MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2375 God belongs to race

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At the entrance of the hall, there are six creatures of different races in groups of three being hostile to each other. The first long ghost-like face on the left is similar to an orc, and the height is about 2 meters. The second has three faces, but all It is the face of a dead person, and the last one is the ghost of the soul body.

Of the three races on the right, the first is a humanoid with tentacles on the chin, the second is a monster with six hands and a face like a mummy, and the third is a dragon with an orc body.

The Blazing Demon God said in his consciousness: "The ones on the left are the Guimian tribe and the Three-face tribe, and the three on the right are the Divine Beard tribe, the Dobby tribe, and the Dragon Beast tribe. The strength is around the lord-level intermediate, but don't underestimate them, the armors, weapons and treasures on their bodies are not ordinary."

"Is my Fire Bird suit powerful?" Lu Yang asked.

"No, but it's not too bad." Blazing Demon God said.

"Then I understand." Lu Yang was about to run away.

"Here is another new friend, what kind of faith?" A dead face of the three-faced tribe was facing Lu Yang, and asked cunningly.

When Lu Yang came, he discussed this with the Blazing Demon God, smiling and saying in ancient elves: "Wandering race, it's not worth mentioning, please continue on both sides, I won't bother."

The wandering races are those races whose tribes have lost their faith after being eliminated. Often there are only a few tribesmen of these races. They wander on planets in another world and rely on being bounty hunters to survive.

Often such individuals are very powerful. When they are not concerned, the major races are usually reluctant to provoke them so as not to be attacked and killed by these mercenaries without faith and honor.

"Unexpectedly, the wandering race can also enter here. How about joining our Destroyer God camp? We guarantee that you can get a red mist bead." The three-faced man released a bewitching spell.

"He is telling lies, join our natural gods camp, I promise in the name of the **** of light, you will get a red mist bead." The lord-level powerhouse of the **** bear clan yelled and interrupted the bewitching spell.


"What do you want?"

Weapons were shown on both sides, and there was a stance of disagreement, but neither side really did it. Those who can enter here first are not idiots. What you want to fight outside is a chance to enter here. They have already come in. Naturally, the winner will not be divided at this time. One more, there are three people on both sides, and there is one more Lu Yang who has no one to care about.

"How did the friend decide?" the three-faced man asked with a grin.

Lu Yang arched his hands to both sides and said, "I'm sorry, I can't make a decision for the time being, I'll take a step first."

After speaking, he bypassed the area where the two sides were confronting each other and walked backwards towards the depths of the hall. Just when both sides were still keeping him, Lu Yang said, "The army of all races outside is not far from here, please persuade you to also Leave as soon as possible, otherwise, the army will rush in and no one will be spared."

Even the lord level cannot withstand the frantic attacks of five or six hundred spiritual level powerhouses in a small space. Besides, who knows which lord is watching in secret, and which spiritual level powerhouse has special attack weapons in his hands?

The six lord-level powerhouses looked at each other, gradually lowering the weapons in their hands, and the three-faced man said: "Why don't we just leave it alone, how about?"

"Agree." The dobby's lord nodded and said.

"Then we each step back and find a safe place first." said the lord of the ghost race.

The six lords stared at each other and took a step back. Finally, the war subsided and each ran forward.

Among them, the lord of the three-face race ran to Lu Yang, his head rotated 120 degrees, and the smiling faces in the three faces aimed at Lu Yang, and said, "Friend, I feel that we are very close, how about walking together?"

The Blazing Demon God snorted coldly, and said: "This three-faced leader assassinated you. He has a special attack method, specifically attacking the opponent with his soul. This is to ignore the armor. Be careful. Once he is released from the body Three souls bite your soul, and you may be killed."

Lu Yang secretly said something dangerous. Ever since he had the full armor of the Vulcan Bird and the Soul of the Phoenix, he has somewhat looked down on the powerhouses of the same level. He didn't expect an existence that could kill him.

"Get one step closer to me, don't blame me for being polite, put away your soul attack." Lu Yang said, staring at the lord of the three-faced tribe as he saw the Fire Bird Warhammer in his hand.

"Haha, I've seen it through. It's ridiculous that you want to sneak attack with your tricks." The leader of the dragon beast clan opened his huge dragon mouth and laughed.

The three-faced man stopped in place angrily, his face quickly rotated 120 degrees and turned into a grimace, glaring at the dragon orc behind him and cursed: "In comparison, your dragon roar is rubbish."

The Blazing Demon chuckled, and said: "Dragon and beasts have a talent ability, that is, roaring at close range. The super sonic attack at close range is very terrifying, and it is also an attack method that ignores the armor. You have to be careful."

Lu Yang was speechless for a while, and said, "Why can anyone break your suit of armor? You are too useless, so you will leave these tatters."

"Damn~!" Blazing Demon God was anxious and cursed: "When you think of this place, take a good look at these six races. Are they the races you've seen before? They are born demon king-level powerhouses, and they practice a little bit. For decades, they have been the lord-level powerhouses. They are pure-bred gods. These are the descendants of the races with gods and official positions in the gods. Not to mention their special skills, and their weapons are definitely not ordinary weapons. "

"No wonder." Lu Yang took a closer look at these six people. As expected, their weapons all had a weird light, completely different from those made of ordinary star steel and broken star iron.

The six lords were also staring at Lu Yang secretly at this time. Seeing Lu Yang's weapons and armor, they also felt that Lu Yang was not an ordinary wandering tribe, and they were very afraid.


There was a knocking sound from the door of the palace. The next second, the door of the palace opened during the impact. Countless snake-body men appeared at the door, seeing Lu Yang and others, and raising the hammer in his hand at the same time.

"Kill them~!" The headed serpent screamed, and countless serpents poured in like a tide.

"Run quickly." None of the six lords had any intention of attacking these snake-body people, so they raised their legs and ran deep into the hall.

Lu Yang also hurriedly ran. He didn't want to expose his attacking spells at this time. If a person accidentally falls into the tide of the snake body, he will struggle to live.

"There are six forks ahead, how should I run?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon said: "The second one on the right."

Lu Yang nodded and quickly ran into the second entrance on the right, but by coincidence, he ran into the same entrance with the three-faced man, while the other lords were in other forks.

Fury of Rebirth