MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2376 Ancient Crystal Controller

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"Yohoo~!" The three-faced man quickly approached Lu Yang, with a smiling face on the side, and asked Lu Yang, "You also know this road? Who is your backer? It really makes me curious."

Lu Yang raised the hammer in his hand, forcing the three-faced man not to get close to within 2 meters, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, what are you doing with me? I ran in casually, do you still want to attack me?"

"Hey, don't admit it yet." The three-faced man looked at the door at the end of the passage in front of him in no rush, and said, "Then how about I let you go in?"

Blazing Demon God said in his consciousness: "Be careful, there are agencies there, so many people rush in, and the temple will activate its autonomous defense system."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yang asked.


The sound of rubbing between the boulders and the boulders came from above. Lu Yang looked up and saw that there were originally large bluestones on the ceiling of the palace passage, but at this time these large bluestones turned down vertically.

The crimson water contained in it poured down like a waterfall, and in a blink of an eye it passed Lu Yang's waist, and the water level continued to rise.


Ear-piercing screams came from the entrance of the cave, and red murloc-like creatures swam out. They moved extremely quickly in the water, twisting their bodies vigorously, and came to Lu Yang in the blink of an eye.

"Don't fight them hard, let these murlocs kill the chasers behind." Blazing Demon said.

Lu Yang jumped into the air for 50 meters. At the same time, wings appeared on his back, leading him to fly forward quickly.

The three-faced man originally thought that Lu Yang would be blocked, but he didn't expect Lu Yang to fly, which made him very upset. The crying face came to the front, let out a faint low groan, and the murlocs walked around him one after another.

Lu Yang was a little surprised, but he didn't have time to think about it. He quickly flew into the hole in front of him. As soon as he entered, he found that there was a huge maze in front of him. There was still a red river over a meter high on the ground, but there were a lot of murlocs. not much.

"Where is this place?" Lu Yang asked while observing left and right.

The Blazing Demon said: "This is called the Nether Hall. The red murlocs in the water just now are called Nether murlocs. These fish are unkillable. Whenever they die, they will automatically melt into the red water. At the same time, this The river will recreate a ghost murloc."

Lu Yang was a little speechless, and said, "Unlimited rebirth, will there be hatred?"

The Blazing Demon said: "Yes, so I won't let you kill them. Once you kill one of the ghost murlocs, after the murloc is resurrected, the first goal is to chase you. The more you kill, the more you will suffer. The higher the probability of the siege, so the strong people who came here, and those who have backers told them to kill the ghost murlocs without doing their own hands, and try not to kill them."

Lu Yang nodded, and said, "I will try not to kill them as much as possible. How can I go now?"

The Blazing Demon said: "Give me the body, and I will take you away."

Lu Yang quickly handed the control of his body to the Blazing Demon God, and the Blazing Demon God swam towards the designated location quickly according to the memory in his mind.

When he encountered the red murloc, the Blazing Demon God controlled Lu Yang to fly into the air to avoid him, and once he dodges, he continued to fall and swim forward.

An hour later, Lu Yang swam out of this area smoothly and came to a black gate. The walls here were all blue and black, and there was a strange monster head on it, only 10 centimeters in size.

The Blazing Demon God took control of Lu Yang's body and jumped into the room. As soon as he landed, Lu Yang discovered that it was a forked corridor with 12 forks, and each road had one side higher than the ceiling. The bluestone is connected, and it is impossible to fly through the air.

"Where is this again?" Lu Yang asked curiously.

The Blazing Demon God smiled triumphantly and said, "Boy, when you get to this place, it is the place to go to the secret road. Most creatures in the front know it, but when you get here, it's another matter. This place is called Zongdao Dao. The **** race discovered the secret of this temple after many intrusions. There is an ancient crystal here. If you get this ancient crystal, you can control all the ghost murlocs here."

Lu Yang was stunned, and said with a smile: "There is still this kind of treasure, wouldn't it be equivalent to controlling this temple."

The Blazing Demon God said: "Basically, after you get this ancient crystal, you have the capital to save your life. Don't underestimate the other creatures that enter here. The six lords are not easy for you to deal with. You You can’t hide here, you must go outside to fight, so that you can control the situation and not make a certain race too strong."

Lu Yang nodded. If one of the races had few casualties and there were several lords in this race, then Lu Yang would not get the Red Mist Orb even if he hid to the end.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Lu Yang's eyes shone The Blazing Demon God nodded with satisfaction, and led Lu Yang quickly forward, passing several forks in the road. After that, he finally came to an inconspicuous little bluestone room. In the middle of this room, there was a one-meter-high bluestone platform on which was placed a white crystal with a diameter of about 10 cm.

"This is the ancient crystal. The usage is very simple. You can control all the ghost murlocs by inputting magic power, and you can see all the conditions in the area through the crystal." Blazing Demon returned his body to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang picked up the crystal to inject magic power. In an instant, a complete spatial map was revealed in the crystal, and all creatures appeared on the map in the form of red dots. The stronger red dots are bigger, and the smaller ones are red. The point is small.

"It's really a good thing." Lu Yang took the orb and sat down to watch. If he continues to inject magic power, he can still see the specific situation of a certain battlefield.

At this time, the people killed outside the temple were the most ferocious. Almost all the millions of people of all races entered the Red Mist Blood Pond. The demon-level, spirit-level, and lord-level powerhouses also recovered their bodies and were carrying them. The respective clansmen launched an offensive.

All the killed creatures fall into the blood pool, and their bodies will quickly decompose, and those who die in the air with the water in the blood pool will also be swallowed up in the air by the pool water on their bodies.

Inside the temple, Lu Yang found the six lords he had just met at the door. At this moment, they were hiding in a secret corner. The closest to Lu Yang was the three-faced man, and he was seriously injured and lost. A lot of blood is still bleeding in the abdomen without saying a face.

"How about I kill him first?" Lu Yang asked.

Blazing Demon said: "Good idea, I have seen him not pleasing to the eye for a long time."

The corners of Lu Yang's mouth rose slightly, and he ran towards the position of the three-faced man...