MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 108 poor and stubborn

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Text 0108 [poor and backbone]

"What? What did this woman say? She said she wanted to buy our factory?"

"It's so irritating, to go to someone else's territory and say such things!"

There was a lot of discussion in the factory, and they were all angry when faced with Dai Fengni's arrogant and domineering appearance.

Da Daxiong, Hu Xiuyong and the others were also so angry that they blew their beards and stared, thinking that this female goblin looked like a demon, but they didn't expect to be so reluctant to speak.

Shi Zhijian looked at Dai Fengni coldly: "Miss Dai, today is not April Fool's Day, I hope you are not joking!"

"Joke? What qualifications do you have to make me laugh? Oh, yes, I heard that you know a lot of big people, so what? I, Dai Fengni, have never been right to people. If I want to buy your factory, I have to buy it!" After speaking, Dai Fengni clapped her hands, "Master Su, bring the things up!"

Master Su brought a briefcase from the car outside, and faced Shi Zhijian with both hands.

"Open it up and let Boss Shi see if I, Dai Fengni, are joking!"

Master Su said: "As ordered!" Then he opened the box with a slap——

"Wow!" exclaimed around.

Daxiong and Beard Yong, who were standing closer, were even more stunned.

I saw that the box was full of banknotes, brand new thousand Hong Kong dollars, exuding the smell of ink.

Dai Fengni arrogantly pointed at the box with the cigarette in her hand: "See, here is three million, buy your factory!"

three million? !

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Their monthly salary is only more than 300 yuan. How long will it take to earn 3 million yuan? !

Dai Fengni enjoyed the feeling of shocking the audience with money.

Back then when she was still in middle school, the school principal always said that "there is no discrimination" and "no discrimination".


Once the school asked students to donate money, she donated 100,000 yuan in one go, and almost scared the principal to the ground. Since then, the principal has been polite to her, serving her like an aunt, and will no longer treat her equally.

Dai Fengni swept her phoenix eyes for a week, and was very satisfied with the reactions of the people around her. She looked at Shi Zhijian again, and said arrogantly, "How is it now, Boss Shi, do you still agree? You know, it takes a long time to earn three million! You factory. Even if you open it, it will cost you one million at most, and you will earn two million in the blink of an eye. You should be able to calculate this clearly!"

In Dai Fengni's view, Shi Zhijian would not refuse the acquisition if he hadn't had a problem with his brain.

After all, the instant noodle factory has to do sales in addition to production, and their Dai family can almost monopolize the entire food sales channel in Hong Kong. If they get stuck, they can kill their opponents.

In addition, Dai Fengni felt that the reason why Shi Zhijian was able to make instant noodles was to seize the opportunity. If this project had been seen by her earlier, Shi Zhijian would have nothing to do with it.

If Shi Zhijian was smart, he would take the money and sell the factory. Two million would be his reward for developing such a business.

Before Shi Zhijian spoke, Da Xiong, Hu Xiong and others all looked at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian took the money to make it easy, but they finally found a place to live and support the family. Many people also dreamed of earning money to buy delicious clothes for their wives and children. Now the factory is suddenly transferred, these people How to do?

Shi Zhijian glanced at the three million Hong Kong dollars, and then looked at the arrogant Dai Fengni: "Miss Dai, can I ask you a question?"

Dai Fengni contemptuously exhaled smoke at Shi Zhijian: "Of course, you can ask if you have anything."

"If I sell the factory to you, what will they do?" Shi Zhijian pointed to Daxiong, Beard Yong, and the workers who were all looking at him.

Dai Fengni smiled: "I thought you would ask something, but it's such a boring question! Our Dai family has also raised a lot of idlers. Since we bought your factory, of course we will arrange for them to work! As for these happy and useless firewood, Of course they're all fired!"

"What did you say?"

"Damn, you say it again!"

The workers were angry, and being scolded for being a waste of money, anyone would be furious.

Dai Fengni giggled, and her laughter trembled: "I said you are useless firewood, but you still don't believe it? If you have the ability, just slap money, and smash people with money like me, smashing hard!"

As she spoke, Dai Fengni picked up a stack of banknotes in the box and threw them into the air.

Brand new banknotes were flying in front of her, falling one after another.

Dai Fengni waited to see the humble appearance of Shi Zhijian and the workers bent over to pick up money, but those workers did not move.

Dai Fengni was a little surprised: "Are you stupid, you don't pick it up when you have money? No wonder you are poor all your life!"

Those people remained motionless, all staring at Dai Fengni angrily.

Yes, they are poor!

But also poor and strong!

At this time, someone suddenly bent down and started to pick up the money on the ground. That person was Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian bent one leg, squatted down and stretched out his hand to pick up banknotes from the ground, one, two, three or four.

"Money is really a good thing! With money, you can buy a lot of what you want! Clothes, designer bags, watches, gold and silver jewelry! With money, you can stand tall and be a man! In front of classmates, family, and friends, Show off your power, raise your eyebrows!"

"Money is a good thing. You like it, and I like it too, so why throw it away?!" Shi Zhijian seemed to be talking to himself.

Soon, Shi Zhijian picked up all the money that was thrown on the ground, then walked to Dai Fengni calmly, handed the money over and said, "Miss Dai? I want to tell you something, this world is nothing. People take money so seriously! In addition to this money, we have wives and children, relatives and friends, and of course, dignity that you don’t recognize!”

"Perhaps you were pampered and grew up without knowing what dignity is, thinking that you can do whatever you want with money! It's true that the world is built with money, but it's also the waste wood in your mouth, happy, with their hands one by one Tile built!"

The people around were unmoved.

Shi Zhijian's remarks were taken to their hearts.

"Hey, I'll pay you back now, I hope I can teach you how to behave!" After speaking, Shi Zhijian raised his hand and threw all the money he picked up on Dai Fengni's face.


Dai Fengni never thought that one day she would be smashed with money, and in front of so many people.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Master Su and Chen Biao immediately stepped forward, guarding Dai Fengni.

Dai Fengni was furious. She looked arrogant and arrogant long ago, her eyebrows stood upright, and she glared at Shi Zhijian: "Shi Zhijian, how dare you take money and throw me away?!"

Until now, she still couldn't believe that Shi Zhijian really dared to do this!

Da Daxiong, Hu Xiuyong and the others were stunned.

When they really figure out what's going on...


thunderous cheers!

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