MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-Chapter 19 Admissions are hot

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The Yingying City is not big. Xu Yiyang spent more than half an hour cycling around the urban area, and dozens of recruitment advertisements were posted to the gates of the districts.

But because he didn't want his parents to know in advance, he deliberately avoided his home and surrounding communities when he posted the advertisement.

After returning home, Xu Yiyang, after his family had all fallen asleep, cut out the lesson cards printed on A4 paper, and then lay on the sofa bed in the living room, unable to sleep for a long time.

Now, I have taken the first step in starting my own business, but I don't know how many students can sign up for my own training class tomorrow.

Xu Yiyang now has no reliable way to make money, but this training course has some hope.

So, he was eager for success, but also afraid of failure.

Because of something in his heart, Xu Yiyang didn't fall asleep until more than two o'clock. He slept for almost four hours. After six o'clock, he naturally woke up.

At this moment, Xu mother came out of the bedroom lightly and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for Xu dad who was still at work.

Xu Yiyang got up from the bed, cleaned up the sofa bed, came to the kitchen door, and said to his mother, "Mom, I have something to go out."

"I woke up so early in the holiday, why go out?"

逸 Xu Yiyang nodded: "Aren't I trying to make an English interest group, it started today."

Xu Xuma said, "The college entrance exam will be coming soon. What kind of interest group is it?"

"The interest group is also for learning."

Xu Yiyang responded vaguely, saying, "Anyway, I'll take care of it during the holidays, and I won't do it at the beginning of school."

Xu Xu's mother was relieved, and she didn't interfere much. She asked Xu Yiyang: "Don't forget to buy some breakfast for yourself, will you come back for lunch?"

"No more."

When Xu Yiyang went out, the sky just started to brighten.

Because it was written at eight o'clock on the leaflet, he saw that it was more than an hour before he bought buns and hot soy milk from the stall earlier.

Hanging breakfast on the handlebar, Xu Yiyang pedaled slowly and came to school.

On the way, he was still wondering. Can he recruit a hundred students today?

If you can, this is 10,000 yuan!

If the deposit at home can be increased by another 10,000, my mother must be more secure.

I was thinking that he had reached the entrance of the school experimental building.

惊讶 He was surprised to find that there were a lot of various bicycles parked at the entrance of the experimental building.

I'm not quite right!

When I walked from here last night, I didn't have a bicycle at the door, and today the school is all closed. Why are there so many cars early in the morning?

Did they all come to register?

Xu Yiyang was suddenly excited!

He locked the car and couldn't wait to get upstairs to see what happened.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted in surprise: "Ah, you are the Xu Yiyang on TV who is a translator for foreign guests?"

Xu Yiyang turned his head. An older sister in her thirties was sitting on a lady's bicycle and looked at herself with excitement.

There was a ten-year-old boy sitting across the back of her bicycle. The little boy didn't seem to be too awake, and his fat face was flushed by the cold wind.

Xu Yiyang saw the other party call his name, nodded quickly, and said, "I am, are you?"

Sister Xi smiled heartily and said, "I saw you yesterday on TV. I went out to buy breakfast in the morning, and just saw the advertisement you posted again, so I brought the child over to sign up!"

He said, the eldest sister hurriedly patted the little boy behind him and said, "Liang Liang, call Teacher Xu soon!"

The little boy looked at Xu Yiyang and said timidly, "Mr. Xu is good."

Sister Wu sternly exhorted: "When your mother gives you a name, you can learn to speak English with Teacher Xu, and when you grow up, let's talk to foreigners."

The little boy nodded ignorantly, and then asked, "Mom, where can I find a foreigner to talk to, I have never met a foreigner ..."

The elder sister laughed and said, "You study hard, you will be able to meet foreigners when you go to college and go to a big city in the future. Then you can go abroad to study if you aren't sure.

He said, the older sister looked at Xu Yiyang and asked, "Mr. Xu, how do you register for this training class? Is it OK to pay you directly?"

Xu Yiyang hurriedly said, "Sister, registration is to register information, please follow me to the upstairs classroom."


Xu Yiyang locked the car, walked into the lobby of the experimental building early, and the gatekeeper Zhang poked his head out of the small window in the guard room, saying, "Xiao Xu, many people came early today You, I'm afraid they're waiting too cold outside, so I opened the door and let them go up. Now they are waiting for you in the corridor on the second floor! "

逸 Xu Yiyang expressed his joy and said quickly: "Thank you, Master Zhang, I will go up."

When I took the girl and the couple up the stairs together, Xu Yiyang also glimpsed another mother and son outside the gate. My mother was bending over to lock the bicycle. It seems that she should also bring the child to register.

I came to the second floor. The corridor at the entrance of the classroom was full. Most of the parents took their children. When they saw Xu Yiyang going upstairs, they did not know who shouted, "Oh, Teacher Xu is here!"

When this throat passed, a lot of parents led their children and rushed to Xu Yiyang, each of them was anxious and happy, as if they were afraid they could not catch up.

One parent even took out a hundred yuan of cash in his hand, waving and eagerly saying, "Mr. Xu, I want to register my son for your commando class!"

At the first sight of other parents, they all took out the money and talked nonstop.

Xu Yiyang was surrounded by a group of parents, making a pile of bills dazzled.

场景 This scene made the middle-aged man's heart in his chest uncontrollably agitated.

Although he had imagined that the training course might be very popular, he didn't expect it to be so popular.

Forcing herself to calm down, Xu Yiyang said hard to the parents of the classroom while loudly speaking to the parents around him: "Please line up first and wait for me to register one after the other."

The parents hurried behind him and gathered quickly and hurriedly into a team.

有人 Some people in the team are still arguing about who comes first. Xu Yiyang said patiently: "Don't worry, we have 80 places in each class, so we can definitely register."

I said, he said, "I see that many children are following along, please parents consciously line up and give children a good example."

As soon as this remark came out, the parents were quite quiet for a while, and the original scramble atmosphere began to soften.

Xu Yiyang breathed a sigh of relief, took out the key to open the door, moved a table near the door, and sat facing the door.

Then, he took out the registration form printed yesterday and a pile of cropped lecture cards.

Ready, Xu Yiyang said to the male parent who was the first to lead a young girl outside the door, "What class do you want to enroll?"

男 The male parent immediately came over and said with a smile: "Hello Teacher Xu, I want to report a junior class to my girl."

He said, the parents held a little girl in front of them, and lowered their heads and urged, "Quiet, call Teacher Xu."

The little girl hurriedly said timidly, "Miss Xu."

Xu Yiyang smiled slightly at her and said, "Hello."

Her parents said to her at this time: "Be sure to learn English well with Teacher Xu. After learning it, you can also talk to foreigners on TV in the future, you know?"

The little girl nodded shyly: "I see ..."

逸 Xu Yiyang smiled and handed the registration form to the other party and said, "Please fill in your daughter's name, age, school, grade, and home phone number here."

The other party hurried to write on it for a while, then handed the registration form to Xu Yiyang, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu, look at it."

"OK, no problem." Xu Yiyang said, checking the information left by the parents.

The little girl named Bai Jing, 10 and a half years old, was in fifth grade in Yingzhou No. 2 Primary School.

Bai Jing's father hurriedly took a hundred yuan cash from his jacket pocket ~ ~ and handed it to Xu Yiyang, saying, "Mr. Xu, this is tuition, look at it."


After receiving the tuition in cash from the parents, Xu Yiyang put the money in the table hole, then took out a class card, and wrote the name of Bai Jing carefully with a red gel pen. In the elementary, middle and advanced classes Put a tick under the word "chu" and then write "C001" after the word "No."

Here is a set of student numbering rules designed by himself. C stands for elementary class and 001 stands for first.

The reason why I made a class card was because Xu Yiyang was afraid that the students could not remember it, so he used the hand-written class card as a voucher for the class.

Xu Yiyang handed the attendance card to Bai Jing's parents, admonishing: "Tomorrow will start the class on the 27th of the first month of the month. The class will start at 8 am; Days, the 30th day and the first day of the new year, then the second day to the sixth day, the five days, a total of eight days before and after, you remember the time, don't forget. "

The other person nodded hurriedly: "Good teacher Xu, I take note, I will send the child to class tomorrow at eight."

After the first parent completed the registration procedure, and just turned around with the child, another parent of the student couldn't wait to squeeze in through the door.

As soon as the parents arrived in front of Xu Yiyang, they hurriedly said, "Hello Teacher Xu, I also want to report an elementary class to my son!"

Xu Yiyang nodded, and when she saw that she was only herself, she asked, "What about the child?"

The other person said busyly: "The child has returned to his grandma's home in the country on holiday. You collect the money and report the name first. I will pick him up in the afternoon!"

Xu said, immediately took out a hundred yuan in cash and handed it to Xu Yiyang.