MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 264 Visiting the door

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"Big Brother," Shi Fengming listened to his heart and felt sad, but it was a bitter smile: "I know that I am sorry for my mother, but I really like Qinger! She is a good girl, it is not her fault, it is not her fault, Big Brother, Can you help us? You help me, I am grateful to you in this life! I don’t have to worry about it!"

Shi Feng sighed: "How do you feel obsessed with it? I know that you don't like to listen, but this Su Qinger is really not a good person. I really don't understand why you are so stupid!"

"I know Big Brother, you are biased against her!" When Feng Fengming could hear it, but there was no anger at the time of rejuvenation, it was only the kind of stubbornness that deepened into the bone marrow. I don't know how to vent.

"Big brother, if you can't accept Qing Er in the house, I won't go back with you!" Shi Fengming saw his cold face disappointed. "I don't want to worry about my mother. I wrote a letter, you help me." Bring it back! Just let my mother rest assured!"

"If you really think about them, then go back quickly!" Feng Feng said faintly: "I have to send you a letter, I will not bring you back, or else you will not complain." I won't bring you back?"

When Feng Ming heard it, he was happy again. "Big brother, will you not be difficult for me?"

When Feng Feng said: "I can't! I can't look at your quagmire. You can think about it yourself. In the past two years, have you been accommodating the woman or what she paid for you? You said she was right. How good you are, I didn't see it anyway! I listened to that moment outside the door, only to hear the calculations of retreating, only hearing the full stomach!"

When Feng Feng did not pay attention to whether he returned to God, he got up and said: "It’s not early, I should go! I live in Bezhuang under the Baota Mountain. If you figure it out, go find me!"

When Feng Ming did not make a sound, he got up and sent him out. He watched him get on the carriage and said, "Big brother is slow!"

When Feng Feng’s indifference turned back, his eyes passed over and I didn’t know when it came out and sticked to it. When Feng Ming’s smile was frivolous, Su Qinger’s face was cold.

"Long Huan, you bring two people to look at this place. If there is any movement, you will immediately report it. If the second master is gone, you will wait for the board!" Feng Fengju naturally will not let go of Feng Ming.

In the house, Su Qinger held the arm of Feng Ming, gentle and quiet, and smiled with him and sat down with him. He personally offered tea and him. "The young master and Erlang are really brothers and have been talking for so long. If the young master is a little cold on the face, but the heart is good, it is not difficult for us! If you see it next time, Erlang may be more polite!"

When Feng Ming shook her hand and smiled a little, he said that he still praises him, but he can't wait for you to disappear immediately!

When Su Qing’s children saw Feng Ming’s failure to pick up his own words, he had to understand and smile and asked: “What did the young master tell Erlang, is Erlang convenient to tell me?”

"Qinger," Shi Fengming did not answer her words. She suddenly became very serious. "Would we leave Hangzhou tomorrow? Is it good? We are looking for a small town with a simple folk style, buy a house and settle down. A small shop, I will live a good life in the future. After three or four years, we have children and return to the government. I believe that when you look at your child, you will accept us!"

Su Qinger was a bit stupid for a while, her goal was always the time, not a town with a simple folk style! Although it was elopement with Shi Fengming at the time, it was actually a retreat.

She did not believe that when the two masters and the second wife really deserved their own sons, their sons left their homes for their own willingness to suffer and suffer from sin, their parents can not care, do not feel bad? In the past two years, Shi Fengming has wanted to write a letter back to her home several times, so that she can let her disappear because of her exposure. She just wants them to be afraid and ask them to sleep hard. Now after two years of suffering, she does not believe that they are still the iron heart! More importantly, the 80,000 yuan of silver that Feng Fengming brought out is about to be spent. When I really settled in a small town, I opened a shop! On the day of the rough tea, every day, in order to earn a few poor copper plates, I am worried that I have to count on the restaurant again and again. This day, she is absolutely impossible to go to Su Qinger!

The old age is easy to be old, and the Chinese is easy to die. The days go to her youthful years, the exquisite face, what else does she take to keep Fengming’s heart? As long as you enter the time, mixed with a mother, Ronghua is not a hand to come? When Feng Ming hurts her so much, she will not be wronged! That kind of life is what she wants, not the present, and the future plan of Fengming’s words!

"Qinger, are you not willing?" Feng Feng suddenly became nervous. He wants to prove to Feng Feng, to prove that his eyes are not wrong, Qing Er really loves him! Therefore, she can't refuse.

"How can I not like it," Su Qinger said that she was a little longer and sluggish, and said softly: "As long as I am with you, I am willing to go anywhere! However, you really don't want to." You are a mother? In three or four years, it’s just two years. I want you to be in the government. I hope you miss you. My heart is already dying. After three or four years, Erlang, no! I can't stand this kind of suffering!"

Su Qinger tried hard to think of Feng Li’s cold and contemptuous eyes, thinking that the two women were arrogant and rude, and according to the grievances, the tears immediately slammed down.

"Qinger, Qinger," Shi Fengming was in a hurry to hold her into her arms. "You don't cry, Qinger! Hey, Qing, what do you want me to do!"

"Your brother must also advise you to go home, Erlang, let's go back with him! As long as he can help us to say a few good words, you are the son of your mother, they will forgive us!"

When Feng Ming's lips moved, she really missed her mother. Secondly, she was only soft and hard wrapped around Su Qinger. She finally sighed: "If the big brother can open the door to help us talk, then naturally, a little more grasp! But the big brother's temper - - He is too deep on your prejudice, how can it be so easy to open!"

Su Qinger said: "You also said that it is a prejudice. It is because he does not understand me. If he understands me, it will not be like this! Erlang, let's take the initiative, he is not without heart?"

When Feng Ming couldn't help but move, his heart was good. Big Brother didn't understand Qinger. So if he understood it, he would definitely see Qing's good as himself.

"Then let's try, tomorrow, let's go to Bezhuang in the Baota Mountain to meet the big brother." Feng Feng nodded.

Su Qinger was very happy, and nodded and said good. For a moment, he was a little nervous. He asked him what kind of clothes he should wear, what kind of hairpins to wear, what kind of jewelry to wear, how to behave when he got to the place, and when he asked about the temperament of Fengju, and so on.

When Feng Ming heard her eyes gleaming and looked at herself, a nervous, cautious and eager look, only felt extremely pitiful and lovely, and my heart suddenly felt tender and sighed: "Big brother is actually very easygoing." You don't have to be too nervous. What will happen tomorrow? You can be with me, rest assured, I will protect you!

"Well! Erlang, I know that you are the best for me!" Su Qinger smiled and smiled softly on his body.

The next day, at noon, the two finally packed up and went out.

When Feng Feng made up his mind to see him, Feng Li asked him for help and immediately got up. He got up early in the morning and urged Su Qinger to be faster.

But Su Qinger’s smile is not too slow or slow, but he is also eager to make him feel a little more calm and calm. Su Qinger thought that today, Fengju will definitely go to the Chamber of Commerce to get in touch with people. She just has to wait for him to go out before going to the door. In the unlikely event that the phoenix did not go out and refused to let her in, it was not the room for the maneuver. If Feng Jian is not there, Shi Fengming is the master. I don’t think that the people in Zhuangli will not dare to come with him! For Shi Fengming, she still has confidence.

When I came to the bottom of the Baota Mountain, I looked at the powder wall Zhumen and the faintly visible roof of the secluded greenery. When Feng Ming was a little embarrassed. This place came here three years ago with Shi Fengju. I don’t want to come back today, but I am half-master and half-customer!

Knocking on the door, the old servant who opened the door stayed, and actually recognized the Fengming, stuttering: "This is not the second or second master?"

When Feng Feng’s heart suddenly raised a sense of intimacy, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: “It’s me! Oh, you still recognize me!”

"Although the old slave is old, the memory is still good! The second young master, please come in, the young master went out in the morning, I am afraid to come back at night! Oh, the grandmother is here, the old slave is called the grandmother to go! ”

The old servant accompanied his smiling face and invited him to the door. His eyes fell on Su Qing’s body, but it was a slight glimpse.

Su Qinger rolled from the dust of the small wind. When she saw the man, regardless of the young and the young, she showed a sub-style, and immediately smiled at the old servant, and the eyebrows flew away. She thought she was holding her arms, but it made the old servant slightly stiff and unnaturally look away.

The old servant wanted to ask "but the second grandmother", and when he saw the suddenness of his life, the second master did not take the initiative to say that it was obviously not, he only did not see.

When Feng Ming’s eyes lit up, he said: “Big brother is getting married? When is it!”

The old servant heard this and suddenly stunned. When he looked at him in a silly manner, Feng Ming forgot his humility. When did the young master become a relative and two young masters did not know? He is a special watcher in this Zhuangzhuang, and he naturally does not know about the things in the house.

Shi Fengming quickly reacted, and the face was red, and he smiled and smiled: "I have been away from home for two years. I really don't know when my brother is married. Which girl is this big sister? Is it surname Gu or surname San?"

The old servant showed his stunned look and was busy with the smile: "It turned out to be the case! The grandmother is very good, but the old slave is unknown!"

When Feng Feng thought about it, he smiled and didn't ask again. Then walked with the lead of the road and waited in the flower hall.