MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2377 Assassinated 3 Faces

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Inside a secret room.

The three-faced man was sitting on a high platform to rest, and one of his faces kept moaning, and this sound made the water in the red mist and blood pool on his body quickly slide down from him and stay away from his wounds.

If you are a general lord, I am afraid that it has been swallowed into dross by the water of the blood mist pool, but the three-faced man is a race of gods, naturally supported by the special techniques taught by the gods, and his self-healing ability is also extremely strong.

In the three-faced man’s low groan, his wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, his abdomen was intact, as if he had not been injured. The only problem was that the armor protecting his abdomen was damaged, and he did not. substitute.

"Damn, I didn't expect to encounter the lord of the Spirit Blade race. These wandering races are the most disgusting. I have to find a chance to kill the wandering race I just met." The three-faced man shouted with a fierce face.

The wandering race is one of the most disgusting races in another world, because everyone knows what strength each race has. Among the gods races, they probably know what each other's techniques and treasures have.

The real variable is these wandering races, no one knows what they have gone through, what treasures they have, what exercises they will use, and if they don't pay attention, they may be killed by the other's special spells.

The three-faced man had just been very careful, he was still approached by the lord of the spirit blade clan, and pierced his abdomen with a stab. If he hadn't had a way to escape the blood mist pool, he died just now, and fortunately the lord of the spirit blade clan I didn't know that he had this trick, but thought it was successful, but he killed it instead.

"How about going out to see?" The smiling face on the left asked excitedly.

The embarrassed face on the right said: "It's better to be careful, and you'll be finished if you are attacked again."

"You two shut up and listen to me." The crying face in the middle was very upset, and he walked outside with a low growl.

Now the place where the three-faced man hides is not safe. There is still a way to go from where he originally hid. He must get out and enter that hidden place.

In the final hidden area, you can directly reach the central hall area of ​​the temple, where the red mist beads were produced. Thinking of this, the three-faced man cautiously walked out of the room, but as soon as he arrived at the door, there were more than a dozen in the distance. A spirit-level void worm with a sickle-shaped arm found him.

"Kill him." A dozen void worms rushed towards him.

The three-faced man was on fire, staring at these void insects with weeping faces, and a black energy jetted out from his entire face, forming a cone-shaped black mist.

The Void Worm entered the black mist, and his body stopped uncontrollably, as if he was demented, and stayed on the spot, and the sickles on his hands were also drooping.

The crying face of the three-faced man sneered, a dagger appeared in his hand, and he walked slowly over with blood, piercing the abdomen of these spirit-level void worms one by one. The next second, these spirit-level void worms just woke up, but only Before he screamed, he was swallowed up by the water in the blood mist pool.

Lu Yang saw this scene not far away. He frowned and asked, "What kind of spell is this? Is the spirit level strong no longer moving?"

Blazing Demon God said: "Soul magic, after being sprayed, you will fall into the illusion. This trick does not work for you. You have me by your side. Even if you enter the illusion, I can easily call you out."

"Then what should I do without you?" Lu Yang frowned and asked.

The Blazing Demon said: "This is the power of the three-faced man. When you act alone, you must wear something that can crack the magic spells of the illusion system. Otherwise, you will die if you hit this trick. Of course, there are other things. One way to crack it is that your mental power is far stronger than the other party. For example, my current mental power is no longer mental power, but divine consciousness. This level of illusion is completely ineffective for me."

"The race of the gods is strong enough." Lu Yang shook his head, swam quickly to the front of the three-faced man's only way, stopped at a corner, raised his two hammers in his hands, and waited for the three-faced man quietly. near.

The three-faced man was very happy at this time. He killed more than a dozen spirit-level powerhouses and let the anger in his heart vent out. He thought proudly: "Fight against the lord of my god's race. It's really looking for death. Look at me. I will get in touch with the tribe in a while, **** the waste outside."

Thousands of tribesmen came from the Three Faces, and there are two others outside the lord level, and the thousands of tribesmen led by them are all spiritual level powerhouses. He came in to prevent accidents, and the remaining two lords bring The rest of the spirit-level powerhouses are responsible for killing the weaker races outside.

In fact, the current Red Mist Blood Pool has formed a tacit understanding. The major races of the gods will not confront each other head-on from the beginning, but will form alliances. Even the enemies will avoid each other at the beginning. open.

After these **** races kill the rest of the non-god creatures, these **** races will fight each other, and finally after the red mist beads are produced, several **** races will be allocated according to their output.

Of course, the actual situation often changes. If a certain **** race is too strong, he will slaughter all the other races, leaving only them. In the end, this **** race takes all the red mist beads and leaves the red mist. Blood The three-faced man is thinking about the final result of this battle. What he is most worried about is the dragon beast clan. This year the dragon beast clan is exceptionally strong. He is afraid that the dragon beast clan will eventually slaughter all of them. Race, so he had to go to the hiding place to rest before contacting the tribe.

Just as he was thinking about these things, the three-faced man came to the corner, but at this moment, a pair of scarlet warhammers smashed head-on.



The sound of two blunt instruments smashing the bones into the flesh sounded. The next moment, the right half of the three-faced man was smashed to pieces.

At the moment Lu Yang attacked, the embarrassed face on the side of the three-faced man saw Lu Yang and quickly controlled his body to dodge, but Lu Yang's attack speed was too fast, and the hammer still hit the three-faced man's body.


Under the terrible pain of the three-faced man, his embarrassed face sprayed a purple wave of energy at Lu Yang, and Lu Yang's eyes instantly turned into the Donghai Underground City.

"Broken~!" The Blazing Demon snarled.

Lu Yang regained his clarity abruptly, but the three-faced people didn't know it. At this time, his other two faces were already open. Now the three faces were aimed at Lu Yang at the same time, and the faces on the left and right sides were glowing black, a skull. Formed on the top of the head.

"Asshole, I will torture your soul for ten thousand years~!" The three-faced man's painful three faces were distorted, and he shouted crazy at Lu Yang~!

Lu Yang's hands were already drooping, and the two hammers fell into the pool of water, but just as the skull was about to form, a dagger appeared in Lu Yang's hand.


Lu Yang flashed his left arm, and the head of the three-faced man was separated. He punched the three-faced man's face and knocked his face away.

The skull in the air disappeared, and the body of the three-faced man fell into the blood pool. The next second, it was completely swallowed by the water in the blood pool!