MTL - Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl-Chapter 374 A Xu, what is your identity?

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   All his money was robbed before, and now he doesn't have a single coin on him.

   Nangong Anshan said: "Brother, there is no money here, it's where A Xu lives."

  Dugu Huanxu said: "That's right, this is my residence, no money required."

  Nan Gongxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

   It was only for a moment, and he became nervous again.

  Such a nice house, you can tell at a glance that it is not for ordinary people.

  How could Ah Shan have such a rich friend?

Nangong Anshan brought over the boiled medicine, and said: "Brother, drink the medicine, I checked you just now, your injury is really serious, if you don't take good care of it, your body may not be healthy in the future. Weaker than the third brother's."

  Nan Gongxian had no choice but to drink the medicine after hearing the words.

  After drinking, he said: "Ashan, how is the family?"

Nangong Anshan asked him to lie down, and said: "Aniang is very good, and everyone else is also very good, and the family has made a lot of money now. Before I came, we just moved to a new house. There are not only... but also... and... When we fled..."

After listening to what his sister said, Nan Gongxian was shocked and said: "Ashan, you have experienced so much from Yongwang's fief to Liwang's fief, and the whole village has moved away, which is too unbelievable. And the family There are still so many workshops, it is unbelievable. And your divine power, is it true?"

  Nangong Anshan walked to the table, raised the table with one hand, and said with a smile, "Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

  Nan Gongxian was shocked and said: "Ashan, you are too powerful."

Nangong Anshan said: "This is all thanks to God. It is he who gave me supernatural power and medical skills, so our family can live so well now. Oil pressing workshop, sugar workshop, weaving workshop, paper workshop It can also be built smoothly."

   "With these workshops, our family will not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives."

   "By the way, our family still has more than 4,000 mu of land. Now most of the people in the village work in our family. As long as they work in my family, they can earn at least one tael of silver a month."

   "Our family's only regret is that father and you haven't returned home yet. Now that we have found you, the only thing left is father returning home."

  Nan Gongxian said in surprise: "Ashan, you are really amazing, you actually have so many things at home."

   As he spoke, he sighed, "When I was in the army, I also looked for Father, but there was no news about Father at all."

Nangong Anshan said: "Brother, don't worry, the old fairy once entrusted me with a dream, saying that you and Dad will die of natural old age in this life, so he must still be alive. As long as he is still alive and I have money in hand, we will all be together sooner or later." It is only a matter of time before we can find him."

   Nan Gongxian was overjoyed immediately, what his sister said must be right.

  Nan Gongxian asked again: "Ashan, back then Yongwang's fief was so chaotic, you must have suffered a lot when you fled to Liwang's fief?"

  Nangong Anshan smiled nonchalantly, "I haven't suffered much. If I say hardship, it may be when the Qiu family sold me and Ah Cheng, Ah Mo, and Ah Yao."

   These things must be told to Nan Gongxian.

  In her memory, when Nangongxian was at home, Yang Ruolan was still able to hunt, and the Qiu family was also okay with Nangongxian, the eldest grandson.

  Although the Qiu family has good things, they still won't give them to this family, but they always look good to Nan Gongxian.

  Nan Gongxian was shocked and said: "What did you say? Qiu Shi? Grandma? Grandma actually sold the four of you? How is this possible?"

Nangong Anshan said: "Everything is possible in this world. You may not know that not long after you left, Auntie was in danger because of hunting. Not only her face was disfigured, but her legs were also paralyzed. Mrs. Qiu saw us in this room It’s useless, it’s a burden, not only separated our family, but also sold our four brothers and sisters for money on the way to escape. It’s just that once I was sold, I gained supernatural power, so I was able to escape.”

  Nan Gongxian became even more anxious immediately, and asked, "Is Aunt disfigured and paralyzed?"

"Yes." Nangong Anshan said: "But don't worry, I have cured her leg. Although she can't run now, she can walk slowly, and her face has recovered. And the third brother , His health is much better, and he is also practicing hidden weapons now."

  Nan Gongxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

   I really didn't expect so many things to happen after he left.

   Nangong Anshan said: "By the way, brother, why did you live at the bottom of the cliff for so long? You don't know, someone disguised themselves as you to do bad things, and even stole your dagger."

  Nan Gongxian said: "I can't help it either. King Yong's army is in the late stage, and they can't even send out rations. When the army and I passed by here, we went out to look for food, and we were separated from the team accidentally."

  “I met another group of refugees. They thought they would become refugees because of us soldiers. They wanted to kill me when they saw the military uniform I was wearing. When I was running away, I accidentally fell into the cliff.”

   "Fortunately, there are many trees under the cliff, which caught me, but in the end the tree was really overwhelmed, and I fell down. I was seriously injured and couldn't move."

  “When I was about to starve to death, I met those two children. The two children were separated from their parents. When they saw me, they took the initiative to take care of me.”

"It's just that they don't know how to collect medicine, and my injuries have never healed, so I can't go on my way. We encountered wild beasts a few days ago. After I tried my best to drive away the beasts, my body, which had not healed from internal injuries, became weaker, so We had no choice but to stay at the bottom of the cliff.”

   Nangong Anshan raised her eyebrows and said, "It seems that those two children are still your saviors."

Nan Gongxian nodded: "Yes, Ah Shan, please treat them kindly, they are also poor people. If you have money, give them a good home. There are still two children, and you can take care of me for so long. And a kind hearted person."

   Nangong Anshan said: "Okay, then you have a good rest, I will go and see the two of them, and I will send someone to bring food later."

   "Well, sorry to trouble you."

  Nangong Anshan and Dugu Huanxu left Nangong Xian's house.

  Dugu Huanxu ordered a few words to the servants, and the servants went to prepare Nangongxian's food.

  After walking dozens of steps, Nangong Anshan suddenly asked: "Axu, what is your identity? Why is His Royal Highness Li Wang so generous that he actually let you live in Yongwang's mansion?"

  Dugu Huanxu coughed lightly and said, "He and I are relatives, it's normal for him to be nice to me, and I only live in the side courtyard, not the main courtyard."