MTL - Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief-Chapter 2525 Nursery and Yan Yaohui 26

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"What happened to you and Miao Miao? Miao Miao is a few years younger than you. You should take good care of you and love Miao Miao. Also, even if Miao Miao is smaller than you, women’s time cannot be afforded. When did you give me a definite answer?"

Yan Yaohui especially wants to go back, what happened?

It’s been a year since the nursery came to their home, but what he said to Miao Wei, both hands can count, how can he think about such a girl?

翟老: "So you mean nothing to Miao Miao?"

After thinking about it, Yan Yaohui slightly hesitated and nodded. He subconsciously ignored the black and pearl-like eyes that emerged from the nursery.

"Let's do it." The old man didn't even ask for it. When Yan Yaohui said it was boring, he immediately took a line and could scare Yan Yaohui.

Yan Yaohui looked at the old man cautiously: "Dad, don't you want to dig for me?"

He laughs, he is Laozi.

He really wants to dig up his son. If his son knows it, he will be able to hide.

I still want to be the head of the same as him, too tender.

"Give you a pit? Then you will listen to what I said next, for you, is it a big pit."

Yan Yaohui: "Then you said, I listen."

"After the end of the year, are you two or six?"


"Miao Miao twenty."

Yan Yaohui said: "When Miao Miao came to the house, it was only 19?"

"Otherwise?" Yan Yaohui said, "I haven’t been in the army for a year, not even counting it? You are my son, I also see Miao Miao as a prostitute. You, big idea, I I can't manage it. Now I can control Miao Miao. Although it is only after the end of the year, Miao Miao is only twenty, but it is almost the time to get married. The most important thing for a woman in her life is to find a man who is worthy of her marriage. I want to marry a prostitute, I always have to worry about it. I want to say, are there any good people on your side for me to refer to. Picking a son-in-law, picking a few more can't be wrong."

You are not right?

Don't wait until other people have a good eye for the seedlings, and you can't regret it anymore, stupid son!

Yan Yaohui intuition frowns: "Dad, don't make trouble. Miao Miao is now... not too old, still small. Marriage is a big event of a lifetime, I can't wait. You really want to... you really want to pick Miao Miao If you are an object, you can look at a few more, but you can't be anxious, and you can't be fast. If you have a candidate, you can let Miao Miao get along with others. Also, you can tell me. I am also a soldier. The ability to detect points is still there. If the other party is really good, then of course he can be our son-in-law. But if people can't do it, they can't harm Miao Miao and push Miao Miao into the fire pit."

"Is it?" asked the old man. "You say so, right. OK, if there is any object, I will tell you, you can help us for reference."

"Yeah." When Yao Yaohui responded to this sound, he found that his heart was blocked.

Yan Yaohui wondered why he was unhappy because he left the army, so his mood affected his physiology?

"Right, I just saw two strange things about Mom and Miao Miao. What happened?"

The old man deliberately said: "What else can you do? How good is your mother's temper, you don't know. Qi Minlan is so bad girl, your mother is a treasure. Your mother is in conflict with Miao Miao, that is definitely It’s not good for Miao Miao, and it’s irritating to your mother.”

"Impossible, Miao Miao is not like someone who is not sensible."

"Then you said, your mother is deliberately martyrating?"

Speaking stupid still does not recognize, so I believe in the nursery, and said that there is no feeling for Miao Miao, only Miao Miao as a sister.

Which man can trust his sister to catch up with his mother?

Yan Yaohui sighed: "Dad, are you deliberate? You know that I don't mean that. My mother is so good, only she is being embarrassed, how can she go to trouble others? On this point, Miao Miao It’s quite like mom. I mean, is there a misunderstanding between the two?”

"It’s not a mistake. This is really a bad thing for your mother.

"I do not believe."

The old man said that Qi Min blue blocked the nursery: "Your mother used to treat Qi Minlan as a relative and a girl, she always thought of what kind of person she is, and what kind of person Qi Minlan is. Listen. Miao Miao said that your mother does not believe it. Miao Miao is so strong, she thinks that your mother surnamed Qi Min blue does not surname her, Miao Miao is naturally uncomfortable. Miao Miao has begun to look for work, I guess When Miao Miao finds a job and has the ability to make money, she should move out of this house."


Yan Yaohui did not expect that the contradiction between his mother and nursery was triggered by Qi Minlan: "Isn't Miao Miao like to study? How can I not read more?"

"Miao Miao said that she missed it, but she didn't miss it for so long. She asked for a bit of ability and ability to survive. It was greedy and chewed. It was boring."

Yes, if Miao Miao has always been a student studying at school, how could she have the idea of ​​moving out of her family?

Yan Yaohui: "Dad, or do you want to persuade Miao Miao?"

This is a good old man, to see who is good, especially young people are pure.

In this alone, Miao Miao should be closer to his father than to be a same-sex, his mother.

What's more, the environment in which Miao Miao used to live was so bad. His father was the one who pulled the seedlings out of the mire.

Only in this matter, his father’s position in Miao Miao’s heart must be different.

The old man refused: "I persuaded what to persuade, Miao Miao is almost twenty years old, and it is not two years old who are not sensible. This is her life, I respect her decision. It is like even if you are my son, you With your consideration, I want to ask your mom if you want to get your own idea, when will you marry, and who will you marry? These things, I will not hinder you, nor will I interfere with Miao Miao. I call this. Treat them equally, understand?"


Understand a fart!

Yan Yaohui had a headache, saying that his father was digging for him, and he wanted to put him and the nursery together. It seems that it is not the same thing.

His dad said, he is not interested in the nursery, his father will give Miao a better object, and let him also help introduce the introduction.

Say no pits, his dad occasionally took the situation out and mentioned it, causing him to be particularly chaotic.

Yan Yaohui, who came back from the army, expressed regret. He knew that there were so many headaches after returning home. He would rather stay in the army to study the combat plan and study several topographic maps.

It’s much easier to fight something than at home.

"Are you tired? When you are tired, go back to rest. You don't have to stay with me to stay in the study room."