MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1295 A snake catcher

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Over the past three years, Grandpa has secretly given a lot of stumbling to the entertainment city project by taking charge of the convenience of Wen's Group. In addition, this project has taken too long to kill the shareholders of the shareholders meeting. The enthusiasm of this project, and the greater the investment in the later stage, the greater the number of complaints from many shareholders. This project has been bumped for various reasons, and has been dragged until now, and has not yet been completed.

This is a good thing for the Wen Group.

In the past three years, she and her grandfather have been making various preparations for fighting against the HZ League of Nations. Now grandfather personally controls the Wens Group and secretly makes various changes to the Wens Group, thereby reducing Wen Haowen's future use of the entertainment city The project is at the mercy of the Wen Group's control and the future control of the HZ International Alliance over the Wen Group.

On the other hand, the former Wen ’s Group had some strength, hidden in the dark, unknown. Grandpa has worked hard to develop the Wen ’s Group in the past three years, quietly separating some of the strength of the Wen ’s Group from the Wen ’s Group, hidden In the dark, all this was done without even knowing it.

What's more, the relationship between grandfather and Wen Haowen's father and son has fallen to the freezing point. Almost everyone in the circle knows that the Wen family's father and son are centrifugal, but there is nothing to turn against each other. The relationship between father and son now has only blood.

In this way, Grandpa wants to deal with Wen Haowen in the future. Everything Wen Haowen does will not be counted on the Wen family. In the future, the influence of the total Wen Haowen of the Wen Group will be greatly reduced.

Although everything should be done and preparations should be almost the same, Wen Xinya still worried: "In the past three years, we have used the entertainment city project to investigate the HZ League of Nations organization, and we have not found anything yet. Powerful clues, how can this HZ League of Nations be slippery? "

Speaking of which, Wen Xinya is inevitably a little outrageous. Originally, I wanted to use the project of the entertainment city to lead the snake out of the hole and grasp the information of this organization to deal with this organization. However, in the past three years, they did find a lot of useful information. The more things there are, the deeper the involvement, so far she feels ... at least for now, the information they have is not enough to stir up the organization's power in Beijing.

If you ca n’t pick up the roots, then the wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again.

The next thing we are greeted is the crazy revenge of this organization.

The Wins Group cannot afford this result, and she is not willing to bear it.

Si also said quietly: "Don't worry, we have already begun to approach the core of this organization, but we still need an opportunity, and before this opportunity comes, we must not act lightly."

The organization of the HZ League of Nations in the capital of the country Z is deeper than he imagined, and the root system is intricate and intertwined. It is more complicated than he imagined. He has already investigated it some time ago. At last, the so-called giants, the family, detected a lot of clues.

Over the years, he has studied the H-Z League of Nations, and he has mastered some of them. The style of the organization's actions, although not too much, has been enough to make more useful information available.

Nuan Ya was a little irritable and said, "How can I not be in a hurry. Seeing that the entertainment city project is about to be completed soon, we don't have much time."

The project in the entertainment city is already very difficult to drag on. They must find out the H-Z International Alliance organization before the operation of the entertainment city project, and give this organization a serious blow, otherwise the entire Wen Group will be fatally hit.

Mr. Si also explained quietly: "I suspect that the power of the HZ League of Nations has penetrated into some powerful and powerful families in Beijing. So this year, in order to avoid making a fuss, I would The intensity of the investigation has also gradually decreased, and the more this time, the less room for error is tolerated, otherwise the previous work will be abandoned. "

The warm news was shocked by the sudden news: "What do you mean by power?"

In her mind, there were already some faint thoughts, but it was too horrifying, which made her somewhat incredible and incredible.

Si Yi said, "It's what you think."

Even when he was just aware of it, he was a bit surprised. He did not expect that this organization, in the capital city of Country Z, had gathered power and was in the center of politics.

Wen Xinya took a breath, and then the mood gradually stabilized: "This organization is simply terrible."

As she learned more about the H-Z League of Nations organization, she also got a deeper understanding of the terrible level of the organization, but she still underestimated the terror of this organization.

Mr. Si also said, "I'm investigating these powerful families in Beijing recently. The results will not come soon, but they will definitely yield something."

These powerful families do not mean that investigation can be investigated, because they have relationships, connections, wealth, and power. If they want to investigate further, they will leave clues and cause their alertness. It's easy to frighten the snake and don't want to be noticed.

Warm and natural is also clear, the reason for this.

Mr. Si also said: "Xin Ya, to deal with this organization, I will fight for a hit, and not give any chance of counterattack and escape, just like a snake catch. If I ca n’t hit the first 7 inches, I will give Once it has the chance to hit the club, it will be more difficult to hit it again. "

Nuan Ya knew what he meant, and nodded: "I know, you can rest assured, I'll find a time to talk to Grandpa, so that he should not move easily, so as not to frighten the snake."

The key to dealing with the H-Z International Alliance is still in the Wen Group. Since things have reached this point, she naturally will not shrink back. Full cooperation with Si Yizhen is the most important thing she should do.

Si Yizhen said meaningfully: "However, don't worry too much about Wen's Group. I will keep Wen's Group."

He means keep it! How to guarantee, to what extent, but did not say.

Wen Xinya did not delve into the meaning of his words, it must be ... Now the Wen Group has done everything that it can do, it can prepare, and it has already prepared it. Although it does not have the strength to compete with the HZ League of Nations, but At least it will not be passively beaten, at least it can protect its foundation.

Si Yizhen smiled on his face: "Xin Ya, next, we are going to be a snake catcher together!"

To catch a snake, you must first understand the snake's habits, and then be calm enough. Finally, patience is the most important thing.

On the Wen Xinya face, a eager expression appeared: "It seems very interesting."