MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2378 rise to king rank

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A transpiring red mist rose, and Lu Yang felt that the huge source of power contained within it, which was the most special place in the Red Mist Temple.

Whenever a creature is swallowed by the red mist blood pool, a part of the energy will be turned into mist and rise from the blood pool, finally reaching the ceiling and then condensing into water droplets and dripping down.


Lu Yang stretched out his hands, and the powerful suction gathered all the mist between his hands to form a colorless energy ball.

The Blazing Demon God sensed it and said: "A quarter of the source energy in the main body of the three-faced person is here, you are lucky."

This is not simple magic energy, but the purest source energy, regardless of the type of magic element. Although it is not as good as the fire soul crystal, after being absorbed into the body, it can be quickly transformed into flame energy to supplement the last missing promotion in the soul core. The energy of that corner of the Demon King Rank.

Lu Yang slowly ran the magic power and began to absorb the energy ball. Originally, he was worried that after the energy entered the soul core, he would have resentment against the three-faced person, but when the energy entered, he did not feel any discomfort, as if three-faced. All the information of people has nothing to do with this group of energy.

"It disappeared without a trace." Lu Yang asked in amazement.

Blazing Demon God said: "In the magical world, there are also spells that absorb the origin of others to improve one's own strength, but the source energy absorbed by that kind of exercise is very mixed, and it also carries the grievances of the deceased. If it absorbs too much, Resentment will make the absorber go crazy, but the red fog blood pool is different, the red blood water dissolves all the energy of the deceased, so you can absorb it without any harm."

Lu Yang nodded and absorbed it with peace of mind, but at this moment, the entire Red Mist Temple actually shone with red light, as if the whole world had turned blood red.

"What happened?" Lu Yang asked blankly.

"The first red mist beads actually appeared." Blazing Demon God couldn't believe it.

Lu Yang said nonchalantly, "After all, a lord and tens of thousands of souls outside have died, so it's almost possible to produce one."

The Blazing Demon God shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible that it is as simple as the death of a lord. Only 200,000 second-order creatures outside are equivalent to a lord, but if you want to generate a red mist bead, at least six lords have died, look at it. Look at the other lords in the ancient crystal, what happened?"

"It's impossible for six lords to die in such a short time." Lu Yang also felt that something was wrong. After all, the lords of various races avoided each other and would not fight in advance. He took out the ancient crystal and looked into the temple. The status of the other lords, but he found out that the lords of the multi-armed clan, the ghost-faced man, the dragon orc, the ghost clan and the god-beard clan had all disappeared. In the blood pool they hid, only the remaining ones gradually disintegrated and disappeared. equipment and weapons.

"How is this possible? What did it do?" Lu Yang asked in surprise.

"I don't know, retreat quickly and go back to the secret space, there is something wrong with this time." Blazing Demon God said in shock.

Lu Yang nodded. He also sensed the danger. Since the five were dead, it stands to reason that there should be a group of creatures who came to kill the three-faced clan, but if the three-faced clan died, the people who came would definitely look for him. trace.

Lu Yang turned into a phoenix and came into the air. He didn't dare to stop, and quickly flew towards the hidden spot. At the same time, Lu Yang stared at the place in the ancient crystal where he had just killed the three-faced man.

It didn't take 10 minutes. He had just returned to the hiding spot when a strange sound came from the crystal ball. Lu Yang widened his pupils sharply. A ghost and a creature with six arms.

"Isn't there a ghost clan and a multi-arm clan? How could it be the two of them?" Lu Yang asked in surprise.

The Blazing Demon God sneered and said: "Boy, see clearly, that ghost clan has entered the sixth-order king rank, and it is still the peak of the king rank, those three deaths are not wrong, if you walk slowly, You didn't deserve to die."

Lu Yang frowned and asked, "They say that they can reach the primary level of the king's rank. How can they reach the peak? This is unreasonable."

Blazing Demon God said: "There is nothing unreasonable. The characteristics of the ghost family are to devour other races to strengthen themselves. It is estimated that when they first came in, it was the peak of the lord, and it was only a line away from the breakthrough, but he disguised well outside. It should be He devoured all his clansmen, and with the help of the multi-armed clan, he ate all the ghost-faced people, the god-bearded clan and the dragon orcs, plus some special drugs that he brought with him, forcibly using his strength Raised to the peak of the king rank."

Lu Yang said: "Then what should we do, who can beat the peak of the king rank?"

Even with the help of the Blazing Demon God, Lu Yang couldn't have beaten the peak of the king rank at the current stage.

The Blazing Demon God thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to beat him, but you need to be promoted to the king rank first. For the time being, don't care about the outside world. How are you feeling now? How many."

Just now Lu Yang got the origin of the three-faced person, and he still had a large part to digest, and said, "I'll give it a try."

He sat cross-legged on the ground and quickly digested the original energy in his body. There was a lot of energy belonging to three-faced people. It took Lu Yang an hour to absorb all the energy. Suddenly, Lu Yang felt his brain The inner magic core has changed.


There was a cracking sound from the magic core. In the next second, Lu Yang's entire body burned. The magic core in his head turned into a liquid and flowed out. It overflowed through the meridians, and gradually formed a fiery red fire demon, but this fire demon was very Fragile, as if smashed with a poke.

The Blazing Demon God nodded with satisfaction, and further tempered the newly formed fire demon in Lu Yang's body with the help of the blood of the Demon God's Heart. He said, "This is the change of the Demon King level. At this point, you are nowhere near becoming a god. Far."

"Why?" Lu Yang was in severe pain at this time. The newly formed fire demon in his body was gradually separating from his body. The pain of the separation of muscles almost made Lu Yang faint. He could only use other things to help him. distraction.

The Blazing Demon God said: "The thing you have formed now is called the fire soul. Later, when you cultivate to the monarch rank, quasi-god rank, and demigod rank, you will cultivate this fire soul. When you become a god, it will also be your fire soul. Become a god."

Lu Yang nodded clearly and asked, "I'm so uncomfortable, why do I feel that the ghost clan doesn't respond? Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to start massacres so quickly."

The Blazing Demon God said: "The body of the ghost family is the soul, so he won't have the same reaction as you. For the ghost family, their cultivation is called conforming to the destiny. Race is different, don't be envious."

"Shit." Lu Yang was speechless, lying on the ground and continuing to endure the pain.

The Blazing Demon God smiled and said: "But your race also has advantages, that is, you have trained enough. Once you succeed in your cultivation, you will be much stronger than the Ghost Race's spiritual power, and you can also cultivate some things that require a lot of spiritual power to control. magic."

"What spell?" Lu Yang asked.

"Fire Soul Slash~!" The Blazing Demon God asked proudly, "Is this name domineering."

"The name is not bad, is it strong?" Lu Yang asked.

Blazing Demon God said: "It's so strong that you can kill the ghost clan at the peak of the king level with one blow. Do you think it is strong?"

Lu Yang forgot the pain in his body, looked at the Blazing Demon God in shock and said, "How can it be so strong?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "Isn't this normal? The level of realm is different from the level of strength. Back then, when I was in the realm of the god-king, none of the other god-kings could beat me. The realm is only related to you. How much magic power in the body, the real battle depends on the skills you use, and this skill is condensed by mental power or spiritual sense."


The fire soul in Lu Yang's body was separated from the last piece of his body, and Lu Yang's pain disappeared. He was sweating coldly all over, and excitedly said to the Blazing Demon God: "Teach me this trick, I will devour them. energy, and improve your strength as soon as possible.”

The warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood who stayed in the East China Sea may face the sneak attack of the undead god-level powerhouse at any time, and he needs this move.

"Comprehend it yourself." The Blazing Demon God injected a spiritual thought into Lu Yang's soul. The next moment Lu Yang's mind appeared the complete action of the Blazing Demon using this fire soul slash. , and the rules for casting spells.

The reason why Fire Soul Slash is so powerful is that this move attracts the source power of the surrounding world, drives the fire soul within the body with mental power, and allows the source energy of the surrounding world to quickly pour into the fire soul within a short period of time. , the temperature of the fire soul can reach the king level, and if there is enough time, it can even reach the power of the demigod.

Lu Yang learned this trick very quickly. It didn't take a day for him to grasp all the essentials. When he opened his eyes again, there was a firm look in his eyes, and he said, "I feel that I Can kill that ghost king, where is he now."

Blazing Demon God has been observing the ancient crystal for a while, and said with a smile: "The ghost king and the multi-armed clan lord killed four more lord-level powerhouses and more than 400 spirit-level powerhouses, and the second red mist bead It has also been formed, and it is now in the hands of these two people.”

Lu Yang looked at the ancient crystal. He found that the ghost king and the dobby lord were still slaughtering all the creatures in the palace. When each creature died, some of the energy would be absorbed into the body by the dobby lord.

"It seems that this ghost king is thanking the multi-armed lord for his help and helping him improve his strength." Lu Yang sneered and said, "It's not appropriate for me to kill them myself, it seems that I have to find a few people to help. "

"What are you going to do?" Blazing Demon God asked curiously.

Lu Yang said, "Aren't the three-faced people, dragon orcs, ghost-faced people, and the lords of the Shenbeard clan all dead? I have to find their kin to help them."

"Good idea." Blazing Demon God said with a smile.

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and quickly searched in the temple. After a while, he found the dragon beast team, just to the southwest of him.