MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 107 i want to buy your factory

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Text 0107 [I want to buy your factory]

"Su Youwei!"

The golden abacus, the accountant of the factory, cracked a series of abacuses, and then drank loudly through his reading glasses.

Shi Zhijian was slightly startled, why did the name sound familiar.

Immediately, he saw a weak but beautiful girl in front of him obligingly came to him.

"Su Youwei, this month's total is three hundred and fifty-eight yuan and nine cents!" Jin Abacus calculated very clearly.

Su Youwei said, "Wrong."

Jin Abacus didn't expect that someone would dare to question his wrong calculation, so he almost jumped up and said with his reading glasses: "Girl, don't talk nonsense, I have been an accountant for so long, and I have never calculated!"

Su Youwei knew that she was in a hurry to say the wrong thing, so she waved her hand and said, "No, I don't mean that you made a mistake, but that I can't ask for this money!"

Jin Abacus was taken aback, "Why don't you?"

Da Daxiong, Hu Xueyong and others also looked surprised.

Su Youwei has been diligent and diligent since she worked in the factory, and because she is weak and beautiful, she is loved by everyone in the factory, and she is also pityed by many boys. She is known as the "Goddess of Instant Noodles" in the factory. Inevitably nervous.

Su Youwei was a little embarrassed in front of everyone's eyes, bit her lip and then boldly looked at Shi Zhijian and walked towards him.

Shi Zhijian looked at her.

Su Youwei took out the wrapped apple from her arms, "Mr. Shi, you must still remember me, my name is Su Youwei, the daughter of the Dan family! Thank you for your help, you saved my brother, so I can't ask for your wages. !and also----"

She carefully opened the apple wrapped in the handkerchief, these are from me!


Someone around laughed.

Su Youwei hurriedly looked at the apple, but saw that the apple had been wrapped and hidden in her arms because she was reluctant to eat it, but some parts had rotted.

Three rotten apples were held in front of Shi Zhijian.

"What did I think it was, it turned out to be a rotten apple!"

"I'm too embarrassed to take out such a rotten apple!" Most of the sarcastic people were factory women who were jealous of Su Youwei's beauty.

Su Youwei didn't expect things to turn out like this. Looking at the rotten apple in her hands, her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

Looking at Su Youwei, whose face was pale and his hands were trembling, Shi Zhijian smiled, then stretched out his hand to take out a broken apple, rubbed it on his hand casually, aimed at the place that was not broken, clicked, took a bite, and praised: "So sweet!"

Everyone was stunned.

No one would have thought that a person as big as Shi Zhijian would eat a broken apple.

Su Youwei couldn't bear it any longer, her eyes were red and tears were dripping down.

"Apple... is broken... isn't it!" Su Youwei said choked up.

Everyone looked at Su Youwei who was crying and couldn't help it.

Even the female workers who ridiculed Su Youwei before fell silent.

For some reason, Da Daxiong and the other group of rough men saw a little girl crying with a rotten apple, and their hearts were sour.

Looking at Shi Zhijian again, he took out the handkerchief from his arms, folded it, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Su Youwei's eyes, and said, "It doesn't matter if the apple is rotten or not, I receive your wishes, it's really sweet! Tell you, I never Such a sweet apple!"

No one knows Su Youwei's situation better than Shi Zhijian, and no one understands the heart of Su Youwei, a girl from a family, better than him.

This girl who was so humble and dusty in Hong Kong always made him feel inexplicably distressed for some reason.

Su Youwei let out a "wow" and cried even more.

At this moment, clap clap clap, someone applauded.

A very discordant voice said: "Wow, this scene moved me so much! Boss Shi deserves to be in business. He wants to make money and buy people's hearts! How do you say that, make a profit!"

Following the voice, Dai Fengni walked in recklessly with her master Su and bodyguard Chen Biao.


Da Daxiong and Hu Xiuyong did not expect that someone would suddenly break into the factory. They were about to step forward to scold him, but they were stopped by Shi Zhijian. Shi Zhijian glanced at Dai Fengni and asked politely, "Dare to ask who your Excellency is?"

"Well, Dai Fengni, general manager of Yongkang Food Company! You can call me Miss Dai or President Dai!"

"Miss Dai? What advice do you have for coming here suddenly?"

"I don't dare to give advice, I just want to talk business with you!" Dai Fengni said as she walked to Shi Zhijian.

Even from a long distance, Shi Zhijian smelled a refreshing fragrance, couldn't help but cocked his nose, wondering what brand of perfume the other party used.

Dai Fengni kept Shi Zhijian's eyes in her eyes, and she felt contempt in her heart. A stinky man is a stinky man. She immediately turned to look at Su Youwei and saw that Su Youwei's face was so beautiful, especially at this time when the pear flowers were raining.

"What a beauty, what a pity to put it in this broken factory!" Dai Fengni arrogantly passed Shi Zhijian and walked to Su Youwei, "Raise your head!"

Su Youwei gave an "uh" and couldn't help but look up at Dai Fengni.

Dai Fengni smiled, "Very good, you are very obedient!" After she finished speaking, she took out the scented handkerchief in her arms and wiped the tears on Su Youwei's and said, "Men's handkerchiefs are dirty, It's also stinky, I'd better let my sister feel sorry for you!"

Su Youwei finally woke up and hurriedly dodged her face, but she was wiped by Dai Fengni's handkerchief, only to feel that her handkerchief exuded an intoxicating fragrance, which was very pleasant.

"Dear, don't move!" Dai Fengni wanted to continue wiping Su Youwei's tears, but Su Youwei avoided it, and then timidly hid behind Shi Zhijian.

Everyone at the scene was taken aback by Dai Fengni's outrageous behavior.

The masters Su and Chen Biao behind Dai Fengni sighed secretly, but they were helpless about what their master did.

Seeing Su Youwei so afraid of herself, Dai Fengni was stunned for a moment, and then she giggled, her laughter trembled, and with her perfect figure and charming and glamorous face, countless men on the scene were fascinated.

Daxiong swallowed hard, and touched the bearded Yong who was still staring at Dai Fengni in a daze with his elbow: "Do you think this woman is a fairy?"

Beard Yong also swallowed, "Not only a goblin, but also a big demon!"

"Hide well! The more you hide, the more I like you! Little girl, what's your name?" Dai Fengni took out a thin cigarette from her bosom and bit it lightly between her lips, her beautiful eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He looked at Su Youwei who was hiding behind Shi Zhijian.

Su Youwei was too scared to say a word.

Shi Zhijian patted her on the shoulder, signaling her not to be afraid, and then looked at Dai Fengni: "Miss Dai, what are you doing here today?"

Dai Fengni smiled, took out a metal lighter, slammed it, and set it on fire.

Dai Fengni lowered her head and lit the cigarette with the lighter. She raised her head and let out a sigh of smoke from her cherry lips, "It's cheap! I'm going to buy your factory today!"

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