MTL - Rebirth of Hong Kong’s Glorious Era-Chapter 43 get it

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Michelle looked at Li Wansui and Zheng Shaoqiu as if they were playing some tricks. Zheng Shaoqiu was noncommittal to Li Wansui, and then vaguely agreed after taking the chocolate box. It touched Michelle's itch, and even more so. Unable to contain the curiosity in his heart, he wanted to grab this Li Wansui and ask him what the **** he was up to.

After talking about the matter, a few people chatted for a few more words and hurriedly ended the meal.

Zheng Shaoqiu wanted to find a place with no one to inspect the goods quickly, while Michelle couldn't wait to know the mystery of this box of chocolates.

After the three watched Zheng Shaoqiu leave, Mi Xue drove Wang Jing home first.

When Wang Jing got out of the car, he gave Li Wansui a wink, pouted in the direction of Mi Xue, made an expression that a man could understand, hummed a little song and left.

When Wang Jing was far away, Michelle drove away slowly. She couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. She reached out and caught Li Wansui's ears, who was sitting in the passenger seat, closing her eyes and resting. With a twist of the ground, he said threateningly, "Tell me, what's in that chocolate, sister lent you money, and you're still hiding it from me."

Michelle had long been dissatisfied. She borrowed all the money, but she didn't know the specific steps. Wang Jing knew more than she did. Li Wansui closed his eyes and rested when he got into the car, and did not tell her what was going on, which made her even more dissatisfied, and directly threatened with force.

Li Wansui's ears were suddenly twisted, a sharp pain came, and he grinned: "It hurts, it hurts, Sister Xue, let me go, I'll tell you."

After hearing his words, Michelle put her hand down, and then said, "A Sui, tell me honestly, if I find out that you are hiding a little bit, be careful of your ears." After speaking, she raised her little hand as if to demonstrate. Made an ear-twisting motion in the air. She found that it was better to make a simple and direct threat to tell the truth when dealing with someone like Li Wansui.

Li Wansui rubbed his ears. Seeing that Mi Xue was patronizing Yaowu Yangwei, he didn't concentrate on driving, so he quickly said: "Sister Xue, drive well, I will definitely tell you, don't screw it anymore, your ears are swollen, how can I act? Chu Liuxiang."

"Hmph, coquettish words, you have a lot of tricks in a day, talk quickly."

When Li Wansui rolled his eyes, he didn't want to hide that Michelle was also someone he could trust in his heart, and said honestly, "It's like this, after I separated from you this afternoon, I think it's easy to stay by sending money directly. The handle is not very good. And I give the money directly, 10w fast only 100 big golden bulls, it does not look visually stunning, it is better to replace it with gold bars, the effect is better. So I went to buy 14 100 grams of gold bars in the afternoon, and spent 99400. I bought another box of chocolates, threw the chocolates away, and put the gold bars in it, which is both confidential and valuable. When giving gifts, I hinted that Zheng Shaoqiu should understand, so he left early, and he is probably looking for a new one Go to a hidden place to see what I have given him."

When Michelle heard this, she couldn't help turning her head around. A pair of beautiful eyes couldn't help scrutinizing Li Wansui, and some lamented that Li Wansui's cautiousness made it so complicated to give gifts.

What happened in the morning was already astonishing at his thoughtfulness, but he surprised himself again in the evening, and I have to say that his younger brother was thoughtful.

Li Wansui was frightened to death by Mi Xue's actions, knowing that this was driving, he immediately said, "Sister Xue, you are still driving, watch the road!"

Michelle was also embarrassed when she heard the words, turned her head back, and said, "A Sui, don't be afraid, this car comes for free, as long as you don't hit anyone, you won't feel bad."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Li Wansui and saw that he showed a painful expression. He was secretly proud of himself, and continued: "You have made such a simple thing so complicated. To praise you, it can be said that you have a delicate mind, but you can also In other words, you are scheming. I'm afraid that one day, you will all be calculated on your sister's head. "

After he finished speaking, he showed a pitiful expression, obviously he was teasing Li Wansui and wanted to hear what Li Wansui had to say.

Li Wansui secretly smiled, "Sister Xue picked up the car when she was okay, obviously she wanted to be angry with herself. If she knew that she didn't care at all, and just cooperated with her to show a painful expression, I wonder if she would be blown up by anger."

Then she listened to her teasing herself again, and said, "Sister Xue, don't worry, you are a high-ranking chess player. I don't dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head."

Michelle was very proud, but she continued to stimulate Li Wansui, pretending to be angry and saying: "Okay, Ah Sui, you mean that if Sister Xue is not smart, you have to play against Sister Xue, I warn you, you Failed once, this car is my trophy. I suggest you try it again next time you get a suite."

After she finished speaking, she had a smile on the corners of her own mouth, and kept holding back until she didn't make a sound, as if the little girl had succeeded in a prank. Thinking of Li Wansui's unwilling expression, she felt happy.

She was in a fight with Li Wansui today. When she thought of Li Wansui bullying her in the morning and trolling her with a car, at night, if she didn't take the initiative to confess about the gift, she was angry and always wanted to stimulate Li Wansui.

Li Wansui didn't even want to count how many times Michelle picked up the car today, but she had no choice but to cooperate with Michelle again, her lips twitched on purpose, as if she wanted to get angry but had nowhere to get angry, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "Sister Xue, You are too happy, haven't you heard that you lost your wife and lost your army?"

Seeing Li Wansui like this, Michelle was even happier, and laughed "hahaha", her whole body was shaking, Li Wansui's eyes were sharp, she saw the beauty's crisp **** trembling slightly, and her eyes were straight.

After Michelle got the effect, she said: "A Sui, you use this idiom well, and you lost your wife and lost your army, doesn't it mean that you couldn't make trouble in the morning, but instead took a car for me? I think it's used to steal chickens. It is more appropriate to describe rice without an eclipse.”

There was another burst of laughter. Along the way, Li Wansui had to gnash his teeth and look like he wanted to cry without tears. His facial muscles were going to be stiff.

Michelle sent Li Wansui to her home and teased: "A Sui, rest early, don't be depressed and can't sleep."

Without waiting for Li Wansui to answer, he drove away, and there was a bell-like laughter from the car.

Reaching out and rubbing the already stiff facial muscles, I feel more and more that this Sister Xue has the temperament of a little witch, with her, she has repeatedly suffered setbacks, and even her ears have been twisted!

A Hong and Jia Hui are good friends, one is gentle and lovely, the other is charming and lovely, and most importantly, they believe whatever they say, giving him the illusion of omnipotence.

Zheng Shaoqiu needed money to settle the people he met on tvb. Although Wang Jing was fooled by himself, he also regarded himself as a big water pipe in his heart. Although he felt that he had made a lot of money by relying on the prophets, it was fair to say, It's what everyone needs. The sister Xue that I met, although kind-hearted and very good to herself, was very smart, and if she was a little inattentive, she could reveal herself.

Li Wansui's thoughts were flying, and he stared at the night in a daze. Tonight, the weather was excellent, the moon was bright and the stars were thin. He thought to himself that after half a month, everything went smoothly. more reliable.

After a while, I went upstairs to rest.

At this time, Zheng Shaoqiu's family.

As soon as he opened the door, his girlfriend Shen Dianxia asked, "Qiuguan, how is it? What did that Li Wansui say to you?"

Zheng Shaoqiu made a small fortune today and was very happy. He smiled, pointed to the chocolate box in his hand, and said, "This kid is really generous, now, you can see for yourself." After that, he handed the chocolate box to took him.

Shen Dianxia opened the box and saw that the 14 gold bars were neatly packed in the box, her eyes glowed with golden light, and she asked in disbelief, "It was all given to you by Li Wansui? Given so many gold bars, surely Did you give him the role of Chu Liuxiang?"

"Yeah, today is an eye-opener. I have to work hard for 3 months to get more than 3w to act in this drama. Having a meal with A Sui is basically equivalent to a year of hard work. How can the world be? There is such a good thing. Tell me, if A Sui starred in this drama, it would only cost 100 yuan per episode. No matter what, his gold must be worth at least 100,000. Why is he doing this?" Zheng Shaoqiu received the gold, Talking about Li Wansui's tone, he also became more intimate, but he didn't quite understand that the cost of so much was just for the role of a mere Chu Liuxiang.

On the way home, he couldn't hold back, he quietly opened the box and glanced at it. He was very pleasantly surprised to see so much gold. It was only when he got home that he managed to calm down. Hearing Shen Dianxia's question at this time, he couldn't help but sigh. Shen Dianxia recovered from the shock after a long while, and did not answer Zheng Shaoqiu's question. She couldn't understand why Li Wansui did this, and she was a little curious about Li Wansui, and said: " Then I'll talk to Lin Cixiang tomorrow, and I will say that I don't agree with you in this play, because I'm afraid that you will be too tired and it will be bad for your health."

She hadn't thought about Zheng Shaoqiu's rejection of Li Wansui at all. No one could refuse such a large sum of money. Isn't being a star just to make money? Now you don't have to work hard.

Zheng Shaoqiu said: "Well, then you can go tomorrow. It's more convenient for you to talk than me. After all, Lin Cixiang also valued me, so he kept inviting me."

From Zheng Shaoqiu's point of view, it is much more convenient for Shen Dianxia to come forward than himself. She was born in a child star in Wireless. She has a wider network than Zheng Shaoqiu and has a bigger face than Zheng Shaoqiu. She blocked this for him as a girlfriend. It can also avoid offending Lin Cixiang for not giving him face, the best of both worlds.

Shen Dianxia also understood this, so she offered to let her talk about it. After listening to Zheng Shaoqiu's words, she nodded and said with some worry: "Qiuguan, you said that this Chu Liuxiang is really popular, would you feel a loss?"

When no one is fighting for something, it feels like a hassle, but as soon as a competitor appears, they still value this thing very much, and Shen Dianxia is inevitably a little reluctant.

Zheng Shaoqiu was much more decisive and said, "It's so simple to become popular. Even if it becomes popular, it can't make me earn a lot more, so why should I gamble? And don't think about it, I'm really too busy right now. ."

Shen Dianxia nodded and said nothing more.

The two of them could never have imagined that a piece of Chu Liuxiang would make people popular for half a century!