MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1293 Appointment of professional managers

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Wen Xinya looking at everyone, she is preparing for the listing and development of Lanxin Company. Her heart is full of joy, and her eyes look towards Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng spread his hands to her. He really has nothing to say. The investment company he currently manages has developed very well, and its reserve funds have reached 10 billion. It has ranked sixth among the top ten international investment companies. The entire Lanxin company was plated with gold, and few people dared to provoke it.

At this time, Yan Shaoqing said: "The real estate investment and development of Lanxin Company has formed a scale. The commercial development of the land where the western and southern areas are adjacent to each other is scheduled to be fully completed by the end of this year and will be fully sold next spring. Real estate planning in various places has gradually begun to develop with local development. "

In the past three years, not only the health care products and skin care products of Lanxin Company have been developed. Real estate development has also gradually started. At the beginning, because of the cross-west subway line, the ground was purchased by Wen Xinya, as early as five years ago. , Has already begun to do investment planning, and Lanxin company investment planning has been approved by the government, and even strongly supported, after five years, Wen Xinya in that area, creating a prosperous commercial city, shocked everyone.

And like the new-type cities that have begun to develop in China in recent years, such as Jincheng, Lanxin Company has also begun to invest in development funds. It is commendable that the construction groups that Lanxin Company has started are still the ones that originally consulted the Xia family. The paid migrant workers, but the small group had begun to grow.

Warm and smiled: "Half a year earlier than I expected."

She expects that it will be completed in May next year and will not be available for sale in the second half of the year. Now it is completed ahead of schedule, which is exciting news for Lanxin Company.

Next, everyone discussed the future development direction of Lanxin Company, and established the fundamentals and principles of the development. This is the warmth and wisdom: "To convene this company meeting today is to announce one thing in public."

Everyone is very curious about what to be announced. Everyone knows that although this woman is younger than them, her ability is not small. Although she has rarely participated in the management and operation of Lanxin Company over the years Among them, however, every decision she made has driven the development of Lanxin Company.

The most typical example is the health product sponsorship of the "Sacrifice to the Martyrs and Military Family" event of the Zhishan Ya Association three years ago. She promoted Lanxin Company in one hand, won the sponsorship, and promoted the great development of Lanxin Company. The company has created a sales miracle in the domestic health products industry.

Wen Xinya is the spiritual leader and soul figure of Lanxin Company.

If managers are lost, they can be hired again, but if a company loses its spirit and soul, it will only separate the collapsed end.

The Wen Xinya eyes looked at Yan Shaoqing, quiet and sharp: "Lan Xin Company has been established for six years. In the past six years, we have grown from a toddler into a leading domestic company, everyone present, Contributed. "

The Wen Xinya voice, the expression is very contagious, so that the original talk was not strange, but also added a little contagious, everyone present was infected.

The Wen Xinya eyes swept over every person present, and then settled on Yan Shaoqing: "But one person's hard work is beyond everyone's presence, including ... I The real boss of this Lanxin company. "

Everyone's eyes turned to Yan Shaoqing, Yan Shaoqing worked hard for Lanxin Company. Who knows this.

The Wen Xinya eyes, quiet and sharp, made Yan Shaoqing a little overwhelmed, facing the eyes of everyone present, his throat was a bit dry and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

Wen Xinya smile: "So, I plan to appoint Yan Shaoqing, and I will help you become a professional manager of Lanxin Company. Do you have any opinions?"

The so-called professional manager refers to the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of legal person's property in an enterprise in which ownership, legal person's property right and management right are separated, fully responsible for the operation and management of the enterprise, and having the right to operate and manage legal person's property.

To put it plainly, it is a warm and comprehensive agent with various powers such as company management, operation, and decision-making.

Yan Shaoqing was stunned, and asked subconsciously: "Do you really want to reject it?"

Turning the company over to him for full operation, management, and decision-making, her big BOOS really became a rejection.

What Yan Shaoqing said in amazement made a lot of people laugh at the scene. In fact, for everyone, there is no difference in this appointment. Even if it is a professional manager, it is still Wen Xinya as a big BOOS. She has the highest authority in operation, management, and decision-making. She just entrusted her power to Yan Shaoqing to make it easier for Yan Shaoqing to manage the company.

In the past, the big BOOS was a shopkeeper. Apart from various decisions related to the development of the company, it rarely participated in the management and operation of the company, so everyone is not surprised.

The Wen Xinya mind was taken apart by Yan Shaoqing in public, and when I saw the people laughing underneath, I felt that I was all bad, and felt the malice from this world: "Nonsense, the company is mine, how can I be The real shopkeeper? I've been busy studying and playing games all day. How can I manage the company and appoint you to become a professional manager? It is also for your convenience to manage the company. "

Warm and meticulous thought, now that Lanxin Company has developed, she has laid the foundation for Lanxin Company, and also set the direction of development. There are two people, Yan Shaoqing and Zheng Yifan, she is not worried about Lan Xin company cannot grow.

And she wants to have more time to learn jewelry design, participate in competitions, and move towards the peak of jewelry design.

Yan Shaoqing is talented and capable. She is too special to be her special assistant. The position of professional manager is very suitable for him.

The Wen Xinya words made everyone laugh, "Haha--"

Yan Shaoqing also knew she had said something wrong, and quickly said, "I accept."

He knew that it was difficult to change what was Wen Xinya.

Although she feels that her face is a bit embarrassing, Yan Shaoqing's answer made her very happy. She reached out to Yan Shaoqing: "The company will give it to you in the future.

Yan Shaoqing stood up from her seat, hesitated, and finally held those beautiful and slender hands: "You can rest assured! I won't let you down."

Zheng Yifan laughed, and the first applauded.

"Papapapa--" A warm applause sounded in the office, and it was clear that the Wen Xinya appointment was well received.