MTL - Rebirth: The Return of the Great-Chapter 880 to please

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"Oh, how dare you so blatantly cheat?" A young man couldn't help showing a mocking smile when he saw the division map.

"Is this Ye Rong'er the daughter of the Sect Master of Sangu Sect, who has recommended her all the way to the finals?"

"At that time, as long as the opponent takes a few moves and then voluntarily admits defeat, won't he become the champion?"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible for Sangumen to think that this young master will come to participate!"

The sarcasm on the young man's face was even heavier: "If you know that the Seventh Young Master of Shanyuan Sect is also here, are you going to freak out?"

It is true that Sangumen is the ruler of this life star, but it is also a subordinate force of Shanyuan Sect, and Shanyuan Sect is a sixth-rank force, and his name is Liu Congzong, the seventh generation of Shanyuan Sect's suzerain. Descendants, known as Liu Qishao.

He is a young genius, but he can't really show his strength in Shanyuanzong, because as long as he encounters a competition or something, everyone will let him.

So when he learned that Sangumen happened to have a competition for first-order immortals, he deliberately concealed his identity and came to participate.

Oh, even he doesn't need privileges, how dare you?

When you meet me, I will make you cry!


"It's funny, this Sangumen actually tried to protect this man named Ye Rong'er?" Similarly, a woman in red was looking at the map of the competition area, her face full of disdain.

"A descendant of a big man in Sangumen, right?"

"Isn't this blatant cheating?"

"This girl hates this kind of behavior the most!"

"Ye Rong'er, although we haven't met, you are already hated by this girl!"

"I, Han Yingying, will definitely make you look good!"


Ye Rong'er naturally didn't know that Sangumen deliberately cheated for her, but it attracted the hatred of several geniuses who concealed their identities, but what if she knew?

Does she need to care?

The little girl waited for a while, and finally when she came on stage, she excitedly said to Ye Yan, "Daddy, Rong'er is gone."

Ye Yan nodded: "Be careful."

"Well, Rong'er knows."

Sangumen has always been accompanied by someone. Hearing this, he can't help shaking his head. Xindao has already arranged for you, so what else do you need to be careful about?

You can lie down to the first place all the way!

He didn't know that Ye Yan's intention for Xiao Rong'er to be careful was not to shoot too hard and beat the opponent too badly. After all, the little girl is even more special than Ye Yan at the beginning. Not only is the world master, but also has a complete Jiuyou. Avenue projection!

What is this concept?

Only in terms of the level of the Great Dao, she is on the same level as Yin Chai and even Palace Master Jiuyou.

Xiao Rong'er's first opponent was a disciple of Sangumen.

This disciple had obviously received the order long ago. He had only three moves against Xiao Rong'er, so he voluntarily conceded defeat, which caused many people to shout.

Cheating, naked cheating!

Sangumen is safe and sound, so what if we cheated?

Is it possible for them to offend a strong man like Ye Yan?

If people want to arrange for their beloved daughter to come and go, then they have to cooperate fully to make the old man satisfied!

As for the competition... what's the matter? I'll hold another one in a few days.

Xiao Rong'er won the first match, but she was not very happy, because her opponent conceded before she could make a move.

But there are still several games to come, so not all opponents are like this, right?

But it is so!

Her opponents are all carefully arranged, all of them are disciples of Sangumen. When you eliminate others, you have to fight as hard as you can, but when she encounters Xiao Ronger, they all become soft-footed crabs, and they admit defeat after three or two moves.

Xiao Rong'er won every game, but her expression became more and more ugly, her mouth was so high that she was about to cry.

Is this the kind of victory she wants?

Ye Yan is also speechless, Sangumen is naturally flattering him, but does he need the other party to do this?

Originally, I wanted to make my daughter happy, but it turned out to make her unhappy.

Another day passed, when Xiao Rong'er entered the top four in the top half, her opponent was finally no longer a disciple of Sangumen.

——In fact, this was unexpected, because Sangumen escorted Xiao Ronger all the way, but this opponent was very strong, and he actually defeated the disciples of Sangumen, and accidentally entered the quarterfinals and became Xiaoronger. opponent.

This made the people in Sangumen panic, so let alone Xiao Rong'er winning, what if she was still injured in the battle?

Isn't that Ye Yan going to stir the wrath of Thunder?

They are miserable!

Ye Yan was delighted, seeing the reactions of the Sangu people around him, it must have been an accident.

Just right.

"This fellow Daoist, I'll retire for a while." The Sect Master Sangu personally accompanied him, and quickly wanted to say hello, persuade the opponent to retire, or perhaps use the advantage to make the opponent also take the initiative to admit defeat.

But Ye Yan stopped him and said, "This opponent is not bad, so there is no need to interfere."


Sangu Sect Master just finds it strange, are you still not satisfied with our previous arrangement?

Weird people!

But since Ye Yan took the initiative to speak, he naturally could no longer say or do anything, so he had to sit down again.

On the other side, the battle area.

"Haha, finally let me meet you!" Liu Congzong laughed and pointed at Xiao Rong'er, "What I hate most is someone like you who cheats for personal gain. Don't pay a heavy price!"

He held his head high, but he didn't even look at Xiao Rong'er.

Xiao Rong'er was stunned at first, but when she heard this, she couldn't help but feel refreshed, and said in surprise, "Are you really going to fight Rong'er?"


Liu Congzong couldn't help but be stunned, as if you were quite happy?

what happened?

He finally looked straight at Xiao Rong'er, but at first sight he couldn't help but be amazed.

Although Xiao Rong'er was only seven or eight years old, her beautiful outline was already fully revealed. As long as she was not an idiot, she could predict what she would look like when she grew up, and Liu Congzong could see it clearly, which made him extremely amazed.

Just wait ten years at most!

He said in his heart that the half-old girl in front of him would become a stunning and beautiful woman, and he was considered to have seen many beauties of all kinds, but compared with Ye Rong'er, neither of them was inferior. many.

Even if you take off the stars in the sky, just to make this little beauty smile, is there any problem?

He couldn't help showing a silly smile, only to feel that it was really right to run out on a whim this time.

Otherwise, wouldn't he miss his future daughter-in-law?

"Daughter-in-law--" He realized that something was wrong as soon as he opened his mouth. Wouldn't this frighten the future petite wife? He hurriedly coughed and said, "In Xialiu Congzong, this is polite."

Hey, why are you being ostentatious first and then being respectful?

Xiao Rong'er returned the salute impatiently, and was about to make a move when she saw Liu Congzong's face smiling and said, "Miss Ye, I suddenly thought of something important, this battle is not needed, I admit defeat!"


Xiao Rong'er couldn't help but widen her eyes, she really wanted to cry. (To be continued)

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