MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 74

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He Yu’s words fell, and suddenly he pressed forward. Shu Ning’s eyes widened, and he was secretly panicked. He slammed a loud noise. Someone kicked the door open. Shu Ning’s face was He Yu’s constantly magnifying face. I don’t know if it’s Shu Heng broke into the door and didn't know what his expression was. I don't know what will happen next?

Shu Heng’s anger is indispensable.

Who can think of He Yu so bold, Shu Ning is Shu's serious young master, I want to be embarrassed, just too much to take myself seriously.

Someone broke in. He Yu stopped the action in front of him, and immediately turned his head back. He didn’t see clearly which daring **** broke the good things of Laozi. He had a pain in his cheek and was knocked down on the spot. The corner of the mouth is split, the front teeth are broken, and the blood flow is like a note. This is not finished, Shu Heng's feet have been stepped on.

Suddenly there was a ghost crying in the bathroom. Many of the passing guests were curious to watch, and the bodyguard had already closed the door and kept it.

Shu Ning didn't see anything. He Yu, who was stuck in front, disappeared instantly. Then his brother's big hand grabbed his eyes, and then He Yu's screams came one after another, then...and then...and the hand was withdrawn, What appeared in front of my brother was worried about the face, and I was very incomparable.

Shu Ning has never seen such a Shu Heng. Really, he hasn’t seen it in his life for more than 30 years. He always looks like a tall man, indifferent, proud, as if he doesn’t put everything in his eyes, hesitates, and is serious. No one dares to let him go in front of him, even if he speaks loudly, he is not courageous.

Shu Ning silently swallowed, his brother fired, more serious than expected.

Who is going to blame?

He Yu, He Yu, if you like me, I want to pursue, I want to date, and who will make you really shoot? Damn, you are still dying, but what about He Yu? He has been dragged out like a corpse, and the blood on the ground is wiped off by the bodyguards who are coming in! Shu Heng did not leak things, and he didn’t do it for many years. He stunned people and didn’t care.

There are two people in the bathroom, and Shu Heng’s appearance at this time is extremely dangerous.

Shu Ning is really scared, his eyes are red, and all of them overflow with some water. It seems that Shu Heng is even bigger.

"He kissed you?"

"..." Shu Ning was shocked.

"Where are you?"

The voice was full of anger, as if the gas that was spurted was poisonous, Shu Ning swallowed, and was scared: "No."

"Where is it?" Shu Heng is closer, and Jun's face is almost close to Shu Ning. Whether it is tone or attitude, even his eyes are full of murderous anger: "Where?"

"No, really nothing."

"Let me see."

Shu Heng regards Shu Ning as his own. He wants to do whatever he wants. He smells it first and touches the soft lips with his nose. This is my jelly, and no one can touch it. Shu Ning stupidly leaned against the wall, motionless, stunned, heart-shocked, my brother is kissing me?

Unlike usual, this time it was very careful, very gentle, thin, smashed, even contained, not let go anywhere. My brother seems to have the intention of "taste". Do you want to taste the taste of He Yu? This idea is too ridiculous, but everyone's taste is different, He Yu is smoking, oh, it should be like this.

But... Shu Ning still trembled, a ** current slipped through the body, very comfortable, feeling very strange, as if cherished, but also like kissing with his brother, very formal, brother is very heavy Is he drunk? So will it be dysfunctional? Shu Ning is still very afraid, afraid that Shu Heng is out of control.

At most one minute, it is as long as a century.

Shu Hengyi is still not finished, Shu Ning is also the same, but the brothers are brothers, there is no way to cross the gap, Shu Heng is a straight man, 100% straight male, in the future will definitely marry and have a son Shu Ning know, not even dare to expect, a little bit The flames are hard to find reasons to fight, so as not to burn more and more prosperous, can not extricate themselves, ruin the brotherhood, ruin everything, including themselves.

Shu Heng's eyes flashed thousands of rays, and he was even more stunned than the night sky. Such a unique charm, Shu Ning, was once attracted, and he was deeply attracted. He could not look away. His brother's expression was so rare that Shu Ning naturally refused to miss it.

My brother seems to calm down?

Shu Ning hesitated and said: "Brother... I haven't been kissed by him. You have already checked it. Should you believe it?"

"Not enough, I obviously saw him..."

"No kiss, really, don't believe... you smell it again!" Shu Ning said, tears brushed down, I don't know if it was because of fear or crying.

Shu Heng immediately grabbed Shu Ning's waist with one hand and clasped it tightly, as if he wanted to fit into the body, and the other hand held the back of the head.

This time, both of them closed their eyes and were very serious. Even Shu Ning tried to respond. The first time I did this, the first time I was very close, the first time I was so indulgent...

My brother was drunk, my brother drank too much, and he stood on my body.

Just like this, I will never misunderstand in the future. I have to find a boyfriend, no longer staying in the gentleness of Shu Heng, only as my brother, now, and in the future. Shu Ning’s tears came down again, and he took the courage to open his mouth. He hoped that Shu Heng’s ability to enter/come, even if it was a mistake.

Shu Heng was shocked and slammed his eyes open, surprised! What is this for the younger brother? Silly micro-lip lips, red face, do you really want to prove innocence?

Slightly sad, nothing, can be this once, to solve the pain of lovesickness, but fortunately deliberately drank a bottle, fortunately!

Delicious in the front, one wants to indulge one time, one wants to be crazy possession, this moment, forget the time, forget the place, forget everything, just think about each other, enter, communicate, entangle, not separate from each other, you have Mine, I have yours. Shu Ning "hmm" a few times, very forgetful, and the occasional sexuality/sensation has already made Shu Heng unable to stop.

I like you very much, I love you, my Ningning, grow up, bloom for me, unravel the mystery of my life at the right time, and let my brother understand my guardianship, not my affection. If you tell him now, maybe Shu Ning can't trust or rely on it absolutely? Which brother does not have the desire to control his brother's life like Shu Heng.

As time went by, it felt more and more beautiful, Shu Ning's body became softer and softer, Shu Heng became more and more greedy/squatting, and the siege was slightly over, and even the depths were not missed. No one stopped. The hand of Shu Ning kept holding his brother's waist until the air was not enough to stop it. There was a black burst in front of him. Shu Ning would not breathe in the nose while kissing, so insanely intoxicated. The sea of ​​happiness is fainting.

The little hand hangs down.

Shu Heng only stopped, his eyes full of love and pity, flashing affection, gently picking up the little guy, his brother is too simple, too beautiful, so smart, let me take you how to do?

For the reputation of Shu Ning, the corridor from the bathroom to the stairwell has been cleared. The bodyguards are guarded in front of the private rooms to prevent unexpected accidents. Even the monitoring is unplugged, which is extremely strict. Shu Heng strode out of the meteor, very worried about the situation of the villain, the coat is covered in Shu Ning, lest he catch a cold.

The lobby manager of the food city has already known that the whole process has been settled. There is no scorn and slack, and the news of the blockade has been deleted. The pictures of Shu Heng and Shu Ning have all been deleted, and no traces have been left. When Xu Wei arrived, Shu Heng had already left. His eyes were extremely gloomy. Good friends had something in their own territory. What happened to the perpetrators?

He Yu? The scarred person was thrown in the backstreet, like a dead dog, and there was no reaction. He had been taken to the hospital by his bodyguard.

When He was in the scenery, he stepped on many people and swallowed a lot of industries. There was no bottom line for doing things. Now He is unlucky, and everyone wants to fall into the rocks.

Many of He Yu’s “Beautiful photos” have been photographed, and they are relished. Although they dare not send out, it is still possible to enjoy it with friends in private.

Shu Ning was fainted by lack of oxygen, and he was so embarrassed that he woke up in his brother's arms. His eyes were swept away. Is it the next morning?

Emma, ​​all in the mouth, how do you see people in the future? Nothing, my brother is drunk, maybe forgot _(:3ゝ∠)_

This is the ostrich mode, not to be! It must be planned to the worst.

Shu Heng is so powerful, memory is superb, Shu Ning even wonders if he will not forget? Innocent, or think about what to do next? It’s the best to play silly, fifteen is not small, still think of yourself thirteen? The uncle in his thirties was completely depressed, as if a cloud was floating on his head.

"Woke up?"

Surprised! I said that I can't wake up? Shu Ning, who just wanted to escape first, did not dare to move, staring at Shu Heng’s confused eyes. My brother just woke up? Shu Ning's heart beats faster, want to test one? Followed by death, but do not do this, but will be afraid, a knife on the head of the color, yesterday put / swing, cool, and now a headache / (tot) / ~ ~



Oh my god, my brother tightened his arms, Shu Ning all posted it all at once, the two are not just stickers and no gaps, there is a harder thing between their legs, occasionally jumping, Shu Ning thoroughly Petrochemical, like a thunder, can not return to God for a long time, the body is extremely stiff.

Shu Heng did not move, closed his eyes, the nose went to Shu Ning's neck and smelled the smell. The natural body fragrance did not have Shu Ning, but Shu Heng liked this kind of pollution-free clean atmosphere, subconsciously kissed The little man in his arms shivered, how do you feel? dislike?

Shu Heng did not move, Shu Ning did not move.

It’s time to get in the foot. Shu Heng sticks out the tip of his tongue, picks/snakes a small throat that is not obvious to Shu Ning, and occasionally takes a bite. At this moment, Shu Ning violently resists, unwilling? Shu Heng had to let go, listening to this voice, Shu Ning ran into the bathroom. Shu Heng did not move, and fell asleep until Shu Ning came back without opening his eyes.

Shu Ning's heartbeat is extremely fierce, and my brother wakes up? Calm and calm in the bathroom, the whole body is uncomfortable, I want it, but... the object can't be a brother!

The tentacles of the temptation touched the hair of Shu Heng, and touched the arm again. Shu Heng twisted his eyebrows and seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"Brother?" Hangover? Damn, what am I thinking about? Shu Ning quickly picked up the landline and let the kitchen send the hangover soup, then put on the clothes and put the quilt on Shu Heng, so as not to be seen by others.

Shu Ning's subconscious mind has a strong / strong desire, even he did not notice.

The door rang, Shu Ning went out for a trip, and placed the hangover soup on the table, gently pushing Shu Heng: "Brother ~ drink something, or the headache will be troublesome."

Shu Hengbao just woke up and blinked his eyes. He sat up with Shu Ning's hand, and the back was a pillow. The younger brother was so considerate, well-behaved and too pleasant.

Shu Ning single-handedly glared at his brother, holding a bowl with one hand and blowing it, drinking a bite, not hot, it should be prepared in the kitchen, it is really appropriate.

Shu Heng drank the hangover soup that Shu Ning personally fed, and his heart was extremely warm. After drinking it, he leaned on the shoulder of the villain. Although it is a little small, I don't want to give up.

Fortunately, Shu Ning did not know, knowing that it must be fried.

"Brother~ Is it better?"


how is this possible? Just drank, my brother yelled at me! Shu Ning sighed and stared at Shu Heng's temple.

Neither of them spoke, Shu Heng was uncomfortable, Shu Ning was very upset, and I should take care of him. Shucheng didn't come with Shugao, Shu Ning didn't notice any problems, until Shuheng returned to normal at noon, Shu Ning only remembered that He Yu seemed to be yesterday... It hurts, is it okay? Shu Heng means so good, but at that time he drank too much, would there be trouble?

At the crucial moment, Shu Ning should go up, because it is because of his own accident. Grandpa has a heart attack, it is better to stare at him. Still looking for Dad, Shucheng is more reliable than the previous generation, and it is also rare to Shu Ning. If you know that He Yu wants to take his son, it must be furious.

But... still look at the situation first, it is best that He Yu can not say anything.

When Shu Ning went to the bathroom, he secretly called the hotel, asked about the situation, and checked the bill.

Shu Heng really drank a high number of wine after Shu Ning left, it should be that he did not want Shu Ning to drink, it would be so, it is difficult for him. When the manager said that the monitoring has been broken and has not been repaired, Shu Ning couldn't help but raise his mouth. It is really a waste of time to break through the iron shoes! Like it, by the way, give him a wax.

Shu Heng drank coffee, refreshed, picked up the phone and opened a text message to see, He is really hot, already on the way to Shu's ancestral home.

The villain's business must not be exposed, but it is also He Yu himself.

If you are disabled, you will be disabled. Whoever wants him to look at people who shouldn’t be watching is not easy to provoke. It’s just that the little guy is too simple. If you know it, you will be uneasy. Shu Heng put down the coffee, picked up the clothes, and knocked on the door of the bathroom. Is it seamless when you hide inside? Little guy, getting more and more cute.

Shu Ning came out: "Brother? Why don't you lie down for a while?"

"Nothing, go out and blow the air."

"Well, I will accompany you."

Shu Heng picked up his mouth and touched his brother's hair. It was soft, silky and supple, and itchy when it was crossed.

The two went out like this, the driver drove, the bodyguards followed, and they slammed a row of three cars and walked. What to do? Look at it, but Shu Ning doesn't know, Shu Heng understands their love and wants to give Shu Ning a surprise. Yesterday, Shu Ning did not ask, Shu Heng also knew that the paper could not hold the fire, so find a way to disperse the firepower.

Before the He team entered the mountain, Shu Heng took Shu Ning to "go far away".

Shugao was also opened by Shucheng. Sun Lin took the suitcase and left before Shu Heng’s calm action.

Shucheng old **** is sitting on the sofa, watching the family rushing in, squinting his mouth, just right, some things should be considered.

Let the family talk first, can't you let people speak right? He is a ceremonial person.

After that, Shucheng took out a lot of interesting evidence. For example, He Yu is the same / **** / love, followed by Shu Ning at the racecourse, but also went to the food city, started in the bathroom, and finally defeated Shu Heng by drunk Throw in the back street, not far from the one meter of land is convenient garbage dump, smelly and smoked.

Is evil not disgusting?

The wolf is not a wolf?

Would you like to come to the door to have a statement?

He Yu did not drink, lost, can only blame his skills as good as people. I want to swear x Shu Ning, but it is guilty, but it is Shu's orthodox young master, Shucheng's pro-son! Not only that, but there are also evidences of He Yu tracking Shu Ning in the capital. These things are all sent by Shu Heng to the Shucheng, overnight, turned upside down.

He Yu, who is a good end, is abolished. He won’t be so tired. It’s too shameful.

However, He was too unlucky recently, and the people in the capital have collapsed and collapsed. If they do not find a good way, they will be implicated.

Since it is impossible to drag Shushi into the water, it is even more difficult to offend. Otherwise, the situation is even more worrying.

The people of Hejia immediately played a good show, and they hated the same sex/sex/love/children. They said that they would sever the relationship with He Yu, apologize on the spot, and then go through the painful heart. In fact, the heart is very upset, Shu Shi, You are waiting for me! So humiliated, never give up.

For the time being compromised, everyone knows that Shucheng is in his eyes and is not the same thing.

He Yugang woke up and found that the whole body could not move, his legs were plastered, his arms were also, and the whole head bag became a scorpion, like a mummy.

"Hey..." Can't talk well? He Yu was shocked and scared, and the color of his brother was so tearful.

"My son, my son... Shu Heng is too poisonous to start!" Han Yu was too sad, and she couldn't stop crying.

He Yu also feels distressed by He Yu. Because of the care of his younger brothers, the time has been noticed. He has long discovered that He Yu’s mistakes have been made in private, but He Yu’s apparently eight hundred promises, and still do not change afterwards, now, The family is in the midst of many events, so many eyes are staring at this fat, as a big brother, have to say that he, but He Yu is too hurt, and can not be humane in the future.

Shu Heng, I am so embarrassed, others can't understand, after all, the two families have occasional cooperation, how can they be seriously injured for many years?

However, He Wei understands that if He Yu is strong in his invisible place, he will probably go crazy and kill.

"Boss, you are saying something, Xiao Er is so miserable, absolutely can not let Shu Heng! And that Shu Ning, can not let go."

Shu Ning is innocent and has not even grown up.

He squinted his eyes and looked distressed at the fact that his brother couldn’t talk but could only cry. The voice was very hoarse and ugly: "If you don't want to change, don't change it. If you like that child, it must be yours. As for Shu Heng, My brother will cook, you can raise your heart, face... just like a plastic surgery."

Nowadays, there is no popular cosmetic surgery in China, and the stars are original! There are no fires in the small meats. I want to get rid of the limelight on the other hand. On the other hand, it is a distraction. I don’t dare to go out better than staying here, not to mention the rumors from outside, saying that He Yu was being hospitalized after drinking and causing the paparazzi to sharpen their heads to take first-hand photos.

This is the harbinger of the backstage, and the capital is also pushing the wall, and the day is not as good as one day.

He Wei appeased and shot Han Yu’s shoulder: “Mom, take care of your grandfather at home, other things, have me.”

"Do you have a way?"

"I am not married yet? It is no different from the capitalist Hejia, and there is a woman in the capital Wenjia. It is not bad."

After Han Yu’s slight glimpse, he was so excited that he stood up and grabbed the eldest son’s collar: “Are you crazy?”

In the face of my son's future, the mother's roar, regardless of the trace of a lady's image: "She is a fool! Everyone knows."

"Mom, it’s different now, Shujia’s attitude is in front, other families are falling behind, today is He Yu, tomorrow is why,” He Wei hugged his mother, thumb wiped the tears of crystal, flow for me. Tears: "Mom, I am too big, don't worry about me?"


"Where is the family? The incense will not break," He Yan sees her mother shaking her head and knows that she is distressed, so she will tell the future: "I will find someone to surrogate, then put it under the name, then adopt." Just go to your own name, the same."

Han Yu’s eyes lit up and finally he was relieved. He Yu on the bed is also relieved, Shu Heng, you give me waiting, and Shu Ning, when you cry!

The people in the ward were too happy to think that they had been checked. I thought that someone was outside and the conversation would not be revealed.

On the highway, Shu Heng, who was sitting in the car, was holding a nap with a small earphone. He listened to the whole process and listened to the whole process. The code hermit was good and rewarded 100,000.

High-risk has a high return, and those who are under the command of life, Shu Heng naturally praise, never swear.

After a few hours, when I got to the place, how can I wake up the villain?

Shu Heng remembered the kiss yesterday, slightly hot, so he reached out and gently grabbed the villain's nose, bowed his head...