the lady ..."

"Girl, you cry a little bit, and it will make you noisy." Wen Liang's voice sounded.

The voice was really low, but still sobbing.

She felt that she was lying on her stomach, smelling a strong medicine smell in her nose, and a burning pain in her back, which made her think that she was in a dream, and a warm hand gently touched her face, Seems to smooth her frown.

"Zi Xiu, things are done?" Asked the low baritone.

At this time, Wen Liang was not shaking the fan like usual, and the whole person was very serious: "Master, please rest assured, no one knows this except us. When the city door is closed, the people thought it was a bold North Vietnamese dive. Enter the city to murder, and you take someone to stop them, no one knows that the princess was robbed. "

Chu Baning sat in front of the bed, staring at the pale **** the bed, her eyes dark and arguable. She stroked her pale face with her hands, and moved her fingertips to her dry pale lips and rubbed them.

"Where's Du Luokui?"

"I'm sorry to let him run away. However, according to his injury, if there is no rescue, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach Heishui City safely. I have sent someone to hunt along the way." Wen Liang answered, "But we caught one. A North Vietnamese named Sagu, according to him, Du Luokui has been lurking in our Dachu to gather information. This time to confirm whether the news that General Zhao was seriously ill was true, and then he ventured into Tongcheng. The arrested North Vietnamese just wanted to help him get out and then exposed himself as a murderer, so that we can relax our vigilance and let the North Vietnamese Seven Princes trapped in the city escape. "

"Continue to use torture, let him spit out everything he knows." Chu Ba Ning looked serious, but his eyes were cold and faint.

Wen Liang answered, and silently mourned the guard in his heart. It is not good for anyone to hijack them. It is because they have committed someone's heart. It is estimated that a certain grandfather will catch Du Luokui to vent his hatred.

"Also, no one should know about this!" Chu Ba Ning looked at the two in the room, warning himself.

Ru Cui buried her head and responded obediently.

Wen Liang was so chilled by his eyes that he knew he was going to hide the matter, otherwise he wouldn't call the Taiyi when he brought people back, but he would give Ananda his own medicine. Wen Liang knew that this matter was important, so she would rot it in her belly. As the Lord said to the outside, the princess felt cold and sick in bed.

After discussing the matter for a while, when Liang Ruan brought the medicine, Wen Liang and Ru Cui were allowed to go out.

Out of the main room, Ru Cui's eyes were still red and swollen.

"Girl, I can't see how fierce you are!" As soon as he went out, Wen Liang returned to being a bad military officer in Dangerlang, and said with a smile.

Ru Cui glanced at him, and lowered his head without saying a word.

Wen Liang touched her head and said, "You did a good job, I'm so relieved! It's your credit to the Princess to be saved so quickly."

Ru Cui looked up in surprise and saw the opposite man's eyes filled with Yingying's smile, a handsome face with a warm smile, and a look of appreciation and comfort, which was very heart-moving.

"Thank you, Lord Wen." Ru Cui felt better and said gratefully.

Wen Liang smiled, and then opened the fan and slammed again.

"Well, you're tired for a day too, just go to rest."

"Yes." Ru Cui blessed him and turned to leave.

Wen Liang looked at the figure that Yahuan left and frowned slightly.

Although he said words of comfort to the girl, he also knew that Princess Wang's injury made Wang Ye very angry. In fact, he didn't know anything other than knowing a stab wound behind the princess. What puzzled him was that Princess Su's injuries were not serious and did not hurt her, but she didn't know why Wang's face was so cold and dark? Is there anything insider?

Wen Liang slowly thought back to what Ru Cui had just described, combined with the information sent by Chu Ba Ning to his confidant, it was hard to understand why Wang Ye was so furious. He didn't get the news until the end of the matter, and only knew that Ananda had a machete of a North Vietnamese woman scratched his back, but because Chu Ba Ning shot in time, the knife was not deep, it just made her blood Too much coma.

Did he already love her so much that she couldn't accept even a little damage?

Wen Liang thought so with his chin on the top of the fan.

However, Wen Liang naturally did not know that Ru Cui had concealed some of these processes, and he did not even say to Chu Ba Ning that Ananda was bitten. Although Chu Baning was not clear about the process, but when he saw the blood-stained tooth mark on Ananda's shoulder, even if he wanted to pretend that he could not see it, what else could he not understand?

This is the reason why Chu Baning hates Du Luokui.


Indoors, Chu Baning took the medicine that Ru Lan took, and waved her to quit.

Chu Baning was sitting on the bed with deep eyes looking at the sleepless **** the bed. She seemed to be enduring great pain. Her dry lips were slightly stretched and she groaned.

She was half dreaming and half awake, and the tragic battlefield situation was infinitely replayed in the dream.

Chu Baning looked for a while, held her up, held the bowl with the medicine in the mouth, put her head down and put it on her lips, and fed the bitter medicine.

The bitter and astringent medicine entered the throat, and finally brought her back to reality from that nightmare.

Ananda opened her eyes, and what was printed in her eyes was a magnificent handsome face, with a warm touch on her lips.

His eyelids were narrow, half-covering those lonely eyes, and the medicine he fed into her mouth was bitter, and his lips and tongue forcefully forced her to swallow the medicine into her throat, after she swallowed, The slippery and warm tongue passed through every part of her mouth, stirred and sucked, and swept every corner of her mouth carefully, and soon he sucked the bitter medicine ...


When he finally managed to pull back, she opened her mouth and wanted to talk. Who knew that he took another sip of medicinal juice and brought it up, covered her lips, continued to feed the medicine, and sucked a deep kiss. His movement was very slow, and he fed it with a sip of medicine, ignoring her now that she was awake, so she could drink the medicine herself, and in this slow speed, let her slowly taste the bitterness The bitter medicinal smell made her want to drink everything without a word.

After so many times, she finally found that she was in a bad situation.

She is lying on the bed naked-naked all over. The knife wound on her back has been treated and the bandage has been bandaged. The bite on her shoulder has let her know that she has been treated with medicine, but she has not bandaged the bandage. When he was feeding, his fingers stroked the skin around the wound from time to time, so that her nerves were slightly stretched.

When he finally kissed her enough, he put her back on the bed to lie down, and in her surprised stare, he slowly took off his clothes to reveal his tall and tall body.

Ananda's breathing was stagnant, his eyes were dull, and he saw that something stubborn between his long legs did not look up, Fang was relieved.

But, soon, she found herself relaxing too early.

He directly lifted the quilt covering her and went to bed. The warm red-naked body stuck to her, because she was injured and didn't press it directly. She just lay on her side, her hot breath fell on her. -Behind the naked ...

The author has something to say: It is full of intrigue, and it took an afternoon to fix this chapter ... In order to code this chapter, I don't know if I have been sitting in front of the computer for too long, and my brain hurts for a while.

So encourage it!


Thanks to the mines thrown by Zhai Yan and Xunhun, thank you, what a ~

House-mother threw a mine tossing time: 2013-01-0514: 07: 58

Soul threw a mine tossing time: 2013-01-0422: 26: 592