MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 394, 黛 葬 burial flower, give birth to justice

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Early the next morning, Ji Ling and Qin Shumo came to the Dragon House. Lu Anqi and Yang Xueying happily pulled Ji Ling to ask questions. Although Ji Ling was also very excited, he never felt that he was showing a loss. You don’t have to ask Lu Anran to know. This time, Ji Ling did not see Lu Anhu, Lu Anhu and Lu Anwei both went to the mission, she has not seen two people yet!

Asked about the reason for the two people, Qin Shumo only said to see her sister, Ji Ling said that it was to see the calligraphy and painting exhibition, and asked if he actually went to see Yan Ruyu's calligraphy and painting exhibition.

So everyone agreed to go to the exhibition together. At the exhibition, Lu Anran really changed his face to Yan Ruyu. Such a beautiful word, she is afraid that it will not be written for a lifetime, and the delicate scenery of the landscape, the aura of flowers and birds. .

Look at today's Yan Ruyu, long hair and waist, dressed in a modified cross-dressed Hanfu dress, a touch of azure, the skirt is a smoked willow figure, wearing a left-handed wrist The jade bracelet on the upper layer of the texture. The gentle smile on his face is a smile with the people around him.

When it was time, Yan Ruyu’s inscription on the spot, she was calm and relaxed, her eyes were full of concentration, and her mouth was slightly raised. White jade seemed to hold the pen on the white finger and wrote a few large characters on the white dragonfly. The seemingly gentle approach was It is a darkening, and every single point is just right.

Looking at Yan Ruyu's concentrated side face, Lu Anran really feels that Yan Ruyu is worthy of his own name. This kind of self-confident, ethereal and focused beauty is like an ancient jade, and it has its own heritage and intriguing.

After the exhibition, Yan Ruyu opened the Kung Fu and chatted with Lu Anran and others. Ji Ling’s idol was excited in front of her. So she first saw a picture of Yan Ruyu in the teacher’s computer in the studio. The picture has been deeply attracted. It is a very beautiful and beautiful, extraordinary and has a small gesture of the daughter's family. It is a picture of the burial flower of the jade, and she has seen many before. The jade burial flower map, the painter of 15% will focus on the grievances of Saitama, and 30% of the painters focus on the gestures of Saitama, either soft or powerless. Twenty percent of the painters focused on creating the artistic concept of the funeral flower. Yan Ruyu's picture is completely different from the former. Ji Ling has seen so many pictures. It is the first time I saw someone who really portrayed Lin Yuyu's attitude of a ten-year-old daughter's family. Although there is sadness in the eyebrows, she is still childish. Untouched, the strong book aroma began to paint from the costumes. The whole painting is also a large piece of white flowers. But each piece is different. Just look at one place and feel the loneliness of the falling flowers.

I thought it would be a painting by an old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, but he accidentally learned that the painter was about the same size as her. This made Ji Ling very surprised. Especially when Yan Ruyu still likes to design his own clothes, Ji Ling is even pressing I can't stand my excitement. Now I see such a big living person standing in front of myself. Ji Ling has been shaking with his hands.

"Today is a long experience." Lu Anran said with a smile.

"Where, don't laugh at me. Speaking of long-sightedness, your craft is really making me see. I was thinking about when I can go to you again." Yan Ruyu remembered half of it. Luan had a banquet to entertain her before the month, and she felt that her saliva was exuberant.

"Yes... we have a long experience in your food intake." Yang Xueying said with a smile, she was the first time she saw someone who could eat a rice cooker meal, not counting dishes. The weight of the dishes made by Lu Anran was still sufficient, but the six of them were at home. Lu Anran made twenty dishes. Each of them was a large dish with two extra soups. She felt like she was alone. A plate of dishes can not be eaten, the day is actually nothing left, Yan Ruyu himself all round! Yang Xueying couldn't help but look up at Yan Ruyu, and she didn't know where she had eaten so many things.

"It is a miracle that your family has not been eaten by you!" Feng Sihan shook his head.

"Early! There are many ancient calligraphy and painting books in the family. It is enough for me to eat a few times." Yan Ruyu shrugged.

"You can't! Those are the lifeblood of Grandpa Yan!" Feng Sihan hurriedly stopped.

"Haha!" everyone laughed out.

After chatting for a while, Lu Anran left in advance, and she returned to the office of Long’s New Media era. Liu Chengdie was already sitting in the office waiting for her.

Today, Liu Chengdie’s face is still not very good. Sitting on the side sofa, she immediately stood up when she saw Lu Anran: “Vice President.”

"Sit." Lu Anran nodded and then sat down to Liu Chengdie's side: "Is Lin Biao looking for you today?"

"Yes." Liu Chengdie nodded. "He said that he has mine... my... photo..." Liu Chengdie glimmered: "He asked me to jump to Fengshi."

"Don't bother." Lu Anran hooked his mouth: "Even if you quit the past, he will announce these photos when you don't use the value later." Lu Anran looked down at Liu Chengdie: "You are afraid of these photos. What about the world?"

"Afraid." Liu Chengdie squeezed the skirt around her hands.

"Compared with death?" Lu Anran asked with a smile.

"The same fear." Liu Chengdie looked at Lu Anran.

"Like the choice?" Lu Anran's face is still a faint smile: "Do you know what is called death and then born?"

"Know." Liu Chengdie seems to expect that Lu Anran will let her make choices today. Her eyes are full of sorrow. It is a kind of sorrowful look that is willing to give up everything: "Vice President, no matter what you say I will do it, you are told."

"Well, what I am waiting for is this sentence!" Lu Anran took a hand and got up and pulled out a document from his desk: "Sign it."

Liu Chengdie got up and came to the table and picked up the pen without any hesitation.

"Considering the re-signing, this document is signed for your whole life, until the death of the party." Lu Anran finally reminded.

"I have already died once." Liu Chengdie's face is stunned, to the dead side? If it wasn't for Lu Anran's block, now she could only be a corpse. Liu Chengdie quickly signed her name: "Vice President, what do you want me to do."

"Good." Lu Anran smiled and said to Liu Chengdie: "Turn to the second page and sign your name. The theme song of the much-anticipated New Year's movie is your name. ""