MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-Chapter 21 Full

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At this time, Shen Lele led his cousin to the experimental building.

Before I reached the second floor, I was stunned by the sight.

The registration team started at the entrance of the classroom, and it was at least tens of meters long.

She looked at her watch subconsciously, it was 11:40, so many people came to sign up at noon? This influence is too great, right?

But, looking at the cousin next to him, isn't he a microcosm of Xu Yiyang's influence?

乐 Shen Lele marveled as she lined up with her cousin.

When she waited at the door, Xu Yiyang was looking down at the number.

So far, the number of applicants has reached 270, 80 students in the junior class are full, 79 students in the intermediate class, 68 students in the advanced class, and 2 additional junior classes. There are currently a total of 43 students.

Xu Yiyang secretly said that the intermediate class would soon be full, and the advanced class would soon be full.

Just right, the parent in front of the student said, "Mr. Xu, I want to report an intermediate class to my daughter. She will be in second grade this year."

逸 Xu Yiyang busy said: "Okay, please register the information first."

He said to his younger sister: "Shanshan, the intermediate class is full, and if there are any students who have signed up for the intermediate class, they will be counted into the intermediate class 2."

Xu Yishan nodded repeatedly: "I know."

While enrolling the student's information to Xu Yishan, the parents of the students handed over one hundred dollars to Xu Yiyang. Xu Yiyang took the money and said, "Fill in your class card immediately."

乐 Shen Lele was standing behind the parent at this moment, a pair of big eyes kept on Xu Yiyang.

Scrutinizing his meticulous and fluent behavior, he became more and more confused, and easily established such a popular training class. This business mind, which is a high school student?

I also participated in a few extra-curricular tutoring classes from junior high school to high school, but those tutoring classes, the largest of which were only twenty or thirty students, compared to Xu Yiyang, it was a little witch.

I squinted to see myself, Shen Lele was about to step in, but suddenly I was a little nervous.

She went to the brother and sister and said, "Mr. Xu, I want to apply for a junior class."

逸 Xu Yishan looked up at this time, saw Shen Lele, said with surprise: "Yeah, Le Le sister!"

When Xu Yiyang heard the sound, he saw Shen Lele, who was nearly one meter tall, standing in front of himself, with a little fat man beside him.

乐 Shen Lele pierced a simple ponytail today, which looks very casual, but the lines and charm of the facial features and face shape are also fully exposed because of this hairstyle.

With four eyes facing each other, Xu Yiyang's eyes were confident and indifferent, but he asked curiously, "Squad leader, why are you here?"

Shen Lele was a little nervous. After making some adjustments, he turned to Xu Yiyang again and said, "I'll take my brother to sign up."

Xu Yiyang looked at Cai Jiabao and said with a smile, "This is your brother?"

"My cousin, Cai Jiabao." Shen Lele said, and said to Cai Jiabao, "Biao, my brother."

Cai Jiabao glanced at Xu Yiyang, and seemed not very happy. He exclaimed in a sigh of relief: "Hi brother ..."

Xu Yiyang laughed and said, "Which class do you want to report to him?"

乐 Shen Lele said, "He has just entered the fifth grade of elementary school and has studied English for one semester. Should he apply for elementary school?"

逸 Xu Yiyang nodded and said: "Then the second elementary class, starting tomorrow, starting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon every day."

He said, Xu Yiyang took a class card and wrote the information on it.

递 Handed the lesson card to Shen Lele, Xu Yiyang said, "Just let him take the lesson card to class tomorrow."

乐 Shen Lele nodded, took out a hundred dollars from his pocket, and was about to hand it to Xu Yiyang. Then he heard Xu Yiyang said, "Leader, classmate for several years, don't mention the money."

"Which way!" Shen Lele said very seriously: "One yard is one yard. Besides, this money is not my money."

Xu Yiyang felt that she had offended Shen Lele as soon as she was reborn, and she took the initiative to borrow review materials for herself, which was really interesting, and of course she had to show something.

However, Shen Lele put the money directly on the table, and said nervously, "Well, put the money here. I'll go first. The family is waiting for us to go back to eat."

After finishing speaking, before waiting for Xu Yiyang to speak, he pulled his cousin and turned out.

Xu Yishan whispered: "Brother, should I send the money to Sister Lele?"

Xu Yiyang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's boring to let people come and go. Let's talk about it later."

Uh ...

At noon, although there are fewer applicants, there is no interruption.

逸 Xu Yishan went out to buy something to eat, the brothers and sisters took turns to pay for a few sips, which was considered to have passed.

While there are not many people, Xu Yiyang asks Xu Yishan to help him stare, and he goes out with the cash in the drawer and opens an account with a construction bank not far from the school to save money.

When he went out, the enrollment number had reached 288, so he didn't need to count and knew that a large stack of cash in his pocket should be 28,800 yuan.

When going out in the morning, Xu Yiyang brought his ID card with him. He thought that if he was lucky, he could recruit dozens or more students, and then deposit the money in the bank first, but he didn't expect that there would be so much. .

The bank teller also couldn't understand why a young man who had just turned 18 on his ID card would deposit such a huge sum in the bank.

However, when I heard that he was going to apply for a card's life, the teller immediately cast his doubts out of the clouds, and persuaded him to save the money on a regular basis, saying that the interest would be very high.

Xu Yiyang was unmoved.

According to his understanding of future economic development, don't put money in banks wherever you put it.

If you deposit a house in a bank in 1999 and take it out ten years later, I'm afraid you can't even afford a toilet.

When I saved my money and returned to school, more people started to sign up, and it seemed that there were more people than in the morning.

He kept an extra eye, when he asked parents to sign up, they would ask them how to get information, and then do a statistical analysis.

What surprised him was that half of them came to see the ads, and the remaining half turned out to register with the children because of listening to the recommendations of other parents.

It seems that his training courses have begun to spread spontaneously among parents.

If your own training class starts and brings a good teaching experience to students and parents, then when you add word of mouth, I believe it will bring more traffic.

At that time, what I have to consider is how to digest as much of this traffic as possible.

Registration lasted until more than three in the afternoon, and the number of registered students officially exceeded the 500-person mark.

最受欢迎 The most popular one is the elementary class.

1Classes 1 and 2 are full, and the newly opened class 3 has reached 63 people;

Intermediate class 1 is full, 70 students in class 2;

The senior class 1 is full, with 47 persons in 2 classes and a total of 500 persons.

Pu Guang is a junior student, accounting for almost 45%;

Xu Yiyang figured out that he had limited time and energy, at most, he had eight classes and eight classes a day.

由于 Because the junior class is the most popular, Xu Yiyang decided that there are only two classes in the intermediate class and the advanced class.

At half past three, the intermediate class was the first to recruit two classes. Xu Yishan wrote a notice and posted it on the corridor.

It says "Intermediate class is now full, and enrollment has stopped."

At the same time, the elementary class has reached 4 classes.

At 4:30, more than half of the 4 students in the junior class and 63 students in the 2 advanced class had the last 17 places left. Many of them came to consult the parents of the intermediate class. Xu Yiyang could only refuse one by one.

逸 While the bank was still off work, Xu Yiyang went to save another trip.

I happened to be that teller, the other side looked at him like a monster, and used the money counter to count 29,500 yuan.

He saved 28,800 for the first time and 29,500 for the second time, totaling 58,300 yuan.

五 At five o'clock in the afternoon, the four junior classes are fully filled, and the advanced classes are two classes.

My brother and sister were already tired and couldn't stand their waist, their wrists were sore and painful.

However, there are still a lot of parents of primary school students around him, hoping that he can start another elementary class.

Xu Yiyang also wants to make more money, but now he arranges eight lessons a day. The last lesson has been arranged from 8 pm to 9 pm, and then arranged ~ ~ can only be arranged at 9:30 pm Until ten thirty.

Until 10:30 in the evening, let alone the children in the elementary class can't stand it, they can't stand it.

As a result, Xu Yiyang can only regret to announce that this winter holiday oral assault intensive class, the junior class has also been fully recruited, no places available.

At 25:10, the last 5 vacant places in the advanced class are also full.

At this point, eight classes and 640 students are all full!

Xu Yiyang was finally relieved, and printed a notice on the printer: "Xu Yiyang is full of verbal assault classes in winter English and has stopped enrolling."

Then he put away the cash he hadn't had time to deposit in the drawer and locked the door of the classroom.

Xu Yiyang posted the notice on the door, and Kankan pulled out in a group of chasing by parents, and led his sister out of Yingzhou No.1 Middle School.

At more than five o'clock, it was getting dark and the temperature had dropped a lot.

My brother and sister were a little warm in the heating room, and were quickly blown by the cold wind.

I felt that Xu Yishan sitting on the front bar had a cold war. Xu Yiyang distressed and asked, "Is it cold? Would you like to take a taxi and go back?"

Xu Yishan shook her head again and again: "Not cold, just a little dazed."

"Is it?" Xu Yiyang asked with concern: "Did you catch a cold?"

"No." Xu Yishan said, "I feel like I'm still dreaming, brother, did you really accept 640 students?"

Xu Yiyang said, "Don't you all see it with your own eyes, can you still have fake?"

Xu Yishan lamented: "But I always feel like I'm dreaming ..."


"Six hundred and forty students, this is sixty-four thousand dollars. You make so much in one day?"

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