MTL - Rebirth: The Return of the Great-Chapter 879 showdown

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Ye Yan brought his daughter to sign up.

He didn't show a strong aura at all, so naturally he didn't bother to ask for any special care.

"Name, age, and cultivation base -- let me remind you first, you can't lie about your realm, and you will need a realm stone for verification later. If you lie about your cultivation base, you will not only be disqualified, but will be severely punished!" A disciple in charge of registration warned.

Ye Yan smiled slightly: "Ye Rong'er, seven years old, a first-order immortal."

Xiao Rong'er is special, her age can only be calculated by her mental growth.


The disciple in charge of the registration raised his head with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Do you think there is something wrong with my eyes, or is my brain not good?"

"You look like seven years old?"


The people around were all bursting out laughing. There are indeed young and old people, but there is absolutely no way that there is such a seven-year-old!

You have to at least disguise yourself a little better before you want to trick people.

"Daddy signed up for Rong'er!" Xiao Rong'er said coquettishly.

Huh? what!

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback and looked at Xiao Rong'er with astonished eyes.

This little girl does look like a seven-year-old, but a seven-year-old first-order immortal?

Ha ha.

The disciple in charge of signing up knew that he had made an oolong, but he did not feel any guilt, but instead became angry: "Seven-year-old immortal? Why don't you say you are an immortal king?"

If it weren't for the Immortal King, how could it be possible to train a seven-year-old first-order immortal?

"Because Rong'er is quite special and grows too slowly!" Xiao Rong'er explained on the side.

Ye Yan frowned slightly, he didn't want to reveal his daughter's specialness, but he was relieved immediately, he was strong enough now, even in the face of the Immortal King, he could retreat calmly.

The disciple in charge of the registration was even more impatient and waved his hand: "Go away, don't waste my time!"

If it weren't for him still having responsibilities, he really wanted to teach the father and daughter a good lesson, but he actually played him like this!

Ye Yan frowned: "Your job is to be in charge of registration. As for whether we lied about our cultivation base, naturally we have a realm stone to prove it!"

"Yo, you're still not convinced?" The disciple in charge of signing up clapped the table, and was already very upset. This father and daughter—the daughter is so beautiful, how can the mother be so stunning?

Why is such a stunning woman yours?

Just thinking about it makes me jealous!

"Not convinced?" Ye Yan smiled, "You're not worthy! Hurry up and register, don't waste my time!"

The disciple who was in charge of signing up had his nose crooked. Just now, he was the one who said Ye Yan and the two should not waste his time, but as soon as he turned his head, the other party returned it.


He was furious and reached out to grab Ye Yan's collar.


As soon as the figure flashed, I saw that the disciple had already flew out like a cannonball, crashed heavily into the distant mountain, and disappeared.

Ye Yan smiled as if nothing was happening, as if it wasn't him who shot.

Xiao Rong'er giggled, this fool dared to provoke her daddy, it's really lucky not to be killed in seconds!

Who is her father?

The eighth-order elder, world master, and fairy king-level combat power!

Looking at the entire immortal world, there are very few existences that can stabilize her father.

——There are indeed a lot of Daosheng gods, but how many can appear freely?

Such a commotion naturally attracted the others from Sangumen, and everyone was very angry. How could anyone dare to make trouble on their territory?

Don't you know that Sangumen is the strongest force on this life star?

"Young man, you're not too timid, how dare you do it in this sect!" A middle-aged man came over, and there were avenues on his body, one after another, for a total of seven.

He is a third-order immortal, but he has only mastered the Seventh Heaven of the Great Dao, and his strength is really not very good.

After all, Sangumen is only a fourth-grade force.

Ye Yan looked at him with a smile, and said sullenly, "If you don't ask the whole story, you will put a hat on me when you come up, aren't you afraid of annoyed me?"

"What if it annoys you?" the middle-aged man laughed.

This is a really not funny joke!

Who is he?

The third-order immortals are the absolute mainstay in Sangumen, and they are expected to enter the real circle of decision-making. How dare you look down on me?


Then he took off, straight into the clouds, and disappeared in an instant.

Ye Yan smiled slightly: "Don't waste our time, quickly register my daughter!"

The people in Sangumen were dumbfounded, and they woke up like a dream when they heard this, nodded hastily, and started to register Xiao Ronger.

They even wanted to skip the step of the realm test. This is the daughter of the eldest elder. Come and play, what realm is important?

However, Xiao Rong'er took the initiative to go to the realm stone. After testing, it was indeed a first-order.

Everyone sighed inwardly. The father and daughter actually followed the procedure very well. It was just that the people from Sangumen insisted on extracurricular branches. The result was good, one was beaten into the mountain, and the other was beaten into the starry sky. , this one does not know how long it will take to return.

Then, everyone was shocked again.

This little girl is actually a first-order immortal!

God, how can there be such a young first-order?

Did you start cultivating in your mother's womb?

They really didn't guess wrong, Xiao Rong'er stayed in the womb for 300,000 years, which is enough for some geniuses to cultivate to the third or even fourth order, but Xiao Rong'er was not an immortal when she was born!

She just has endless potential.

The people of Sangumen were in awe of Ye Yan. As soon as this person raised his hand, he photographed a third-order elder in the starry sky. Fortunately, the elder's life jade was not broken, which meant that he was still alive. Its strength has to be fourth-order, who can't be afraid?

A fourth-order elder was dispatched from the door to receive Ye Yan in person. First, he looked at this unfamiliar strong man to prevent him from causing any trouble, and second, he also touched his bottom.

As a result, after the old man left and returned, he looked terrified and said only four words: "Unfathomable!"

Even the fourth-order elder thought that Ye Yan was unfathomable, how strong was this master?

I don't know, and I don't dare to speculate any more. In a word, such an existence must not be offended, and must be pleasing, otherwise the inheritance of Sangumen may become history!

Amid the trembling of the crowd, the genius contest held by Sangumen finally kicked off.

In the first step, draw lots to determine opponents and groups.

After Xiao Rong'er drew the lottery, she found that her luck was super good.

The other half is full of recognized top talents, and not only does she have no famous talents in this half, but even some people who can be regarded as geniuses are not on her journey. Only when they play in the finals of this division will they finally meet. arrive.

What luck!

Ye Yan laughed, he naturally knew that this was a deliberate move by the people from Sangumen, the purpose was to guide Xiao Ronger all the way to the finals.

——It doesn't matter if you are not strong, we can arrange for a weaker opponent for you, and even let the opponent take the initiative to lose to you!

In order to please Ye Yan, they were shameless. (To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion