MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 112 Production pacesetter Su Youwei

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Text 0112 [production pacesetter Su Youwei]

The so-called "Tanglou" in this era is actually a common residential building in Hong Kong. The highest is no more than five floors, with all the water and electricity installed. The first floor is only about a thousand feet of units, so renting a one-story tenement building is exaggerated. Just rented a house of more than 100 square meters.

But buying a tenement building, the concept is different, it is equivalent to buying all five floors from top to bottom, including the bottom facade.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the owner of this building has a lot of power, including water supply and electricity supply, just like the charter woman in Star Lord's "Kung Fu", or the male landlord in "Seventy-two Tenants" , it can control the "life and death" of the tenant, and if you are not satisfied, you can be kicked out. A lease contract is similar to waste paper.

The British pay attention to the "contract spirit", but they don't work well in Hong Kong. Hong Kong follows the "landlord spirit" - if you make the landlord happy, you can continue to settle in, and if you are not happy, you will be kicked out!

Therefore, whether it is Deng Jiugong, the male duck voice, or Zhang Alian, the three-eighth woman, they all respect Shi Yufeng.

They have lived in this tenement building for many years, not to mention the cheap rent, and the surrounding environment is already familiar. If they are really driven out, where can they find such a cheap house and such a good location?

Shi Yufeng brought Jiang Meibao into the new home. Although he was well prepared, he was surprised by the decoration and layout of the new home.

A thousand-foot house is not a simple concept here. Hong Kong is a small place and the living environment is harsh. Many families of a dozen people can only live in a place of ten square meters for a lifetime. It is difficult to even turn around. , "divided room" and other incredible living environment.

Therefore, when Shi Yufeng walked into the new home and saw this thousand-foot-large room, she couldn't help but redden her eyes, and choked up when she hugged Jiang Meibao.

Shi Zhijian was startled, thinking what was wrong with the old sister, so he quickly got up to comfort her.

Shi Yufeng wiped her tears and said that she was content, that she was content to live in such a house in her life, and said that this was not a dream, so Shi Zhijian insisted on pinching her.

Shi Zhijian did as she did and twisted her face, but Shi Yufeng yelled "You're going to die", and slapped Shi Zhijian directly.

When Bao'er saw her mother beating her uncle, she jumped up and down and slapped her: "Oh, my uncle is amazing! Come on, mom!"


Since he moved and bought the whole tenement building, Shi Yufeng consciously became the "charter wife" here. At noon, Deng Jiugong, Zhang Alian and others flatteredly sent housewarming gifts, plum wine, pig's trotter soup and so on. Shi Yufeng refused.

Now she doesn't look down on this kind of small favor, and she doesn't like taking advantage of this kind of small thing.

Shi Yufeng occupied the master bedroom of the new home, a large room of nearly 20 square meters. According to her words, it was more than enough to do some somersaults in it.

Bao'er ran around the house with bare feet, rubbing against the ground with her little feet from time to time, and felt that the floor tiles were really smooth, cleaner than the school slides.

She has a small room all by herself, keeps her favorite toy Barbie in the most conspicuous place, hangs her schoolbag and hangs by the desk, and then giggles and jumps on the bed.

After the old sister and Baoer chose the room, it goes without saying that the rest of the room belonged to Shi Zhijian, and the layout was very simple, just a bed and a small bookshelf.

When the furniture was placed, Shi Yufeng realized that the things he had brought from Shek Kipwei didn't seem to be of much use.

But whether it's a wardrobe, a dressing table, or a small dining table for eating, those guys are all the "hard work" she has accumulated over the years. Even the tattered pots and pans, she is reluctant to throw away, but now it seems that they are all. cumbersome.

No matter what, you can't forget your roots when you have a new home.

Shi Yufeng asked people to stuff the wardrobe and other messy things into Shi Zhijian's room, who made his room the brightest.

In this regard, Shi Zhijian expressed a protest, but Shi Yufeng directly pulled his ears, and the protest was invalid.


After simply tidying up the new home, Shi Zhijian glanced at it and felt that something was missing.

I suddenly remembered, as if the refrigerator and TV were missing.

The refrigerator is easy to say, just buy one and move it over, but the TV is a rare thing.

In 1957, Hong Kong established the first TV station called "Li's Voice", and the TV they sold was also called "Li's TV".

This is a cable TV station that charges a monthly cable fee of HK$25 to watch their Cantonese programs.

Now ten years later, the second TV station in Hong Kong, tvb, just opened on the 17th of this month. The Lee family and the Shaw Brothers invested in this radio station and went the wireless free route. That is to say, if you buy a TV now, you can Choose tvb to watch TV for free.

Therefore, at present, the TV ownership rate of Hong Kong people is not much, and most of them are rich people who buy one.

For Shi Zhijian, television is an indispensable necessities of life, and it is also the main tool for collecting information in the future.

After making up his mind to find an opportunity to buy a TV, Shi Zhijian told his old sister Shi Yufeng that he would go back to work in the factory first and come back to eat with her in the evening.

New relocation, we must have a good meal together to celebrate.

After Shi Zhijian left, Shi Yufeng looked at the room layout again, and then went to the outside of the floor to see that there was a small room next door.

This room, Shi Zhijian, was supposed to put the sundries, but Shi Yufeng felt it was too wasteful, so she pinched her chin and looked for an opportunity to post a rental advertisement. If she rented out this small room, she could earn every cent.


Shi Zhijian rushed back to the Yuen Long factory and found that the atmosphere was not right.

After I asked Da Daxiong, I found out that Dai Fengni sent people to poach people. Thirty people were poached from the factory at once. Fortunately, those 30 people are not technical backbones, and they do not have much work on the production line. It's important, you can find someone to replace it.

In addition, if Shi Zhijian hadn't done the preparatory work in advance and taught those workers "ideological and moral I am afraid that more people would have been poached."

Shi Zhijian was not too surprised by this. The most unreserved thing in this world are those migrant workers with a lot of thought. They always thought that they could get more money elsewhere. Cheap things, if you are not willing to work hard, nowhere is paradise.

However, this also reminded Shi Zhijian that it seems that the ideological work of workers is not enough, and there must be an enhanced version 2.0.

So Shi Zhijian asked Da Daxiong to convene the management of the ten workshops of the factory and asked them who worked the most seriously and actively in the factory.

Everyone jointly elected one person, not surprisingly, that person was Su Youwei.

Others came to work here to earn money to support their family, but Su Youwei came to work here to repay her kindness.

With this kind of mentality, of course she worked harder than anyone else, and it was obvious to all.

After getting this result, Shi Zhijian immediately decided, "Su Youwei is this month's 'production pacesetter'!"

According to Shi Zhijian's design, "production pacesetter" is an example! A benchmark! Let Su Youwei wear a big red flower on her chest, take a big photo, post it on the honor roll column, and add the rewards that the pacesetter will get, 100 yuan bonus, 50 catties of rice, 30 catties of cooking oil, etc., immediately attracted the owner of the factory.

In this way, it can not only improve the enthusiasm of workers for production, but also enable them to develop new goals, and they will not only drive away as soon as they are dug up.

Even Shi Zhijian is considering to wait until the end of the year when the factory's profitability stabilizes, and then set up a kindergarten for workers, find someone to help take care of the children, and solve the worries of the workers. Since then, the factory can be more like home!

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