MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 294 complex

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he came? To apologize to her mother? Want to pick her up? He said that he regretted...

Zhou Jingyi didn't feel that she had raised her hand and helped the amount of help. Suddenly she felt that her heart was jumping very fast, and her body was a little weak and weak.

"Miss, I heard that my grandfather stood in the hall for a long time waiting for the lady's wife to meet. The master and his wife did not see him. Later, he directly led him to go to the guest room to rest. The grandfather had not eaten anything for a long time. Tea has never been a bite!" Su Qing said softly.

Zhou Jingyi smiled and said: "No? His temper, if so, where can I endure it? I am afraid that I will have trouble with my mother! Even if it is not trouble, I will grow up and go!"

If he wants to leave, who can stop him?

"It's true, it's the lady's side!" said Su Qing: "I said that the grandson had also beaten the grandfather three days ago. The grandfather did not fight back. He only said that the lady would allow him to see you! How could the lady promise?"

"Big brother beat him again!" Zhou Jingyi was even more shocked, could not help but slightly distressed. She didn't feel a sneak peek at Su Qing. "How happened so many things, we don't know this news?"

Su Qing did not dare to scream.

Zhou Jingyi thought about it a little, but she understood a few points. If she wants to take her news, isn’t it a breeze? At this moment, Su Qing can hear the news, does it mean that they also --

Zhou Jingyi’s heart was on the move, and some of the slightest on the surface started to heat up.

The man who loved and hated her, she did not expect that he would come to the door, presumably he is sincere at the moment, just do not know how long this true heart can last? It is impossible to think of all the things he treated before, if there is no grievance in the heart, no grievances!

"Since the mother arranged her own meaning, we have heard it, well, I have to wash my face with water, let's rest!" Zhou Jingyi gently pushed the tea bowl and said.

"Miss..." Su Qing had some accidents and was busy asking: "Grandfather over there -"

"Don't worry about him!" Zhou Jingyi said again, the voice was faintly unhappy.

"Yes." Su Qing Gong promised, and asked the little girl to ask for a hot towel. After serving Zhou Jingyi, the master and the servant each fell asleep.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night, but one is hungry and the fire is not able to sleep. The other is a moment of sorrow and sorrow for a while.

It’s hard to shine in the sky. This long night has finally passed, and both of them are relieved!

Zhou Jingyi got up early, and Su Qing was screamed by her sleepy eyes. She stumbled and asked, "How did the young lady get up so early today?" It was scared by Zhou Jingyi and she was so sleepy that she was busy. This will serve the lady to dress and dress!"

When I was properly packed, Zhou Jingyi went out and went to the garden. I didn't feel like I was near the room.

Su Qing is here to see that the door is coming. In the end, Miss remembers to hang her grandfather, but she refuses to admit it.

When did Feng Fengming taste the hunger from childhood to big? Seeing that the sky was bright, I quickly got up, thinking that this time is still early, and I can quietly get some food in the kitchen. I have to keep this empty stomach for a day, and I can’t break my life!

When Feng Feng just left the door, he saw a familiar figure in the hibiscus flower cluster not far away, the lilac-colored clothes, the shackles, and only two or three points of pure jade silver enamel on the raft. Standing in the flowers, the more it looks slim, not who is his grandmother?

When Feng Ming was overjoyed, she was busy rushing towards her. Zhou Jingyi turned around and looked up. She also saw him. He looked at each other and smiled at her. Zhou Jingyi had a sour heart and turned around.

"Jing Yi!" When Feng Ming was in a hurry, he rushed forward and grasped her arm. "Jing Yi, I finally saw you!"

Zhou Jingyi’s body was stiff and still not looking back. For a moment, “How come you are here?”

When Feng Ming was stunned by Su Qing, Su Qing bowed his knees and silently retreated. Shi Fengming changed her palm of coolness. "Jing Yi, go back with me, good, we, we can start again..."

Zhou Jingyi finally looked up at him and gently retracted her hand. "Why? It's hard to get rid of me. You should be very happy. Why do you want to start again? I don't need you to swear or sympathize. Second Master, you still go back. I don't welcome you, my mother and my brother, why bother to suffer here."

Shi Fengming smiled bitterly: "Jing Yi, I regret it! Can you really forgive me? I will treat you well in the future, like, like a big brother to be a big brother, no, it is better to wait for you than your older brother!" Jingyi, can you really forget me? You said that you like me."

"That was before," Zhou Jingyi said. "I don't forget that you have nothing. I will never marry again in my life. Even if I remember you in my heart, I will not be sorry for my future husband!"

"That will follow me back!" Shi Fengming put his hands on her shoulders. "I, I, like you..."

Zhou Jingyi trembled fiercely and stared at him incredulously. After he said this, his face suddenly appeared a suspicious blush. He coughed and didn't look away: "Jing Yi, I will treat you well in the future, and will not teach you to be wronged. I have been wronged by you before, I will compensate you little by little until you are satisfied. If you are angry But, or else, how many times do you hit me and yell at me?"

"boring!" Zhou Jingyi's eyes were red, and the long-lost grievances poured out like a flood. The tears slammed down and couldn't help but bow down and cry.

"Jing Yi, don't cry, don't cry!" At this moment, Shi Fengming really felt a kind of pain in his heart, gently put her into her arms and patted her trembling back to comfort her.

This is the first time he has held her so gently, talking softly and whispering to her, comforting her. This is the gentleness she once hoped for countless times, thinking about countless times but not disappointing, until I finally thought about it, but she got it after they and away! How ironic!

Thinking of Zhou Jingyi's more sadness and grievances, the previous sputum swallowed and half-covered, but now can not help, almost can be said to burst into tears, crying and intermittent complaints.

When Shi Fengming couldn't understand what she was saying, she could hear her grievances and sadness. He smacked her back and held her tightly. She kept comforting her, squatting. She won't cry. He never saw anyone crying so sad, this crying heart did not cause the pain to follow, I can't wait to pass her sadness all over to bear for her!

"What's wrong with this! My son, what's wrong with this!" The voice of Mrs. Zhou's screaming came, and both of them were shocked.

"Jing Yi, don't cry!" Shi Fengming was busy with tears to help her wipe her tears and patted her behind her.

“Xiao Yi!” Mrs. Zhou stepped forward and pulled her daughter over. She saw her face full of tears. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked sad. She couldn’t help but feel distressed and annoyed. "You are doing this kind of stuff, we are kind enough to stay with you. In the early morning, you are bullying my daughter. You see what she is crying! You are a miscellaneous thing, you are not enough for her, I want her. Are you willing to be crying in front of you? Come on, give me this bastard!"

"mother in law--"

"Shut up!" Mrs. Zhou said, he hated: "Who is your mother-in-law! Don't scream!"

"Mother!" Zhou Jingyi only looked at the vent, but did not expect to alarm the mother, and her cheeks flew red, like the red glow. When she saw her mother rushing out, she couldn’t help but rushed. She swept through the crowds and shouted: "I have something to say to my mother, you have all retired! Oh, what can't be done!" ”

The public servants saw the body and fell back.

Mrs. Zhou screamed: "Xiao Yi, don't call this mixed account a few good words to swear! Hey, this person is very cunning, today is pretending to be a model, who knows what he wants in the future! Mother you can come home to serve Bodhisattva, I don't want you to hurt again in the hands of this idiot!"

"Becoming a monk!" Feng Ming was discolored, busy: "Yuemu, Xiaoyi is still so young, how can you bear to force her to be a monk!"

"My heart is still your heart!" Mrs. Zhou stared at him and hated: "How long do you have two eyes? Didn't you see my daughter wearing a plain dress? Hey, it's not because of you, she would rather be a monk. I don’t want to marry again, you talk about my heart! I don’t feel bad about my own daughter? It’s all you!”

"Jing Yi..." When Feng Ming’s heart was filled with Wuwei Chen, she looked at Zhou Jingyi, and she was really abnormal. He did not expect that she would come to this step for him! If, if he does not regret, and does not read her good to come and ask her to turn, is it, she is really accompanied by the ancient Buddha in this life?

Although he did not know, things started with him. It hurts her to spend a lifetime of life, I am afraid that I will go to **** after death!

"Mother-in-law!" When Feng Ming was stunned by Mrs. Zhou, "please please mother-in-law, I asked Jingyi to be a wife!"

Mrs. Zhou told him that this was what he wanted to remember Zhou Jingyi's good. He wanted to have a sigh in his heart. When he saw his heart and reached a deep sigh of relief, he was satisfied with two points. He said coldly: "Get up! Don't ask people. I saw that when our Zhou family bullied you! If Jing Jingyi is not good in the future, I will not be able to spare you!"

When Feng Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but feel a joy. He thanked Mrs. Zhou for a few heads. This was the joy of getting up and looking at Zhou Jingyi. Zhou Jingyi slid down slightly and his lips were shallow. Smile.

"My grandfather and my son are in the hall, I am asking people to take you in the past!" Mrs. Zhou took Zhou Jingyi, pity and wiped the tears from her eyes. She said softly: "Hey daughter, mother to accompany you back to the room to wash well." Some time, look at you, how can you make it in the early morning!"

"Mother, I'm fine!" Zhou Jingyi's face was a little red, biting her lip and whispering: "Feng Ming, he hasn't eaten yet..."