MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 60 The battle between the actor and the actor

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New Garden Casino, inside the lobby.

A loud bang.

Dawei, who is tall and tall, was lifted up and smashed on the table.

The table cracked and shattered into pieces.

Dawei only felt pain all over his body, and his bones were about to shatter.

He never imagined that the two bodyguards beside haunt Selena were actually black!

Both blacks are strong and powerful, and they are a lot taller than Dawei, standing like half an iron tower.

Dawei had a hard time riding a tiger, but the result was that he was thrown to death by the opponent.

When the gamblers around saw someone fighting, they all came to watch and pointed at Dawei.

"One-on-two, why don't you go to the street?"

"Dare to challenge a nigger, get one!"

Dawei struggled to get up, turned his face to look at the crowd, and happened to see his brother Xiwei squeezed past.

According to Shi Zhijian's instructions, Xiwei randomly found two or three bad gamblers outside, and he quickly removed Yan Xiong's people. He turned his head and just squeezed into the crowd when he saw that his big brother was being beaten to death by niggas.

Dawei gave him a fierce look, and Xiwei shrank his head in fright, hesitating whether to go up and help.

The two black bodyguards accompany Selena around the casino all day long. It's a pain in the ass, and it's rare for someone to take the initiative to find fault and not have a good time.

Before poor Dawei could stand up, he was grabbed by another black bodyguard and lifted up and smashed at another table again!

With a bang, the table burst again,

Dawei felt that he was about to die, so he scolded: "I'll give you a lung!"

I don't know if I'm scolding these two **** or Xiwei.

Xiwei didn't expect his brother to be beaten so badly, and was about to help when he saw Shi Zhijian winking at him.

Xiwei was stunned for a moment, and immediately discovered that the **** hag Selena was by his side, to be precise in front of him.

It was a fashionably dressed foreign girl of twenty-seven or eighteen years old. She had a bumpy figure and was extremely tall. Even standing in the crowd, she looked plump and tall. She was excitedly watching the bodyguard beat Dawei.

At the same time, Xiwei also understood what Shi Zhijian's eyes meant.

So Xiwei pushed Selena behind Selena without hesitation!

With a coquettish cry, Selina instantly became unsteady, and the red Kun bag slung on her arm flew out first, and then fell to the front.

Shi Zhijian hurried out, grabbed Selena's slender hand with one hand, and pulled it hard into his arms, and Selena swirled and threw towards his arms.

Shi Zhijian took a steady step, and with the other hand, he directly supported Selena's charming little waist, and he was able to hold her in his arms.

Time stands still.

Selena leaned on her back in mid-air, Shi Zhijian leaned over and stared at her, and the two danced in a classic hugging pose.

Selena looked at Shi Zhijian with a handsome face, and suddenly remembered the fairy tale she read when she was a child, the prince saved the princess.

Her snow-white pretty face suddenly turned red.

Shi Zhijian stared at Selena for three seconds, making sure that his appearance had left a perfect imprint on the heart of this foreign woman, then he slowly embraced her and said in an authentic British accent, "You're fine. Come on, pretty lady."

Selena was slightly startled, she didn't expect Shi Zhijian to speak such fluent English, "I'm fine, thank you sir, thank you for your help!"

"You're too polite, a beautiful lady like you will help anyone she encounters!" Shi Zhijian's mouth was as sweet as honey.

Selena was about to speak, but Shi Zhijian took a wait position, then stepped forward, bent over and picked up the Kun bag that Selena had thrown away from the ground. Seeing that the mouth of the Kun bag was open, a book also fell on the ground. , I picked up the book and patted it again. I saw the title of the book: "LADY\'SLOVER", which translated into Chinese is "Mrs. Chatailai's Lover".

This is boring.

Shi Zhijian had a calculation in his heart.

At this time, Selena's two bodyguards hurried over when they realized that something happened to their master, but were scolded by Selena for a while.

The two tall black bodyguards were scolded with blood, but they didn't dare to answer back. They put their hands on their stomachs and lowered their heads, looking like sinners.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiwei saved Dawei early and started watching Mr. Shi "act" silently.

Shi Zhijian put the English novel into the kun bag, turned around and handed it back to Selena and said, "Ms. Selena? This is your kun bag. You can check whether the items inside are missing."

"Thank you, sir! You are such a gentleman!" Selena briefly checked, suddenly came to her senses, raised her head and asked Shi Zhijian, "How do you know my name?"

Shi Zhijian smiled brightly, showing his white teeth: "Because I came here today to find you!"

"Looking for me? Do you have anything to do?" Selena looked surprised.

Shi Zhijian looked around, adjusted his tie, and smiled politely: "If you don't mind, I think you can find a place to sit?"

"Of course, you saved me, and I'll treat you to a drink!" Selena immediately raised her hand to the waiter at the casino, "Arrange a VIP room, and bring the red wine I saved!"

Selena is a VIP customer of the casino and the wife of a senior police superintendent in Hong Kong. She has many privileges here.

Inside the VIP room.

Shi Zhijian and Selena sat face to face, drinking the high-quality red wine she purchased from Bordeaux, France.

Shi Zhijian squeezed the handle of the red wine glass, smiled and gestured to Selena who was looking at him across from him, shook the wine glass twice rhythmically, took a sip gracefully, then put down the wine glass, The authentic British accent praised: "Awesome!"

Shi Zhijian's petty bourgeoisie is very useful to Selena.

Although Shi Zhijian saved himself, Selena's arrogant colonial ideology still doesn't look down on the Chinese here.

Now Shi Zhijian shows the high quality of the super-class people in the upper class, all of which overflowed from the tasting of red wine at once.

Especially when Shi Zhijian spoke eloquently about this bottle of red wine, as well as the analysis of the global red wine varieties, as well as the identification and aesthetics of the top red wines, Selena, who believed that she knew the wine culture well, felt ashamed.

At this moment, Selena even suspected that the person sitting in front of her was not a Chinese, but a real British aristocrat.

Noble stature! Shi Zhijian scoffed at this title.

If it weren't for his ulterior motives, Shi Zhijian wouldn't want to spend an extra minute with this stupid woman who likes formalistic aristocratic culture.

But the Selena in front of her was a little stupid, but she looked really good. She was wearing a long white dress with a tight waist and glass stockings over her legs. She had nothing to say about her figure.

As for the face, it may not be of pure Saxon blood. There are no freckles and black spots on the face. Instead, the facial features are three-dimensional and deep, and it looks like a Spanish girl. It even resembles the previous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie.

But what made Shi Zhijian pay more attention was Selena's blue eyes.

Especially when Shi Zhijian talked about the wine culture, Selena held her cheeks, stared at Shi Zhijian, her eyes were shining - that is the light of dreaming women. For Shi Zhijian, this kind of woman is also the most beautiful. Easy to be fooled.
