MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 111 Good people being bullied

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Body 0111 [Good people are bullied]

Wan Chai, Causeway Bay.

Shi Zhijian drove his old sister, Shi Yufeng, and his niece, Baoer, in a small car, and Da Daxiong drove a big truck with a bunch of miscellaneous things.

Hearing the sound of the car, the people who rented in the Tanglou came out one after another.

In the corridor on the second floor, a group of people are playing mahjong.

Three or five idle people around are watching.

On the mahjong table, a male duck glanced down and said, "We have a new tenant in this building!"

Another old woman with a cigarette in her mouth said: "The third floor is idle now, and the entire third floor should be rented!"

The male duck said with a look of disdain: "What's so great about that, I used to be very rich, not to mention renting one floor, renting five, six, seven, eight or nine floors is no problem!"

"You're bragging again! Who doesn't know that your old duck likes to blow water the most, car and cannon!" The old woman sneered.

"You bitch, if you don't speak, people won't treat you as a mute!" The male duck's voice became unhappy.

Seeing that the old duck and Sanba were about to quarrel, the card friend next to him said: "Have you seen it, it's a big truck and a car, and the new tenants who come here look very dragged. We should agree to give them one. Just get off the horse, so as not to be trampled on the head by him!"

"That's right! We must first set a rule for them, lest these newcomers not understand the rules and show off their might!"

"Go, go down and step on their majesty!"

The old duck and Sanba took the others downstairs in a mighty manner.

At this time, Shi Zhijian got out of the car, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and hurriedly stepped forward to help light the cigarette.

Shi Zhijian patted Da Daxiong on the back of his hand to express his thanks, then looked up at the third floor, and said to Da Daxiong: "Let the brothers move the furniture and luggage up first, and I will treat you to dinner later!"

"Brother Jian, you are too polite! The brothers usually do coolies, and moving is just a trivial matter!" Da Daxiong followed Shi Zhijian and now he looks like a man. He learned from Shi Zhijian to wear a suit and tie, and only occasionally did rough work. Wear the old bunt tang shirt.

"But to be honest, Brother Jian, you are so sharp, you can actually buy such an expensive tenement building in less than two months!" Daxiong looked at the five-story tenement building with envy in his heart. "I don't know how long I have to work part-time to live in a place like this!"

"Soon, as long as you dare to work hard and work hard! When the factory is stabilized, I will have a new business to do, and then I will let you participate!"

"New business?" Da Daxiong's eyes lit up, and even the eyes of Hong Yihai next to him lit up.

In their eyes, Shi Zhijian is now the God of Wealth. No matter what he does, he can make a fortune. With his help, it will be difficult for him to be underdeveloped.

Just when Da Daxiong wanted to ask Shi Zhijian what business he was going to do in the future, a male duck said, "I'm sorry, I'm just asking, are you new tenants?"

Shi Zhijian looked at it, but it was seven or eight old tenants who came downstairs.

When Shi Yufeng saw someone coming down from the upstairs, he took Bao'er out of the car and asked Shi Zhijian, "What's the matter?"

The drake coughed in a pretentious voice, and with his hands behind his back, he held his posture and said, "Actually, there's nothing wrong, but you are newcomers, so you need to know the rules of this place."

Shi Zhijian saw that these people wanted to deceive students.

Daxiong was about to speak, but was stopped by Shi Zhijian.

"Excuse me, what are the rules?" Shi Zhijian seemed polite and gentle.

The drake snorted: "The rules are very simple. Since you are newcomers, you must know how to come first!"

Madam Sanba also put her hands on her hips, and said with a cigarette in her mouth: "Yes, our rule here is that water and electricity bills should be calculated according to our standards. We say how much is how much! How about it, do you have it? Opinion?"

"No opinion, you have the final say!" Shi Zhijian smiled brightly.

"And you can move, but you can't disturb us, especially you can't disturb us playing mahjong! When we finish playing mahjong, you can move! How about it, can you do it?"

"It can be done, I'm very sorry to disturb everyone!" Shi Zhijian quickly apologized.

The old tenants all smiled with their arms over their shoulders, with contemptuous eyes, thinking that Shi Zhijian was easy to bully.

The drake added: "These are not enough, the most important one is----"

"What is it?"

The male duck pointed at Shi Zhijian's nose: "When you pay the rent every month, you must hand it over to me, and I will hand it over to the landlord again!"

Shi Zhijian frowned: "I may not be able to do this."

"Why?" Drake said and waited for the old tenant to stare at Shi Zhijian imposingly.

Shi Zhijian pointed to the male duck's throat, then pointed to the 38 women, and then pointed to the building behind them, and said, "Because I bought it! I am the landlord!"

Shi Zhijian never likes to step on little people. He thinks that those little people are like ants. They work hard just to survive, but he never minds that occasionally some people climb on his arms, pinch them off and throw them on the ground and step on them.

Sweeping the floor does not hurt the lives of the ants, that is the behavior of an eminent monk, he is not an eminent monk, and he has not attained the Tao, so he was very happy when he saw the voice of the male duck, Sanba and others were stunned, and then looked surprised. .

"Axiong, start moving things!" Shi Zhijian ignored the new neighbors who had dismounted him, and ordered a loud voice.

Lou Xiong greeted his subordinates to start. For him, Shi Zhijian was kind enough to do so.

As far as he knows, when Shi Zhijian bought the building, the original tenants of the building were all going to be kicked out, so that it would be easier for the ghost landlord Charvin to sell the whole building. Shi Zhijian couldn't bear it. , which prevented Charvin from chasing people out.

But it is Shi Zhijian's kindness that has attracted the oppression of these people. If Shi Zhijian hadn't revealed his identity, it is estimated that these people would have said even more.

Seeing Shi Zhijian standing by smoking and ignoring them, these people were scared.

They are not fools. Facing the landlord, they know what to do. If there is a slight error, they will be kicked out and sleep on the street.

So they surrounded Shi Yufeng and greeted each other with smiles.

"Never mind, we were just joking."

"Yeah, we don't know each other if we don't fight, we don't make noise or lively, we are all very kind!"

"Why don't you go to my house for dinner, so that everyone can get to know each other!"

After all, Shi Yufeng was from the past, and she had never seen anyone in Shijiewei, so she sneered at these people who tended to be inflamed.

"It's okay to know, as for the meal, you don't have to! Also, the rent has to be paid on time! I'm soft-hearted, but I'm hard-hearted. I don't pay the rent, and I'll rush it. He's out!"

Shi Yufeng put his hands on his hips, raised his chin, and instantly killed the audience with a single sentence.

Shi Yufeng enjoyed the shock of these people, and her heart blossomed with joy. She even pretended to be cold on the surface. She coughed and said with her arms crossed: "Now let me introduce, my name is Shi Yufeng, I come from Shijiawei, and my nickname is 'Shi Kip tail is a flower'. Of course, don't be merciful because I'm pretty! It's up to you!"

Drake glanced at everyone, lowered his posture and bowed: "My dear Deng Jiugong."

Sanba: "My name is Zhang Alian."

Others followed suit.

Shi Yufeng felt very refreshed. The foreman in the plastic flower factory was like this, asking his subordinates to sign up one by one, every day, and whoever clicked would report the number, and his salary would be deducted for absence.

"Hey, don't say now that I don't give you a chance, I'm going to have dinner with the movers. How about you, help move things if you want! I'm very fair, and I never force others!"

"Not reluctantly, not reluctantly at all!" Deng Jiugong shook his black Tang shirt and patted his sturdy ribs: "I like to help people move the most! Playing mahjong all day long is so boring!"

"Yeah, my hands are cramping while playing mahjong. I just happened to help you move things and move your hands and feet!" Zhang Alian also said hurriedly.

Without waiting for Shi Yufeng to speak, the group of neighbors scrambled to unload the car and move the furniture to the third floor.

Shi Yufeng proudly touched the top of her daughter Jiang Meibao's head, and instructed: "Remember a good daughter, a good person is bullied! As a human being, sometimes you have to be a little fiercer!"

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