MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 390 The lessons of blood, into the palace for quality

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

The vigilant goddess hated the purple secluded, and the three emperors and Mu Ziyou were together, and they hated and feared. While rushing toward the "Jingyang Palace" and the five emperors, he asked with anxiety: "You talk about how the 贱 woman of Mu Ziyou would be hooked up? This one is not dead to her, this If the three emperors really set her up, what should she do if she is dealing with you?

The five emperors shook their heads and looked at their old lady with disdain. "Even if that is the case, what can I do? Whether it is the Prince, or the Three Emperors, the Emperor is the emperor, the Queen must be Mu Ziyou, and everyone has the ability. Who is like you, even a man can't hold it? If you can let the old man like you, I will not be made a prince? You don't have that ability now, listen to others' words, what else? I was really Shouldn't listen to your ambiguous idea, to deal with Mu Ziyou, not that you take the initiative to provoke her, I will not follow the bad luck, and I will now look at other people's faces and lose the qualification to win the chair!"

Although the five emperors hated the purple secluded, but the three emperors will purple and his intimate relationship with him, and he also screamed at him with a warning tone: "You are not blaming her for you, you look at you and you. What do the mother-in-law do to her, can you blame others for counterattacking against you? This matter is seen in the face of the Three Emperors. As long as the Three Emperors are on the throne, you are the Prince of Yi, who is in charge of the Shaofu. And she is my queen, I don't want my queen and my brother to make you die."

At that time, he discouraged: "Three brothers, how can you seal up the scent of the purple sorrow? She is the sly wife of Shangguan Lingran, and he gave birth to two children for him, and he is not worthy of being your queen!"

However, the three emperors were not happy to blame him at the time: "You will not say this later, otherwise, I will turn my face. In my mind, no woman can compare with her."

When the three emperors spoke, the look was firm. It seems that whoever wants to oppose, who is his enemy, what can he do? Has been noisy with the Prince, can still be decided with the three emperors?

It is unwilling to be wary of the maiden heart, but there is nothing to do. The gas clenched his teeth and went to Jingyang Palace.

When the Queen Mother looked at the mother and son with so many soldiers rushing in, immediately screamed with anger: "You are arrogant! Even dare to force the palace? Su Lin, the old five years old is not sensible, in this noisy, you do not stop? This is the great crime of destroying the Nine! You have not thought about the entire Liu family?"

The Queen Mother does not mention the Liu family is okay, this said that the Liu family, Liu Suzhen and the five emperors are all on fire!

Liu Su screamed: "You know the Liu family, can you think about our mother and child? What did the Liu family give us? You only want my son to assist the future emperor, why can't you suggest the emperor? Is the five princes a prince? Why do we have to make wedding dresses for others? Where is my son worse than others?"

The Empress Dowager knew at this time that people might have hated her for this reason.

The Queen Mother reluctantly shook her head. "Do you think the emperor is a fool? Can you let the old five be an emperor? Liu has a queen, and he has a noble, you are stupid and unwilling to be lonely. You think that the emperor can make the fifth succeed. Let the Shangguan’s Jiangshan fall into the hands of the fifth child. What is the difference between falling into your hands? You are really childish and ridiculous!"

Liu Suzhen was too stupid and unwilling to be lonely, but he was so angry that he was so stupid. "Where am I stupid? How can I not be lonely? Where can I not be as good as Feng Fengrong? When I was obviously a queen, it was all you, but I wanted to stop. If I am a queen, then I can justifiably become a prince. All things will be a matter of course, which is as hard as it is later? It’s all made by your dead old woman, you still blame me! Five emperors, you gave me her eyes! Call her to have no eyes, recognize people, and help the queen to be the queen!"

"You dare!" The Queen Mother was almost angry, and this time the blood pressure was really elevated because she had a splitting headache and her chest was stuffy.

Pointing at Liu Suzhen’s hand, he is swearing, “You said that you are an idiot. You still don’t admit it. When you were not allowed to stand up for you, it was the idea of ​​the emperor. Moreover, the emperor himself did not fancy you, if not the mourner’s interference. Do you think that you can be his side? You feel that you are very talented, but the emperor is the daughter of the daughter, who is worse than you? There is no sorrow, you are nothing..."

"Hey!" After the words were not finished, Liu Suzhen rushed up and slammed her. "You are an old woman, I told you to marry me, I am going to kill you today!"

Liu Suzhen took the scissors on the desk and stabbed it toward the Queen Mother. . . . . .

The slaves in the Queen Mother's Palace, just about to rush up, were stopped by the five emperors and caught.

The five emperors pointed at the Empress Dowager and said: "You old bastard! I have long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye, you know that the Shangguan Lingran is so embarrassed, isn't I your grandson? nnd! Come, first put this The old guy tied me up, and the young man first cleaned up your meal and exported bad luck!"

After that, the man rushed up. The Empress Dowager was in the madness of Liu Suzhen, who was brought up by the five emperors. In the panic, Liu Suzhen’s scissors stabbed the shoulders. Liu Suzhen saw no harm in the first sight. He lifted the scissors and stabbed the old lady’s eyes, looking at the scissors. When she was only one centimeter away from her eyes, she saw Liu Suzhen suddenly change her hand and inserted the scissors into her chest.

"The emperor!" Shangguan Lingran stunned and rushed over, kicking five princes and eagerly said: "It's really dangerous! Fortunately, there is spiritual power, otherwise they will be hurt by you. Emperor grandmother, you Do you want to be tight?"

"Linger ah..." The Queen Mother was scared by the shock, and when she got angry, it was really awkward.


Still purple, save her, wake up, grab the purple hand, and let go, crying tears, "Yeer, the emperor is sorry for you! You are right, I am an old Confused, I have maintained them all, but I have to end up like this. Hey..."

Purple sees her through this change, as if she is a ten-year-old, and between the night, white hair, wrinkles and countless. I still can't bear it in my heart. After all, it was also good for her. She was really sad about Shangguan Lingran. Although she loved people, she didn't agree.

Although the old lady is selfish, the way of handling things is different, but the sin is not dead. Moreover, she has been punished, and she is not swaying at the sorrow of her.

I took the old lady's hand and said softly: "Emperor grandmother, well, don't be sad, Sun Hao is not angry with you. You have to take care of your illness. Sun Hao and Ling Ran still have a lot to deal with. Not accompanying you."

The old lady nodded, thinking about it and not worrying, guilty said: "You are not blaming Linger, he has no such thoughts on the two sisters of Shenjia, I am forced. You must blame grandma, Don't blame Linger, the couple have a good time, don't you because my confused old lady is quarreling?"

Purple quiet nodded, "Sun Hao knows, we have no fights, you can feel free to take care of your illness, you can't forget to want to enter the palace to see you, how come you are sick?"

"Oh." Hearing a pair of dragons and babies, the old lady was finally a little comfortable, quiet, and the mood was not so volatile.

However, I heard that the Prince had tangled the Huns together and called the emperor. The blood pressure of the anger was rising, and the head exploded.

When Purple arrived at "Jingyang Palace" to visit her, she saw a red cloth around her head. When she saw her and Shangguan Lingran, she cried again. "Linger, Youer, these nephews! You are so uneasy..."

Shangguan Ling suddenly comforted her. "Huang Grandma, don't get angry. If you are sick, how can you be good? If we handle this, can you take care of your illness?"

"Yeah." Ziyou also followed the advice: "Emperor grandmother, you don't have to worry about it, peace of mind is sick. You are sick, we have to worry about you, you don't forget, there are many things, waiting for Sun Hao and your grandson Going to deal with it, you can't distract us."

The old lady nodded, and I also knew that the rebellion of the Prince and the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors involved too many families of officials. Even the Liu family was involved. Purple and Shangguan must have many Things have to be busy.

The old lady is not worried about the Liu family, frowning, worried and said: "I blame me, otherwise the snow girl will not marry Shangguan Peng, now how can it be good, Anguogong, will not be Check it out?"

In the face of the big crimes, the company is connected with the nine ethnic groups, and the adult men are all sentenced to capital punishment. The adult woman, the relationship and the intimidating sinners, have to ask, Liu Ruixue is the Prince’s side, and certainly can’t escape.

The Empress Dowager is that at the beginning, An Guogong’s husband and wife did not agree that Liu Ruixue would marry the Prince to do the side squatting. It was the Queen Mother who was willing to go his own way, so he decided to marry them.

At that time, because the Prince and the Queen were still filial to her, she asked her to ask Liu Ruixue as the Prince. She did not refuse. In addition, she is selfish, afraid that if she is in the upper position, can she live or not, Liu Guifei can't fight the queen, the Liu family's woman, no one is in the harem, Liu will be suppressed, and then fading, so, the main force is Liu Ruixue Married to the Prince to do the side, thinking that while she was alive, the Prince could succeed, and she tried to get Liu Ruixue to the throne of the Queen.

But who knows, people are not as good as days, things will develop to the present level? Strictly speaking, she is the murderer of Liu Ruixue.

Purple You didn't want to tell the Queen Mother. She has already prepared a prisoner of death and waited for the bag to be dropped. Emperor Xuanwu had already decreed that he had seized the Prince's House, and no one was spared from the Prince's House. All of them were imprisoned.

Originally, Emperor Xuanwu also wanted to check the Anguo government, but it was stopped by Ziyou. "The emperor, now on the occasion of employing people, Anguogong is a military commander. He has been in the army for many years. Instead of catching him, it is not as good. Let him sin and make meritorious deeds, and bring troops to fight against Shangguan Peng. If he can defeat the enemy, he will forgive the Anguo government and Liu Ruixue without sin. If they are defeated, they will ask them if they are defeated."

Xuanwu Emperor listened and hesitated. The left-handed adult and the new military department Shangshu, also known as the old man of Yin Xiaoxia, are unanimously seconded.

The old man said: "The emperor, the minister attached to the opinion of the national division, with nearly 300 lives in the whole government, plus his daughter, Anguogong will definitely fight a battle."

The Ministry of Military Affairs also nodded and said: "Ang Kwong has already handed over the military power, but he has been in the military for many years, and the prestige is still there. There are many officers who brought him out. He will be able to shake the battle. Those soldiers."

Shui Ling offered at this time: "The emperor, if you don't feel at ease, you will send the world and the world to look at him. If you are both, are you still worried?"

Xuanwu Emperor is really not worried, his son wants his life one by one, not to mention others? However, I think no one else can lead the army to fight the 300,000 troops led by Shang Guanpeng and the 300,000-strong army led by Uwei Li.

Mu Yingyi and General Mu, to defend the imperial capital, they are not completely trusting. He originally wanted someone to live his life. Who knows if Shangguan Pengyi sold him?

Emperor Xuanwu was riddled with his own three filial piety, and he made a slap in the face. He finally figured out a loss, and he did not shamefully pretend to have a sense of helplessness.

Said: "The two of you will go to the army led by An Guogong to be a superintendent. Just in case, after you leave, let your mother and children live in the palace, and worry about Shangguan Pengyi and Uvi. Make a bad, and start with your mother and baby."

"Chen's purpose." Purple and Shangguan Ling Ran in the heart of the mirror, the mother and the baby, this is the hostage of Xuanwu Emperor.

However, with the unforgettable ability, plus the earth and wood spirit, some people want to murder and calculate them, it is purely a dead end! Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou are not worried about their son and daughter.

However, it is necessary to clean up the party feathers of Emperor Dudu and the Three Emperors before leaving.

The leader of the prince/party, the original military department Shangshu, because the supervision of the grass is weak, has been removed from the Xuanwu Emperor, leaving Zhao Kangwei, but also prepared to join the Prince, but the officials he is pulling are still asleep, Was captured by Mu Yingyi and Shangguan Lingran, Shangguan Weiran, and the speed of stealing.

Zhao Kangwei also calmly looked at Mu Yingyi and blamed: "General Mu Da, you exclude the dissident, can't you catch me so for no reason? I am the official of the emperor's pro-secondary, you have no right to arrest me privately. I want to see the emperor."

Purple secluded the sacred sacred, mocking sneer, "Do not worry, you will see the emperor, you do not have to suspect that Mu Da general to exclude dissidents, privately arrest you, what you have done yourself, it is not clear in your own heart. ?"

After that, Zhao Kangwei turned his face, and Zi Wei waved his hand. The soldiers swarmed up and tied him up and took it.

Of course, Ningbian and Shangguan Yingying, and Xu Yawan were also arrested. When Ning’s side was arrested, he knew that the Shangguan’s taint was ruined.

It was Shangguan Yingying and Xu Yawan, who were crying and screaming.

"Mu Ziyou, you fox! You are arresting me, I am the county magistrate, the biological daughter of An Wang."

Purple sneer, sneer, "Is it true, are you not sure? You can rest assured that you will see your true father soon."

Ning side stunned, and rushed to the front, and cried in front of Ziyou: "Shi Zi, the child is really the daughter of Wang Ye, I did not lie to you. I want to see the prince, you let me see the prince. ”

Purple secluded a foot in the past, coldly screaming and yelling: "You still want to see the prince! The whereabouts of the prince who was harmed by your son is unknown, it is death or life, do you know, do you still have such a request?"

Ning side fell to the ground, crying and crying. Who can say to her bitterness in her heart? In fact, she later fell in love with An Wang. After all, An Wang is far better than Zhao Kangwei in terms of looks and temperament, but she took Zhao Kangwei’s poison to her. In order to survive, she had to succumb to the snake and even told Shangguan. Dyeing, his real life experience is not to let him recognize his ancestors, but Shangguan Dyeing has been complaining about An Wang's eccentricity. She feels that she is guilty of An Wang; and later, Zhao Kangwei forced her to get her. When An Wang’s troops were deployed, she had no way. She was afraid that the Shangguan Dian couldn’t bear to steal the information and told him the truth.

But what she did not expect was that her son actually took her and led her nephew to recognize Zhao Kangwei; and, listening to the meaning of Mu Ziyou, seemed to know this. But my nephew is really not the daughter of Zhao Kangwei, can't let her follow her own life!

Ning side of the tears of despair, she vaguely guessed that there will be this day, but did not expect this day to come so fast. She had thought that her daughter could successfully marry into the General Armed Forces and escaped from this robbery. I did not expect that people would be better than days, and her daughter was still implicated.

Xu Yawan knew nothing about Shangguan’s dyeing. Therefore, after being arrested, the conversation between Ningbian and Ziyou was awkward and unclear. Therefore, I thought that Zi’an’s life and death were unknown. I want to kill her and her mother and daughter.

In that self-righteous, complaining and continually cursing: "Mu Ziyou, you poison woman! You want to take the prince and the second son is not, kill us, I curse you, you will not die! Wang Ye and the second son come back I can't spare you."

Haiyun has long been unbearable by her unwillingness. Now, listening to her cursed lady, where can I stand it? When she stepped forward, she slammed her several slaps, "I don't want to swear by the sluts! I dare to curse the world, I tear your mouth!"

The poetry also walked over and licked her feet, and said angrily: "This foot is for the rain, this foot is for the lady, this foot is for the world, you are this Woman! It’s time to go to the 18th floor of hell!"

The poetry rhyme is reminiscent of the evils that Xu Yawan has done, so several crickets screamed together and beat her to cry.

The speed of the soldiers was superficial, and Xuanwu Emperor quickly decreed to mobilize the 400,000-strong army. He decreed that the Guoan Guogong would send troops to the north of the rebellious generals; the Shangguan Lingran as the deputy, and the purple secluded as the superintendent.

And let Anguo publicly issue a military order, if this fight does not win, the Anguo government will all beheaded.

The Empress Dowager knew about the incident, and once again smashed the past, there was no purple secluded treatment in time, this time a stroke!

Because he was ordered to send Mo Mo to the palace, Ziyue left Mu Ling and Tu Ling to become the milk girl to protect them, and also left the poetry, ink rhyme and sea rhyme to the baby, and of course And Wu Hao, with the children into the palace.

Ziyou and Shangguan are not at ease. They close the door and carefully lick the two little prodigies. They are only very powerful. Now they have only finished a hundred days, only a little more than four months. If Xuanwu Emperor moved the murder, the affirmation sent They are all big masters.

Purple secluded and lost a few kisses, then told him: "Baby, you are a brother, you have to take care of your sister. In addition to Muling, Tuling, anyone else

Close to you, you and your sister have multiple eyes, guard against them, know? ”

Xiaomo lost a pair of stars like her, with a wise and confident light, sparkling, and the Shangguan cool and cool look. The milk slaps a small breast to make a guarantee: "Mother, rest assured, I will protect my sister, wait for you to come back."

Xiao Mo forgot to listen, and sighed with conviction: "Hey! Who wants you to protect, who is two years older than me, what little adult?"

Purple You heard the voices of the two people, and then listened to them saying that they were adults, could not help but the wind was messy, quickly grabbed the son’s mouth and shouted again: “Don’t expose your difference, know? No one is going to murder you, you still have to pretend to know nothing like other little babies."

"Yes." Xiaomo nodded coolly.

Xiaomo forgot to scream: "Ah! No, then what should I do and squat? I don't want to pull it on my trousers. I don't want to show my **** to outsiders."

Listening to Xiao Mo forgot to say this, Xiaomo lost and frowned. Because the beautiful mother told him: "Because it is now in the imperial capital, there are enemies around the mother, so you can't reveal that you are a genius child prodigy, you will be loaded with the same babies."

For this reason, in addition to being alone with the mother, they can't talk, they can use crying instead of language; they have to wear open pants to reveal the chickens/chickens and small butts they don't want to see. The two little guys can be said to hate to die, to cry, and to expose key parts.

In the Wangfu, they were all around the mother, and they barely accepted it, but when they arrived in the palace, they were in front of so many outsiders. . . . . . what! Think about it and panic.

Xiaomo lost his eyes and looked at him with disappointment. "Man, you are too incompetent! Quickly report your hatred and take us out of here."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thanks to the pro-resistant agan to send the purse! Thanks for the lang216 pro! 152557123 Dear! 2233 pro! Jing Hao Beibei qn! Ice pure Qing Yu pro! L0713 pro! Send flower flower bad flower pro! Worry ak pro! Dear! Ln66577 pro! Thank you for your help! Xiao Bing wished you a good luck! Love you~