MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 409, causing trouble, no one to enter

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When I left the ward, the days outside were already dark, and Lu Anran was worried about Feng Sihan. She is a living substitute for Feng Xiuhan...

When Lu Anran came out of the hospital door, she felt someone staring at her again. Lu Anran felt a little uneasy, and then returned to the hospital lobby and dialed Linda's phone number: "Linda, I am at the hospital, you come to pick me up. Someone is following me!"

"Oh..." Linda sighed and sighed, moving her eyes away from the computer screen: "Enron, you..."

"How?" Lu Anran asked inexplicably.

"Nothing..." Linda sighed with a sigh of relief: "You are honest, don't move, don't go, I will pass."

"Good! Come on!" Lu Anran quickly nodded and hanged his phone.

And Linda, who was in the study room, sighed again and looked at the girl with a bright smile on the screen. Linda felt a pain in her stomach.

"Enron, safely... Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Getting up and taking the coat, Linda quickly rushed to the hospital, and now I have no time to think about these things, I can only see the move!

When I arrived at the hospital, Linda just saw a disguised ambulance, and someone was pulling the landing from the car.

Lu Anran's three-legged cat martial arts can still support for a while. When Linda appears, the trend of the scene will reverse. Linda quickly solved this group of people and then pulled Lu Anran behind his motorcycle. Then, at the same speed as the wind, Lu Anran was brought back to Long Yu's home. At the door of the house, Linda looked around very carefully, and then pushed Luan to enter the house.

"Linda, what's the matter with you?" Lu Anran felt that Linda was a little weird, wasn't too careful.

Linda squinted and looked at Lu Anran: "Go, go to your room!"

"Oh..." Lu Anran stunned and took Linda into his house. Inside the house, Lu Anqi was looking at a fairy tale book with relish.

Linda opened Lu’an’s laptop on the desk, quickly opened the browser and entered a website. Then the user name and password were all entered three times to unlock and then opened one of the posts, which is a photo of Lu Anran.

"Hey?" Lu Anran blinked and blinked: "What is going on?"

"This is the forum for the Killer Alliance." Linda replied.

"Do you mean someone killed me?" Lu Anran looked at Linda.

"Do you remember the rewards of the daughters of the Italian Mafia godfather and Asian girls?" Linda looked directly at Lu Anran's eyes.

"Remember to remember that I certainly remember!" Lu Anran nodded: "The five-way chase order!" After a pause, Lu Anran seemed to react and looked at the pictures on the computer screen and swallowed his mouth. Own: "Asian girl?"

"Well." Linda nodded heavily.

"Amount..." Lu Anran poked his own temple with his fingers: "How many billions?"

"Well." Linda once again focused on the head.

"WTF..." Lu Anran’s heart is crying, how can she be so valuable at once! Reluctantly looking at Lu Anqi, who was interested in reading, Lu Anran shook his head helplessly.

"Now do you know how much trouble you have caused?" Linda is serious: "Once you use the five-way killing order, you are the reward target for all the killers in the world!"

“How serious will it be?” Lu Anan swallowed a sip of water.

"Through my strength... I am afraid I can't keep you." Linda sighed. If the five-way chasing order really brought out the old monsters, she really couldn't help it.

Lu Anran used it for three minutes to digest Linda’s words, and then she covered her face with both hands: “This is too exciting!”

"It's more exciting!" Linda turned a blind eye: "I have contacted the dragon less, he will adjust Ye Hao to protect you." Although Ye Hao is a slicker, but the strength is also awkward. Doubtful, even after the graduation of Ye Hao, there are still legends about Ye Hao in the college that are circulating throughout the college.

"Amount..." Lu Anran squatted and snorted: "I think I should buy a big insurance now." If she is really embarrassed, she can still give Jirou a sum of money.

"..." Linda shook her head helplessly: "Enron, this is not funny."

"Who is joking with you! I am serious about it." Lu Anran really thinks so, she has to do the worst.

"..." Linda also really can't tell whether it is good or bad like Lu Anran's sensible situation...

When Long Yuxi came back, he entered the room of Lu Anran for the first time. He probably heard Linda say about it. The five-way chase is not a joke. Long Yuxi’s nervous frown is Lu’an I must not go around, Lu Anran also knows that Long Yuxi promised to go down for himself.

Perhaps this is not enough. Long Yuxi decided to take Lu Anran back to his ancestral home. The building materials of the ancestral home are very special, and the safety factor has reached the level of the air-raid shelter.

Listening to the arrangement of Long Yuxi, Lu Anran also knew that it was not the time to come, but he had nodded and answered it. Now this situation is really embarrassing!

At this time in Feng Zhai, Feng Lixian stared at the photo on the screen. This photo was not put by him. He just knew that the real identity of this Asian girl was actually Lu Anran.

Feng Lixian never thought about going to Lu Anran to die. He just wanted to help Feng Xiuzhu complete the last wish. He immediately deleted the photo but was told that it was a useful task reminder, the forum would not delete it, and when Feng Lixian wanted to cancel or replace the task, the forum refused to modify the five-way killing order. task.

Feng Lixian’s troubled squat kicked a few feet and his eyes were gloomy: Lu Anran, how can you always take these messy troubles on your own?

At the same time in a villa in S City, the lights in this room were closed, the curtains were pulled up, and only a shadow was seen in the screen of the laptop. He exuded a kind of life. Into the gas field.

Du Xiuwu stared at the people on the screen, his brows wrinkled. What should he do?

One side is to make friends, the other is to hate the door... What can he do?

How to choose? Du Xiuwu laughed and laughed for a while before he murmured: "God, don't play me like this!"