MTL - Rebirth of Hong Kong’s Glorious Era-Chapter 42 buy

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Michelle was driving when she heard the words and asked curiously, "Ahua, who is that?"

Wang Jing burst into laughter again, adding fuel to the story about the relationship between Li Wansui and Ah Hua, which made Michelle smirk for a while.

"Ah Sui, let me help you eat this box of chocolates, so as to save poor Ah Hua. If he knew you were hooking up outside, he wouldn't know how sad he would be."

Li Wansui took Wang Jing's tricks on him in his heart, the days are still long, and there will be opportunities to return it in the future.

Not bothering about this topic, the male protagonist of this matter is himself, and it will make people laugh if he defends or does not defend. Besides, Michelle knew she was joking, so she didn't need to explain it any further.

He changed the subject and said, "Fatty, I'll settle the matter with you slowly. You give me the chocolate box, it's not for eating."

"Oh?" Mi Xue and Wang Jing asked together.

When Wang Jing started, he felt that the box of chocolates was too heavy, but he didn't think about it carefully. Now when Li Wansui reminded him, he immediately thought of the bribes he used in makeup artist A Hua and stylist Lin Lao. The vision is very impressive.

Wang Jing smiled and said, "Understood, understood, keep your valuables." He didn't ask what it was or how much it cost. Since Li Wansui chose to use concealed methods to give gifts, it was naturally for the sake of confidentiality.

Michelle was at a loss, but Wang Jing's performance was mysterious and unwilling to make a statement. Although Michelle was very curious, she still resisted the desire to ask and continued to concentrate on driving.

But he thought to himself: "This fat man still doesn't know that I lent A Sui the money, and he kept it a secret. When there is no one else at night, I will ask A Sui to understand."

Several people arrived at Fulinmen all the way, and it was almost 20 minutes before 6 o'clock. Before Zheng Shaoqiu arrived, Li Wansui ordered the food, waited patiently for a while, and Zheng Shaoqiu appeared.

Li Wansui looked intently, and had to sigh in his heart, the young Zheng Shaoqiu was really a female killer, with a thin and tall figure, he came from a scholarly family, and had a refined temperament.

Wang Jing waved at Zheng Shaoqiu, and Li Wansui quickly got up to greet him.

Wang Jingdao: "Qiuguan, this is a handsome boy, the new talent from our TVB, Li Wansui, a teacher at Heung Kong Polytechnic Institute."

Looking back at Li Wansui again, he pouted in the direction of Zheng Shaoqiu and said, "A Sui, I don't need to introduce Qiuguan."

Li Wansui immediately stretched out his hand, made a handshake gesture, and said with a smile: "Qiuguan's name, all Xiangjiang knows, how can I not know. Qiuguan, you are my idol, this time I specially invited Qiuguan to come, in fact It's also my selfish desire to meet my idol, so I'm glad that Qiuqiu is here."

Li Wansui touted Zheng Shaoqiu for a while. In fact, although Zheng Shaoqiu is also very famous in Xiangjiang at this time, he has not reached the level after he starred in Chu Liuxiang, but his popularity is also very strong. He didn't bring up the business, and he didn't hand over the gift. The time was not yet here.

Zheng Shaoqiu always had a gentle smile on his face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, and said, "A Sui, let me call you that, you praise me too much, I know you are a young talent in Taiwan, and I am very fond of you. I'm curious, I've always wanted to know why a university teacher has to develop into the entertainment industry."

Zheng Shaoqiu knew Li Wansui, and he also knew about Li Wansui and himself competing for the role of Chu Liuxiang. As soon as Wang Jing called and said that Li Wansui invited him to dinner, he agreed.

Zheng Shaoqiu was very curious about the purpose of Li Wansui's invitation to him, and wanted to hear what he would say when he met him.

Zheng Shaoqiu has no prejudice against Li Wansui. Although he competes for the same role, he is confident that he will always be the first choice. Unless he does not agree, Li Wansui will have the opportunity to play. This is the confidence brought him by years of acting career accumulation, Zheng Shaoqiu does not believe that he will be stepped on by a newcomer.

Wang Jing heard Zheng Shaoqiu's question on the side, and without waiting for Li Wansui's answer, he immediately interjected: "A Sui is a teenager who loves, full and warm and thinking of sex. Seeing that there are so many beauties in the entertainment industry, if you break your head, you have to come in and get a piece of the pie. ."

This fat man is a good player in the active atmosphere. Everyone laughed for a while. Li Wansui introduced: "Qiuguan, this is my sister, Michelle. You two have known each other for a long time."

Mi Xue also extended her hand gracefully and said, "Long time no see, Qiuguan."

Zheng Shaoqiu then noticed Mi Xue behind Li Wansui. Although they belong to two different TV stations and have never cooperated before, Hong Kong's entertainment circle is so big, so they met early in the morning and held a kiss with Mi Xue. He started, and then said, "Axue, you are here as a lobbyist for your brother."

Zheng Shaoqiu was joking, but it was a small click on the crowd, meaning that he had already guessed the purpose of Li Wansui and his party.

Michelle heard what Zheng Shaoqiu meant, and felt that he had already pointed it out, so there was no need to hide it, but Li Wansui, the party concerned, had to say it himself, and said, "Qiuguan, let's sit down first. Let's eat, let's talk about anything while we eat."

Everyone took their seats.

After joking and laughing for a while, Li Wansui saw that he was almost full and full, and said, "Qiuguan, let's be honest, this time my little brother is looking for you, there is indeed something to discuss, whether it is successful or not depends on Qiuguan's mind, little brother will never any complaints."

Li Wansui went straight. After all, Zheng Shaoqiu was well aware of it, and he didn't go around in circles anymore. He continued: "Qiuguan must know about Chu Liuxiang's casting, and my younger brother is fortunate to participate. Of course, if Qiuguan you say you want to participate, I will There must be self-knowledge, and there is absolutely no chance. But I heard that Qiuguan's filming "Famous Sword" in Jiahe, and there is a conflict in the schedule. That's why I invite you this time. I plan to discuss this with Qiuguan. thing."

Zheng Shaoqiu nodded and said: "A Sui, you are polite, everyone has the will to improve, and I came here back then, and I don't think there is anything wrong. The battle of casting, every play has its own. , but you can be as honest and open as Ah Sui, you even invited me to discuss this matter, instead of using tricks behind the scenes, I have only seen it in my life. It shows your character. "

In Zheng Shaoqiu's heart, Li Wansui could be appreciated by Wang Tianlin, and at this time Wang Tianlin's son Wang Jing was also accompanying him, thinking that his backstage was Wang Tianlin, so he always spoke politely.

How did he know that Li Wansui only got this opportunity by chance, and there was no background.

He continued: "It is true that I have a schedule conflict now. If I take over Chu Liuxiang, I am afraid that I will burn the ointment and follow the sundial, day and night. I have been hesitating."

Zheng Shaoqiu actually didn't want to pick up Chu Liuxiang in his heart, firstly because of the schedule, and secondly because he was not optimistic about this drama. Gu Long's novel has been adapted into several versions of movies and TV series, and it is not as popular as Jin Yong's TV series. The performance is mediocre, although Taili is now defeated by "Chen Silkworm Transformation", and there are even rumors that all TV dramas in the same period will be cut off, and all resources will be devoted to the shooting of this "Chu Liuxiang".

But even so, Zheng Shaoqiu feels that the future of this film, which has been highly anticipated by the stage, is uncertain. If it fails, will the stage feel that these old stars have insufficient appeal, and instead train newcomers? Even if he wins, he won't be able to take him to the next level, which is obviously thankless.

However, Lin Cixiang, the general manager of the production department, kept inviting him, and Zheng Shaoqiu had to seriously consider whether to sell the other party's face and take over the role of Chu Liuxiang.

Zheng Shaoqiu didn't say these words. Since Li Wansui wanted to ask him, he must have come with conditions. If he wanted to make Zheng Shaoqiu back down with a few empty words, Li Wansui was too naive. Have a face to speak of! And he was also very curious. Seeing Li Wansui's unconcerned appearance, he would definitely offer him a condition that would satisfy him.

Zheng Shaoqiu didn't know at this time that in his decades of acting career, the most classic role he left to people was Chu Liuxiang. Otherwise, he would definitely take over this role without any hesitation.

Li Wansui shut up after seeing Zheng Shaoqiu's speech. Instead, he picked up the wine glass and sipped it. He knew that Qiuguan people were old and sophisticated, and he must be waiting for his own conditions.

"I don't know if Zheng Shaoqiu could have guessed that I was going to throw money at him." Li Wansui thought to himself, at this time, the main income of the film and television industry was the salary, there was no additional income such as advertising, and it had never appeared. to buy off competitors with money.

Putting away his reverie, Li Wansui pushed the chocolate box in his hand and said, "Qiuguan, a little respect, please accept it with a smile."

Zheng Shaoqiu, a little surprised, UU reading is just a box of chocolates, just want to bribe him? It's just humiliating him Zheng Shaoqiu! Wang Jing and Michelle still came to accompany him, wouldn't they be ashamed?

When he was about to take over the chocolate, he left immediately, and when he went back, he must publicize the actions of these three people and make them laugh at the entertainment industry. And for the role of Chu Liuxiang, Zheng Shaoqiu had already decided in his heart that he would definitely not give Li Wansui any chance again.

After thinking about it, he stretched out one hand and started with a heavy hand. It was by no means the weight of an ordinary box of chocolates. Zheng Shaoqiu was shocked. Before he thought about it, Li Wansui's voice came into his ears again.

"This is the gold coin chocolate produced on the mainland. It tastes very good and has a mellow taste. When Qiuguan goes home and tries it, he must be very satisfied."

When Li Wansui said 'gold coins', the words were very heavy, and then let him go home to taste it. He would definitely be satisfied. Combined with the weight in his hand, excluding the packaging, it weighed about three or four kilograms. Zheng Shaoqiu understood it a little and was immediately taken by him. Shocked.

"Could it be that the chocolate box in your hand is full of gold?"

"How much does it cost? Three or four pounds of gold!"

Zheng Shaoqiu was shocked by his own conjecture, and wished he could immediately find a place where no one was there to unpack the goods for inspection, but he also knew that this matter was not visible, so he reluctantly stabilized his mind and said: "A Sui, I already know your kindness, I I'll try it when I get home, don't worry, I'll go back in the evening to seriously think about the casting, and I'll give you a reply tomorrow morning."

Li Wansui knew that he must have guessed that the gift had another mystery, and he had to go home to confirm it before giving an answer. Seeing Zheng Shaoqiu's shocked expression just now, he felt that it was done. After all, it was worth a hundred thousand. Qiuguan saw it and agreed, but let Zheng Shaoqiu let go of what he didn't decide to do.

The mood is relaxed, the goal has been achieved, and there can be no more surprises.