MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 145 Worship mother

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The car stopped at the gate of Huaishan Cemetery, warmly and elegantly holding Qionghua in her arms white and jade-like, and followed the grandfather to the high stone steps of the cemetery.

In the last life, apart from just returning to the Wen family to see her mother, she will only follow the Wen family to see her mother after each year of sacrifice. What kind of mood did she have at that time?

She remembered, perfunctory and impatient!

In the last life, she had never cared about how her mother died, and no one had told her that, except for the first time she came to the cemetery and cried heartbreaking, she never cried again.

In her eyes, mother is just a synonym that never existed.

Shijie is still very long. Her mood has become heavy with her heavier legs, and her heart is filled with complicated emotions, joy, sadness, sadness, guilt, and anxiety. Drowned her entire body.

Finally, Father Mo took her to her mother's grave.

Father Mo looked at her solemnly and said, "Xin Ya, this is your mother!"

Looking at the photos on the tombstones warmly and elegantly, the pictures of my mother have gone pale and white after 25 years of hardships, but her face is still unchanged, her smile is gentle and elegant, and her beauty is amazing.

"Mom! I'm your daughter, Wen Xinya." Wen Xinya eyes suddenly turned red, with a deep sadness in her voice.

Father Mo patted her shoulder lightly as a comfort.

"Mom, I and Do you love Qionghua the most, because Qionghua has not changed over the years, and is still as white as jade and clean as before, so I specially brought you your favorite Qionghua to see you." Will Qionghua in her arms was placed in front of her mother's tomb, and then kneeled to her mother's tomb.

What she said was mainly to tell her mother that she would be like her mother ’s beloved Qionghua. She would go through the wind and frost without aversion, keep her heart, and be as clean as ever. She would never be as violent and degraded as in the previous life.

"Mom, please rest assured! I have grown up, you must look at me in the sky ..." Watch how I punish those who killed me, watch how I kill those who killed you, send Go to **** and let them go to **** to confess to you the crimes you have committed.

Standing in the same position in the previous life and this life, her state of mind is completely the opposite. She in the previous life was rude and degraded, she gave herself up, mistrusted Ning Shufu, misidentified Wen Yuya, and pushed herself into a state of utter danger. It was supposed to belong to her and gave it to Xia Ruya.

At that time, my mother was in the spirit of heaven, and I was afraid it was time to get angry.

Was she so angry that she was born again?

Mom, this time, I won't let you down again.

"Mom! Will you bless me in the sky, right?" Warm and whispered, a pure and clean smile blooming on her face, just like the picture on the mother's tombstone.

Standing warmly and quietly in front of the tombstone, the mood is unprecedentedly calm.

I don't know how long it has passed, Father Mo slowly said: "Xin Ya, let's go! You can come and see your mother at any time in the future."

Wen Xinya nodded and said: "Okay!"

Warm and accompany Grandpa left the cemetery.

Father Mo looks at the Wen Xinya, and her face is still sad, she seems to be immersed in her own world, and cannot help herself: "Your mother has been dead for so many years, I believe she is not willing to see you in the spirit of heaven So sad. "

Warm and refined his complex and sad mood and nodded: "Grandpa, I know."

Father Mo saw that her mood had gradually stabilized, so she said, "Xin Ya, I have something to tell you in advance."

Warm and eager looking at the grandmother's solemn appearance, she couldn't help wondering: "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"When your mother married Wen, I gave her a lot of dowry. This batch of dowry has accumulated since your generation, that is, your mother's grandmother's generation. It has always been in the bank. Your mother once established A will that shows that these dowries are for her immediate descendants, and you can use them at will when you reach the age of eighteen. "

Now that she is a well-known Miss Wen family, she still holds 5% of Wen ’s shares in her hands. When she returns to the Wen family, she is destined that her future will not be ordinary. Let her know the chips in her hands and also know Where is your own scale?

She looked at her grandfather with unbelievable eyes. She did n’t know that her mother had left such a fortune in the last life, but this time her grandfather told her, probably because her performance in the previous life had disappointed her grandfather. I'm afraid she can't make good use of this dowry, so she simply didn't tell her.

Mr. Mo sighed slightly: "Your mother has given me the custody of these properties. I can determine the movement of these properties. Before seeing Xia Ruya's deep thoughts, I planned to donate these dowries to charity. , Donated some treasures to the National Museum, I did not expect you to be better than I expected. "

There was a sour heart in my Wen Xinya heart. How disappointed my grandfather was in the last life, so that my grandfather inherited it for several generations, condensing the grandma, grandma, and the three generations of my mother's expectation and beloved dowry. Go out: "Grandpa, sorry!"

Her voice was too low. Father Mo did not hear what she said, but she felt that her mood was a bit wrong, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Wen Xinya quickly pushed back the tears in her eyes, and raised a smile: "It's nothing, just thinking of my grandmother, grandma, and mother a little bit sour."

Father Mo sighed slightly, "It's good to think of them in your heart!"

Wen Ya drew her head and wiped away the tears overflowing from her eyes.

Mr. Mo gently touched her head and said, "I didn't intend to tell you so early, but I am very pleased with your performance. Telling you in advance will also make you feel a little bit lower, and it will be a bit more important to return to Wen's heart. . "

She is destined to be the nine-day Phoenix in the future, and this batch of dowry can also help her.

The Wen Xinya thought of the valuable decorations in the mother's room can already imagine how rich the mother's dowry was in the past. The collection of the wealth of the grandmother, grandmother and Mo family must not be underestimated.

Wen Xinya understood Grandpa's thoughts, and was very moved: "Grandpa, how much is that batch of dowry now worth?"

Mr. Mo said, "After the Wen family found you before, I sent your DNA appraisal to me, and I found someone to re-identify the value of these dowries. Now the value of these dowries is as much as a billion!"

Wen Xinya took a sigh of relief: "One billion !!!!"

This is a rich woman who has a billionaires for a gorgeous second!

Father Mo looked at her stunned and couldn't help laughing: "Most of these dowry are antique calligraphy and paintings and ancient books. These things have no way to measure their value, so they are not just for identification."