MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-Chapter 18 Amethyst tiger cub

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"Right, big brother, there is one more thing." Han Yuran’s eyes turned and said: "When I was there, I saw the aura suddenly rushing toward his room, after he came out. He had a blue-colored scorpion in his hand. When I saw it, I saw that the seed of the scorpion turned out to be Xuan Bingbiyu!"

"Xuan Bingbiyu!?" Han Yuran's eyes flashed a flash of light. He clenched his fist and said: "I heard that this kind of jade is best suited for making scorpions, which can be used for detoxification and detoxification. The mainland specialties Ling Yu, the size of the fist is a million dollars. Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Han Yuran focused on the key and said: "Of course, I didn't misread. When the big sister married Nanzhou, I saw a scorpion in the dowry that I gave over there. It was Xuanbing Biyu, and the seed of the scorpion. Not even the one in the hands of Yu Xuan!"

Han Yuran immediately moved his mind, his heart is jumping, Xuan Bingbi Yuxi, refining can be described as quite difficult, after all, the seed material is brittle, if the technique is not right or the fire is not available, a whole piece of Xuan Bing jasper It will be broken, and it will be a waste.

Han Yuran himself is a refiner, and he naturally knows the preciousness of this scorpion.

He must get this hand out!

Han Yuran blinked and said, "Can you ask him?"

"Of course I want it." Han said: "But he has to say that this scorpion is to be left to the wife after the marriage, and the attitude is particularly determined. There is no room for negotiation. I see, you still have to He became a relative, and after he got the scorpion, he and he were separated."

"This is impossible." Han Yuran refused, but although he was greedy, he had not been stunned. "If it is a remarriage, I can still say that because of Xuan Xuan, it is not worthy of me, but if I am married, I will resign. That is to play the face of the whole family, even if you don’t see Yu Xuanzhi, you will never bear this breath."

"Then you won't have to kill Xuan Xuan." Han Xiaoran's little face showed a smile that he must have, and blinked his eyes and said: "If he dies after marriage, it will naturally have nothing to do with you." ""

Han Yuran’s eyes are slightly stunned, thoughtful.


Early the next morning, when Xuan Zhizhi was in bed, he found that the scorpion marks were gone.

He plans to go out and find this little guy, but before he reaches the gate of the yard, he will see the squatting sprint from the distance, followed by a white scorpion.

This is only a small scorpion with purple eyes and pure white fur. It is the tiger scorpion of Amethyst and White Tiger. This is when Zhan Zhan once explored treasure in a small world, personally from the amethyst tiger demon who is already dying. A pair of twins who are holding them.

At that time, the two tigers had not even opened their eyes.

The amethyst white tiger's cub period is quite long, and the beast also needs to be improved to make the body grow. When the amethyst white tiger is still alive, eating and drinking is a spiritual thing, but Rao is like that for seven years. It didn't grow much, but the fur was smoother and smoother.

Not to mention that since the disappearance of Yuzhan, the day of the scorpion marks is a day off, and the tigers naturally can't eat those foods full of aura, and the body is not growing.

However, fortunately, the aura of the family is also ample, and the tiger can still plan to eat some aura.