MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 310 regret

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Wang’s feet fluttered on Jiang Yan’s body and cried: “Jiang Yan, you see, Fengju, he is so to me, he is so to me!”

"Big lady!" Jiang Yan was busy indicating that Xiu Chun and others would go back to the house and advised him: "Mrs. Grandma, don't be sad, the young master is uncomfortable, you have to let him vent his vent! He is uncomfortable in his heart. !"

Wang screamed at his chest and said, "Where can I expect this to happen? Feng said, how can he do this to me?"

Wang said that he was so sad that he burst into tears. Jiang Yan and other hurried persuasion advised Wang to help the house.

When Feng Fen moved back to Ningyuan, Li Wei and Xing Zhi saw it, and it was relatively sad. In particular, Li Wei saw his appearance, his eyes were red and his tears went straight away. He was afraid of causing him to be sad and tolerant. He trembled and said: "The young master, you have worked hard! Let's take a break, the old slave. Call someone to wash your water!"

When Feng Feng shook his head, "Mother, I want to be alone, and come back when I am called!"

Li Wei looked at him and finally did not persuade. He nodded with tears. "Good, good, you should rest first! Don't worry too much, grandmother is so good, it will be fine! If grandma sees If you are like this, how can you feel bad?"

When Feng’s heart burst into pain, he turned his face into the warmer.

Everything in the warmth has not changed. The table on the table even spreads out half of the books she read. The white porcelain tea bowl with the landscape characters is also used by her every day. When Feng Feng silently looks around, she only feels cold on her body. Chilling.

He didn't dare to think that there was no her in this room. His side never had her again. What should he do?

The sky gradually darkened, but the phoenix still sat still, the heartbeat was still, the time was still, and it seemed to him that everything was meaningless.

He has never been so stunned, never been so flustered at this moment, the kind of godless, like a corpse, he did not think that one day he would have this feeling.

When the eyes were bright and bright, when Feng Fen lifted some discomfort, he blinked his eyes and then slowly opened it. "I didn't say that I was not allowed to come in? Go out!"

"Big cousin, don't do this! You will be saddened by your sister!" Gu Fangzi's soft and bitter voice sounded beside him.

"It's you." Feng Feng slowly looked at her and gave her a look.

Gu Fangzi’s heart was happy. Who knows that Zhang opened his mouth and didn’t have time to talk. He heard that Feng Feng’s repulsion: “Go out! This is not the place you should come here. You will not like you! Go out!”

Gu Fangzi bit her lip and looked at him with a stubborn look.

"Go out!" Feng said and shouted: "Gu Fangzi, don't appear in Ningyuan again later! This is not where you come from!" He said loudly to Li Wei and others, cold and ice: "Catch her out! After Don't let her step into the half!"

"Big cousin, I know that you have grievances in your heart. If you are not happy, let me out! I won't mind!" Gu Fangzi said with tears: "My sister happened to be like this, I am also very sad -"

When Feng Feng smiled coldly and stared at her, "Is it? It is best that this matter has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, I will not let you go! Our friendship is over! I finally regret that I did not let it go early. You are leaving the house! Not rolling!"

Gu Fangzi’s weak body trembled, biting his lips and looking at the phoenix, and there was too much shock and incredulity in his gaze, and the teardrops rolled down.

"You, how can you, this way, say me! This thing, how, how, will be related to me! Big cousin, how can you say this to me!"

Her words became fragmented because of trembling and sorrow.

When Feng Fen only stared at her coldly, she sang: "Mother, apricot, not coming!"

Li Wei and Xing Zhi have already been waiting outside the door. When they heard it, Feng said that it would be related to Gu Fangzi. Several people were shocked. Li Wei and Xing Zhi were even more changed. I used to worry about my heart and anxiety, but I didn’t think of anything else. Now I’ve heard that when I’m doing it, I think this is very possible!

"Miss table! You still go out!" Li Wei made a look, and the branches of the apricots and other squats pushed forward and pushed the Gu Fangzi out.

Gu Fangzi did not struggle, just screaming and tears, but the tearful eyes were watching the phoenix lifts until they were pulled out and launched Ningyuan.

"Miss watch, you have heard the words of the young master, don't come here again!" Li said, she faintly said, turned and walked away to shut the door.

The garden door of the first door ring of Zhu Qi copper beast was closed, and Gu Fangzi’s face full of tears suddenly became awkward. She hated the door knocker that seemed to be like a fangs, biting her teeth: “The big cousin is already late. No use! That slut, she will never come back! She can't come back! Big cousin, you will be mine after all, the hostess of this garden will only be me!"

When Feng Fen is really regretful, he regrets it. If he does not have so much scruples, if Gu Fangzi is sent away with a strong attitude earlier, there may not be so many things happening! She is innocent, she actually knows that she is not happy in her heart. Although she does not say anything, can he not feel it?

She did not want to force him to be too anxious to make him embarrassed. He thought he could protect her, but what could be the result? The result was that she was wronged by this, life and death are unknown! And what can he do except for the useless sadness here?

"Mistress! Milkmaid!" Shi Fengju suddenly called out loud.

"The young master, the old slave is here!" Li Wei heard the words busy coming in.

When Feng Feng said tiredly: "Call people to prepare hot water, I want to bathe, and then prepare some food, I am hungry!"

"Hey, hey!" Li Wei listened and promised again and again, but the tears could not help but burst out and wiped it.

"Mistress!" When Feng Feng suddenly stopped her, he slowly said: "Let's go down, Ningyuan remains the same, you clean up as usual, no one can tamper with anything. Also, no one is allowed to come in. , including my mother! Just say this is what I mean. Milkmaid, can you do it?"

Li stunned and hurriedly nodded: "The big master is relieved, grandmother - all the slaves who have not dared to move, they will be packed as usual! Since the young master said so, the old slave remembered, Never let people step further!"

Shi Feng nodded and motioned her down.

After bathing, the food was not sweet and used some food, and Feng Fen went back to the room to rest. Just lying on this big bed of snails that had been warm and loving with her, the heart of Fengju’s heart was full of sourness and loneliness, and the mouth was bitter. In this room, her shadow is everywhere. Whether she opens her eyes or closes her eyes, he can see her smile and see her sitting in the dressing table to finely comb the smooth and beautiful hair. Sometimes he will get together to paint flowers for her, or, I feel that she is lying in his arms, a small, white face on his chest, breathing evenly sweet, that blue silk wrapped around His, regardless of each other.

Once so intimate, but now it is only a single shadow. When Feng Fen did not dare to think about it, if she did not have her, how many nights he should spend in the future!

"婉娘,婉娘, you can't leave me, you can't leave me like this! My mother, we haven't had children yet, you haven't been a mother yet, I haven't been a slut, this is what you owe me, you can't So gone..." When Feng Feng said low, his eyes gradually became moist.

When the sky was twilight, Shi Fengju got up. It was too early. Only the servants of the ruined virgins wiped the leaves in the yard, wiped the corridors, cleaned the face, washed the face, and did not get up.

Only Li Wei worried about Fengju, and stayed up late last night, and heard the movements and got busy.

"How come the young master is so early, sleep a little longer!" Li Wei glanced at him with concern.

"I can't sleep without milk, I can't sleep when I think about her!" Shi Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mother, you got up, let people help me to call them up, and after two quarters of an hour House!"

"Where are you going!" Li Xin was in a tight heart.

When Feng Feng said: "Go to the mother-in-law! Go to Baihe Town."

Li Wei opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry about the young master, the big housekeepers have passed a few days ago! You don't have to worry about this time even if you want to go! Yes, the second master came over to you last night. The old slave said that you have already taken a break and he will go back! Maybe he will come to you after a while! There is a big lady there -"

"Mistress!" When Feng Fen gently called her, she interrupted her words, with an unchangeable firmness in her tone.

Li Wei’s sentiment did not persuade him, but he sighed and said: "Well, the old slaves will go!"

Two quarters later, when Feng Fenju and Chang Huan and other people left the city, they flew away toward Baihe Town. At this time, the time in the government has just ushered in the excitement of the morning sun.

Wang also didn't sleep well overnight. He got up early in the morning and didn't wash it. Gu Fangzi also came. His face was pale and his eyes were red and swollen. "Aunt."

"You are coming!" Wang saw her more and more sorrowful sighs and sighed: "Good boy, your big cousin is upset, talking a little, you don't care about him, ah."

"Aunt," Gu Fangzi shook her head and rubbed her red and swollen eyes. She said with a smile: "How can I care about my cousin? He and his sister have always been loved, and it is inevitable that they will be saddened by this kind of thing. He is willing to It’s okay to vent it out, so it’s fine!”

"You are really sensible!" Wang sighed.

"Aunt, this is what I should do." Gu Fangzi said with a strong smile: "I will help you comb your hair, I am afraid that the big cousin should be up for a while."

Wang nodded and called Xiu Chun. "Let's go to Ningyuan to see, Fengju can get up? Ask Li Wei, he was fine yesterday."