MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 669 [Fan] No colorful phoenix with double flying wings (11)

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Pei Yunqian escorted the carriage and horse out of the long street and stopped at the street entrance, just waiting for Zhou Jin, Hu Dahai and others to catch the thief before leaving.

Zhou Jin and Hu Dahai each led a team of men and horses to block both sides of the long street. However, the thieves were light and could easily climb trees and walls, so it was very laborious to arrest them.

Hu Dahai was impatient. He stretched out his long legs and managed to catch up with one of them. He threw an ax and split the thief flying on the wall into two pieces along with the wall at his feet.

Zhou Jin saw this and said anxiously: "Old Hu, try to catch him alive."

Hu Dahai, you were so angry that you puffed your beard and glared: "These little thieves are slipperier than loaches, how can they catch them alive? You said it very lightly, you can catch one and show it to me!"

Zhou Jin replied: "Can you be a little patient?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the ground shaking, and Hu Dahai struck again with an axe. However, the little thief rubbed oil on his feet, but it did not hurt him at all. He ran away again, but the whole face was A large part of a wall was knocked down by Hu Dahai with an axe.

Zhou Jin saw this and cursed hastily: "Old Hu, if you keep making trouble like this, if the thief is not caught, we may have to build a wall for several days tomorrow."

Pei Yunqian originally thought that the two generals would be able to deal with the thieves in just a few battles, but he did not expect that these two generals were so useless.

He reluctantly took off the bow and arrow from his horse, only to hear the "swish, swish, swish" sound in the air, and several thieves flying on the eaves fell in response.

 “Brother Pei, you are good at archery.”

Zhou Jin couldn't help but praise when he saw this, then he also woke up, took out his bow and arrows and shot at the thieves.

After Pei Yunqian shot down several thieves, he put on his bow and arrow again, aimed at only one thief, and shot out an arrow. The arrow passed through the thief's clothes, but did not hurt him at all, and only nailed him firmly. On the eaves, he immediately said to Zhou Jin who was busy shooting arrows: "That one is the leader. Just catch him. Don't worry about finding out the den of thieves."

When Zhou Jin heard this, he hurriedly ordered people to untie the thief who was nailed to the eaves by Pei Yunqian. After taking off his mask and seeing his face clearly, Zhou Jin waved his hand to Hu Dahai and said: "Old Hu, the one that Brother Pei shot is indeed He is the leader of the thieves, and he has gathered his troops."

Hu Dahai put away his axe, turned around and asked, "Can you see clearly?"

Zhou Jin smiled and said, "I see clearly. When I interrogated the captured thieves a few days ago, they told me the appearance of their leader. I remember it clearly."

"Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. If that's the case, then I don't have to waste any effort dealing with these loaches." With that said, Hu Dahai stopped dealing with those little thieves. He strode over and shouted at Pei Yunqian. He cupped his fists and said with a grin: "Brother Pei, I didn't expect that you are quite capable at such a young age. It makes me, Old Hu, look up to you with admiration."

Zhou Jin ordered people to **** the leader of the thieves down. He also smiled and thanked Pei Yunqian: "If it weren't for Brother Pei today, we would really have to spend a lot of effort to deal with these thieves."

Several people were talking here. Li Xiang came over on horseback with two followers. When Hu Dahai saw Li Xiang, he joked with a smile: "What? Is Mr. Li San here to catch the thief too?"

 Hu Dahai was a rough man, and only the strong could impress him. Although he admired Li Ling very much, he looked down on Li Ling's younger brother Li Xiang from the bottom of his heart.

Li Xiang was brought to the City Patrol Division by Li Ling for training on the first day, but Li Xiang failed to persist. In the eyes of Hu Dahai, Li Xiang was determined to be a softie.

Li Xiang saw Hu Dahai's teasing, but he was not annoyed at all. He smiled politely at Hu Dahai and replied: "I just came out of my mother's princess house on Dongjie and heard a lot of loud noises here. , knowing that Mrs. Lan, the princess and others were going to pass by here on their way back home, I was worried, so I rode over to have a look."

Zhou Jin smiled when he heard this and said: "Those noises are all caused by Old Hu." As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed at the walls that Hu Dahai had overturned. He sighed and said: "Look, these people will definitely sue tomorrow." If we go to the government office, we won’t be able to protect everything, so we still have to come and repair people’s walls.”

 Li Xiang glanced at Hu Dahai, still with a noble smile on his face, and replied: "General Hu is really brave."

Hu Dahai couldn't hear the teasing in Li Xiang's words, so he only clasped his fists and replied: "Thank you for your compliments, Mr. Li San."

Li Xiang sneered and didn't bother with him anymore. He just asked Zhou Jin: "Are the thieves so rampant in the city now? Why are you bothering the Tiger Army?"

Zhou Jin replied: "There is always unrest in the city at the end of the year. This year is also the year of tribute. My eldest cousin was worried, so he transferred me out to help the patrol department patrol the city." As he said that, he pointed at Hu Dahai. He said: "The training in the army is not tight at the end of the year. Old Hu can't rest. Hearing that there are thieves in the city, he insists on following him out."

After listening to Zhou Jin's words, Hu Dahai said unconvinced: "If I, Old Hu, hadn't helped you intercept this thief today, would you have been able to catch him? Humph! They would have been able to escape by now. "

Zhou Jin retorted: "It doesn't matter if you arrest someone. You're not going to help people build the wall tomorrow. If you make a fuss like this, you won't get any credit even if you arrest someone. Maybe the government office will blame us for disturbing the people." Woolen cloth."

The two refused to give in to each other and escorted the thieves away. When they were leaving, Hu Dahai looked back at Pei Yunqian and said at the top of his voice: "Brother Pei, let's drink together some other time when we are free."

After everyone left, Li Xiang stepped on his horse and came to the carriage of Prince Yong's Mansion. He gave Pei Yunqian a small fist and asked with a smile: "Are you the Mr. Pei that cousin Pingyang often mentioned?"

Pei Yunqian returned the greeting and said, "Pei Yunqian, I have met Mr. Li San."

 Li Xiang exchanged some polite greetings, then looked at Pingyang's carriage, which was protected by Pei Yunqian. He asked to the carriage: "The thieves are rampant, my cousin is not frightened, right?"

Pingyang heard Li Xiang's voice. She raised her hand to tighten the car window and replied lightly: "I'm fine." Then she said to Pei Yunqian outside the car window: "Cousin Pei, since the thief has been eliminated, you can Take me back home."

Pei Yunqian agreed, abandoned Li Xiang, jumped to the front of the car, and escorted several people to the palace.

After walking for a while, Pingyang opened the car window again. She looked at Pei Yunqian and asked with a smile: "Cousin, your archery skills are really good."

Pei Yunqian looked at Pingyang and replied: "There are many people who are better than me in archery skills, but you have never seen them."

Pingyang lay on the car window, looked at Cousin Pei, and replied: "I don't care about others. In my eyes, your archery skills are the best."

The night is bright and clear, and what shines in Pingyang’s eyes is the vast sky full of stars. (End of chapter)