MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 10 Cooking

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The past life of Mulberry had no understanding of this younger sister. She didn’t know what to say when she was quiet. She was born in the life of her aunt. She has always been a good person, and she has nothing to do with it. It can be said that the loss of her little girl in this singer, Sang Yu and Shi Lian did not slumber, and there are some words that have not been cold.

In addition to Shirui, such a relative is a torment for Mulberry and Shilian, a scene that has to be done.

After a while, Gu Fangzi also smiled. When I came in and saw the three of them, they clap their hands and smiled: "The big watch is very lively here! The big watch is really good. I didn't expect this to enter the door with the two cousins." I am familiar with it, and my two cousins ​​of Peony Court have never been so complete!"

Gu Fangzi's voice was soft and clear, and it turned like a sly, and when she heard a spirit, the three people did not feel a smile, and the heart was smooth.

Mulberry screamed "Cousin" modestly busy and let Gu Fangzi sit down. When Lianlian and Shirui rushed to call "Cousin!", the house suddenly became a lot of fun, and it was easy to loosen a few points.

"It's not! I want to go to the cousin to play, but unfortunately the cousin and the lobby brother are busy with the business outside, or else stay with the aunt! When the cousin goes back to heaven, I want to play I can’t go! I’ve heard about the good peony in my cousin’s yard. I want to see it!” Shi Rui’s big eyes, squinting with water and grapes, smiled, and didn’t know what to say. The embarrassment brought.

Gu Fangzi suddenly looked awkward and his face turned red. Although she and the phoenix of the levy of the government, no one knows, no one knows, Wang is also the default, can be called a little girl in front of the face of mulberry, she still feels guilty.

When Shirui began to say, when the lotus was holding the blue-and-flowered scented tea cup in his hand, he could appreciate the pattern on the top, and he was so absorbed and intoxicated that he did not know what was going on outside.

Shilian can be stupid, but the mulberry is not so good, but he has to be dumb and make a look of interest. He smiled at the time: "Listen to the five sisters who like flowers, I don’t know if there are some flowers in this garden. What a flower! When the weather is good, let's go shopping!"

When Li Lian heard the words, he quickly lifted his eyes and sang down. He continued to play and appreciate the tea bowl in his hand.

Gu Fangzi said with relief and said: "The big watch said that it is good! When the weather is good, it is time to go shopping! The gardens of the aunt's family have colored flowers, and it is beautiful every year when the flowers bloom!"

Shirui children love to be busy, and they are also smiling and applauding. They think about it and say to Sang: "I passed the garden yesterday and saw the gardenia on the side of Fangyuan just open. A large piece of snow and white, smelling the fragrance all the time! Big sister-in-law, cousin, or else we will go to enjoy the game tomorrow?

Tomorrow? Tomorrow, Mulberry will return to the three dynasties!

I think that tomorrow morning, Fengju will accompany the mulberry back to the door. Gu Fangzi’s heart can’t help but some acidity. The eyes are not willing to flash, and the white-skinned jade fingers are on the head. Gently, softly smiled and said: "You, when you talk about playing, you don't care about it. I can't wait to go here! But, Minger can't, Minger, you have to go back to the door." !"

"Back to the door? What is the door back?" When Rui Rui asked, he asked.

We all sneered at the lips, and Mulberry and Gu Fangzi also laughed. When the lotus finally finished the tea bowl in her hand, she smiled and smiled. Shi Rui called everyone to laugh inexplicably, looking at this, looking at that, confused: "I, what am I wrong?"

"What do you know about your little child's family!" Gu Fangzi's relatives glanced at the mulberry, and smiled and said: "Go back to the house, and you have to go back to your mother's house! You have to wait a few days for the weather to be warmer. In the afternoon of the sun, let's go to the garden again, and by the way, we can fly a kite. How?"

Gu Fangzi took the initiative to help herself solve the problem, and Mulberry should naturally vote for her and gratefully, and nodded slightly to her.

Shirui "Oh" seemed to understand and understand, but he couldn’t help but fly the kite and he was happy. He grinned and said good, and said with great interest in the big room. The swallow kites come.

"Let's sit back and sing, it's time to go back, don't disturb the big scorpion!" The lotus face showed two points of tiredness and smiled.

"Exactly!" Gu Fangzi also smiled and nodded, and turned to Mulberry and smiled: "We will not bother with the big watch, and I will have to cook after a while! I whispered to the big watch." My aunt likes to eat winter melon, hey, big watch made this, and my aunt is happy!"

"Is it? Oh, thank you cousin for mentioning it!" Mulberry's eyes lit up with a smile on his lips, but his hand was pinched.

In the past life, she was also kindly mentioning her. She really made a winter melon, but the winter melon was made by hands and feet. Wang ate a rash that was allergic and covered with a face, and was laughed at by a lady. For a long time, so Wang will hate her teeth and never want to see her again!

"The big watch is polite!" Gu Fangzi giggled, blinking at her naughty, and went with Shilian and Shirui sisters.

Mulberry sighed with relief, winter melon, winter melon!

Since Gu Fangzi said that Wang’s favorite to eat melon in front of so many people, if she does not do it, she does not seem to take Wang’s affairs seriously, and she seems to deliberately not take care of her feelings! This winter melon, even if she doesn't want to do it, has to do it.

It is said that the new wife is cooking and rectifying the dishes. In fact, the kitchen lists the menus so that the new daughter-in-law can pick up a few samples from them. In addition to one or two, the new wife will be the master, and the rest will still be made by the kitchen. Otherwise, where is the new wife, there is a lot of energy to rectify a whole table of dishes.

In the past life, the mulberry made melon and steamed squid. Since the winter melon can't get rid of it, Mulberry decided to still make these two dishes.

When she checked the menu and said to the kitchen lady, Jane said, she clap her hands and smiled: "This is a coincidence. I just got two big fresh squid here. The old slave is trying to get it with the big grandma. This is done! There is also a winter melon, which is what the big lady likes, and it is just right!"

Mulberry nodded and smiled. "I will do both of these things, and the rest will fall on you!"

"Grandma is polite! This is the old slave!" Jane was busy laughing.

The mulberry is also unambiguous, and immediately tied the apron, pulled the narrow sleeves, and lived with the willow buds.

When she was at her parents' home, she used to do housework. She entered the kitchen without any strangeness. One cut the scales of the squid, and one washed the melons in a clean and orderly manner.

After a while, the fish was washed clean, the mulberry was picked up, marinated and placed on an oval plate, sprinkled with finely cut **** onions, carefully placed in a steamer and covered. Liu Ye moved to the stool and sat down to watch the fire. Mulberry told her to go to the steamer to the table, and she was not allowed to leave her sight for a moment.

On the other side of the mulberry, the melon is also ready. The small rows, chicken, red dates, mushrooms, glutinous rice, dried bamboo shoots, ham, etc. are also cut into pieces, each of which is prepared by the mulberry.

When the upper drawer was cooked, the mulberry was slightly relieved.

"Grandma, here is smokey, you can sit outside and have a rest, here we will become!" Jane Niangzi came over and smiled.

In less than two days since I entered the door, I have been so swayed by the secrets of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the lessons of previous blood are hanging high above the head. Besides the buds, no one is the Mulberry. I can believe it, and I smiled and shook my head. "No matter, you are busy with you. I can still watch it when I am in the heat."

Jane Niangzi did not insist on it anymore. She smiled and praised the words "Grandma is really attentive, really filial!" and she really went to her own.

The firewood in the stove burned steadily, and the fire was moderate, not too slow. Silently staring at the flames jumping in the hearth, the mulberry heart stretched out secretly, this time from beginning to end she personally sat down, this, there will always be no more scorpions!

I didn’t want her to just turn around. The outsider heard the call of “A Grandma! Grandma!”, and the heart of the mulberry was so heavy that it was not good.

"What's wrong?" Although Mulberry heard the voice of the apricot branch, she still didn't go out, but waited in the kitchen. At this moment, unless there was a fire in the kitchen, she would never take a step!

When Apricot saw that she didn't go out, she had to come in and gave her a cursing sentence: "Grandma, the young master came back and said that he would use the key to use it urgently!"

The key, the mulberry remembered. In the morning, the phoenix took the rush, and dropped a string of two keys from the body. Xingzhi said that the two keys were carried by the young master. No one dared to move. Mulberry could not, but he had to lie on himself. I want to wait for him to come back to him when he comes back in the evening. Who knows that he is so smart, he will use it urgently.

"Then you will take it to the young master!" Mulberry smiled and took the key out of his body and handed it to the apricot branch.

"Grandma," Apricot refused to take a step back, accompanied by a smile: "This, or grandma, you personally send it to the young master! This key is the baby of the young master, the slaves do not dare to move!" Of course, the apricot branch will not be tempted to provoke any suspicion.

Mulberry almost didn't have to go back! How is her luck so good! Is this the instinct that cannot escape? She is wary, careful and careful, and it is the last step. Is it destined to give people a hole?

"Grandma, let's go, the young master is waiting! Oh, the slaves are here to help the grandmother!" Apricot said that he was hesitant to see him.

If the words are on this part, if Sang Yu is postponed, he will not be able to say it. Shi Fengju is her husband, the husband is the sky, the husband’s words are the sacred, and the non-compliance is not to live.

This great **** is directly related to her life and death, she can not afford!
