MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 668 [Fan] No colorful phoenix with double flying wings (10)

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As soon as Pingyang and his grandmother and mother left the street, they saw Pei Yunqian standing on horseback on the roadside to meet them.

As soon as Pingyang saw Cousin Pei, his mood immediately improved.

Pei Yunqian has experienced a lot of experience in the military recently, and his face has become more resolute. The dark military uniform on his body highlights the young man's tall and strong figure.

Pingyang opened the window, smiled brightly at Pei Yunqian, and called out crisply: "Cousin."

Pei Yunqian saw Pingyang, a smile appeared on his resolute face, and his eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at her.

 “Back.” He asked simply.

Pingyang nodded and asked, "Is it possible for you to go back to your home today?"

Pei Yunqian is currently on duty at the City Patrol Department and only gets one day off every ten days to return home.

Pei Yunqian replied: "Not today."

Seeing the disappointment on Pingyang's face, he immediately coaxed her and said in a gentle tone: "Just wait for three more days. When the army has a holiday on the 10th, I will go back to the house."

In front of Concubine Lan and Concubine Yongqin, although Pei Yunqian was reluctant to part with Pingyang, he did not dare to go too far on his face. After briefly saying a few words to her, Pei Yunqian rode up to Concubine Yongqin's car and replied. : "Just now in Nancheng, there were a few thieves who broke into the houses of wealthy families to steal things. People from the patrol camp are searching all over the city. There is chaos outside. I will **** the concubine and my aunt and cousin back home first."

“The capital is actually so uneasy right now.”

Princess Yongqin muttered something. Although she looked at her nephew through the car window, this nephew was born well. Now that he has been in the army for a while, he has become more mature and steady, which makes people feel inexplicably at ease.

 It’s a pity that my family is in decline, otherwise. Alas.

Princess Yongqin withdrew her inappropriate thoughts, looked at her nephew and asked, "Is it okay for you to be an errand in the city inspection department?"

Pei Yunqian replied to Princess Yongqin: "General Li is strict in running the army and appoints people based on their ability. It is really a blessing to meet the Ming Lord."

Princess Yongqin looked at her nephew who had lost a lot of weight, and said distressedly: "It's just that I heard that the tiger soldiers in the city patrol department are the most hard-working. You are not even twenty yet, and you have to suffer like this."

Princess Yongqin is a soft-hearted person. Otherwise, she would not have seen the Pei family in trouble and was willing to help.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but think of her sister-in-law who passed away early, and her eye circles couldn't help but turn red.

When Pei Yunqian saw this, he immediately smiled and consoled him: "As the saying goes, one can become a great person only by enduring hardships. Although it was a bit harder in the Huben military camp, there were many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. I have grown up, and my aunt can still protect me." I will never succeed in my life, so in the future I should fight my way out of the world to repay my aunt for her kindness in upbringing me."

Which elder doesn’t like children who are motivated and grateful.

After hearing this, Princess Yongqin felt comforted in her heart and wiped away her tears: "My aunt knows that you are a promising person." After saying that, she did not forget to warn: "But you should not be eager for quick success and performance. It’s important, but you also have to take care of yourself.”

He also wants to seek fame and marry Pingyang as soon as possible, how can he not be anxious.

Hearing this, Pei Yunqian smiled bitterly and nodded silently.

Pei Yunqian was protecting Concubine Lan and others as they were walking slowly towards the palace. Suddenly, several figures in black swaying on the eaves on one side of the long street vaguely appeared. Then, they heard A group of people chased them down the long street, shouting: "Thieves, where can you escape?"

Princess Yongqin heard the noise and asked Pei Yunqian nervously, "But those thieves came here again?" Pei Yunqian closely guarded the car and comforted Princess Yongqin: "Don't be afraid, aunt, those thieves are busy. They are trying to escape, but there are elite patrol battalions arresting them, so they have no time to harm innocent people."

Princess Yongqin felt relieved after hearing this and said to Pei Yunqian: "Go to the car behind and see Pingyang. She has always been timid."

With Princess Yong's words, Pei Yunqian rode up to Pingyang's car. As soon as he came over, Pingyang immediately opened the car window and complained to Pei Yunqian with a little face: "You didn't want to pay attention to me on the way. .”

Pingyang naturally knew that Pei Yunqian had to be polite in front of her grandmother and mother, but she just couldn't help but want to stick to her cousin Pei.

As long as he sees Cousin Pei, Pingyang can't control his heart.

Seeing Pingyang shivering, Pei Yunqian smiled at her and said to her with his mouth: "Be good and be obedient."

Being coaxed gently by cousin Pei, a smile immediately appeared on Pingyang's face. She lay on the car window, looked at Pei Yunqian with crooked eyebrows, lowered her voice and said coquettishly: "You can do it if you want me to be obedient, then you I have to go back to my hometown to stay tonight, is that okay?"

Pei Yunqian winked at Pingyang and replied in a low voice: "I am a soldier now and must obey military orders."

He glanced at Pingyang's little face that was about to pout again, and immediately coaxed her and said: "When I have a vacation in ten days, I will report back to my aunt and take you to the countryside for hunting."

"You are serious!" Pingyang was so surprised that she almost cried out. She quickly covered her mouth and lowered her voice to Pei Yunqian: "You must keep your word."

In order to prevent others from seeing the flaw, Pei Yunqian, who was riding on the horse, pretended to have a calm face, but his eyes were glued to Pingyang, and he whispered back: "When have I lied to you, but you have to be obedient in front of the elders. Don’t make mistakes.”

Pingyang nodded with a smile and said: "I understand, I will just listen to you."

The two of them were whispering here behind closed doors, and Zhou Jin and a small team from the Patrol Department had already chased them.

Seeing Pei Yunqian, Zhou Jin reined in the horse and said to Pei Yunqian: "Brother Pei, those little thieves clearly ran past you just now, why didn't you catch them and let them go in vain?" .”

Pei Yunqian smiled and replied: "I have to **** the female relatives back to the house, but they are just a few thieves. With so many brothers, can we let them out of the city?"

This year, Zhou Jin was not even seventeen or eighteen years old. He was full of youthful spirit, wearing bright clothes and angry horses.

He raised his hand to wipe the hot sweat from his forehead and sighed: "Dealing with these thieves is more tiring than going into battle to kill the enemy. They fly over the walls and don't take the usual route, and they can really slip someone to death."

As the two of them were talking, they saw the thieves turning back and running away on the eaves on both sides of the long street. Hu Dahai and a few soldiers were chasing after them.

Seeing this, Zhou Jin immediately became energetic again: "Old Hu has intercepted them again." After saying that, he said to Pei Yunqian: "Brother Pei, you will take a few brothers to guard over there in a moment. I will Go over there and pick up Lao Hu, and I'll see where these thieves can escape."

After saying that, Zhou Jin and his men turned their horses and left. Pei Yunqian was still guarding Pingyang's carriage, but he did not move at all.

Pingyang looked at Pei Yunqian and asked, "Don't worry about me. Those thieves are busy running for their lives. Just send us to the street corner. There will be a family guard to protect us. It will be okay."

Pei Yunqian replied: "You don't have to worry about this, just stay in the car." After that, he raised his hand and closed the window.

In less than a moment, Pingyang opened a small gap in the car window. She looked at Pei Yunqian quietly through the gap. Pei Yunqian turned his head and glanced at Pingyang who was peeking. The corners of his mouth were curved, just letting her Nonsense. (End of chapter)