MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 146 Become a rich little girl in a second

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Those are antiques, cultural relics! So ... the real property she owns is not just a billion! In this way, thinking of Wen Xinya can suddenly understand the older generation's expectations for future generations, the inheritance of book knowledge is the most precious treasure in the world.

"Everything that can be valued is some gold, silver, and jade. Although the gold has been depreciated over the years, the batch of gold wares has not been much affected because it is raw gold and contains pure gold."

"There are fewer silverwares, but the most are jadewares. In recent years, jade veins have been over-exploited, and good-quality jadewares are becoming fewer and fewer on the market. Therefore, the value of jadewares has skyrocketed in recent years. Billion. "

"There are also some gems and jewelry, rare things, ancient embroidery and brocade, and various precious wooden objects. There are nearly 300 million in total. I estimate that when you can use these things, the value may rise."

Grandpa's words were like a heavy hammer digging into her brain, and her Wen Xinya mind was chaotic. I felt a big pie falling from the sky, and she was dizzy. "Grandpa, this is the legend Let's drop the pie in heaven! "

Father Mo saw her look astonished, but her eyes were still clear, and she did not lose her heart because of the sudden richness. She could not help rubbing her head and said, "I will hand over these dowries when you are eighteen years old. Hello in your name! "

Warm and bewildered: "Grandpa, Mo and Ren's family is so rich."

Father Mo smiled lowly: "Your mother's grandmother, that is, you, their family was a famous jeweler. When they married into Renjia, it was a sensation of ten miles of red makeup in the city. Unfortunately, you struck early, Renjia Only your grandmother has the only bloodline, so this batch of dowry is given to your grandmother, your grandma is left to your mother, and your mother is left to you. "

"That's it!" Wen Xinya still feels like a dream. She feels that these dowries are a way of inheritance, not a group of real treasures. Even if she knows that this is her thing, she can move at will in the future, but listen She said to her grandfather that she could not have any thoughts to use.

Mr. Mo watched her sternly: "Although you have such a wealth, you can save you a lot of detours, but your grandfather hopes that you will be able to continue to strengthen yourself. Don't be too **** this wealth and take shortcuts."

Wen Xinya nodded solemnly: "Grandpa please trust me. When it is absolutely necessary, I will not use those batches of things, that is the mother's grandmother left to the grandmother, the grandmother left to the mother, the mother left to me , I also want to leave it to my children in the future, as a family heirloom from generation to generation. "

Father Mo understands her mind, feels comforted, and touches her head: "Only when things are used in the most appropriate place can they show value, otherwise they will always be dead. I know you have great ambitions and will always have them in the future. Where it's needed. "

Wen Xinya nodded: "Grandpa, I will make good use of this dowry."

He is trustworthy in this child's nature. Father Mo touched her hair and said, "I'll let Mom Jiang and He Mom pack things for you. Your grandpa will come to pick you up and return to Wen's house."

Wen Xinya took his grandpa's arm: "Grandpa, I want to stay here with you!"

Although she knew that although she apparently moved back to the Wen family, she would still learn to play piano, calligraphy, and painting with her grandfather in the Mo family during the day, but she felt reluctant.

"What a stupid thing to say, now that your introduction dinner has been held, you are a real Miss Wen Jia, what is it like to live in Mo's house?" Master Mo was also a little uncomfortable, and he still hoped that she would always live in Mo At home, a place like Wen's fierce surroundings is really not suitable for her underage girl.

Thinking of what Wen Hao Wen did at yesterday's dinner, he felt uncomfortable. The beast did not have half the affection for his own flesh and blood, and he was better to a foster daughter than his own daughter.

Of course, Warm and Ya knew that, so she whispered with her grandfather: "I'm just sleeping in Wen's house anyway. I still have to come and learn piano, calligraphy and painting with my grandfather during the day."

"When you return to the Wen family, be careful everywhere. Your dad is a ruthless thing, with only interests in his eyes. Ning Shuqian's mother and daughter will come at first sight, and will not stop there. Xia Ruya, I have some. Can't see through, but she feels bad to me, and you shouldn't deal with her. "Although this child is clever and rational, but he is only fifteen years old, he is really not at ease.

The Wen Xinya heart was mixed for a while. These grandfathers also told her in the past. At that time, she had an argument with her grandfather, saying that her grandfather deliberately provoked her relationship with the Wen family. The grandfather's expression of disappointment at the time, she still remains Remember, if she would listen to her grandfather at that time, she would not end up in such a miserable end.

Now, when she heard the same thing again, there was only peace in her heart: "Grandpa, I am now a well-known Miss Wen family, and I have a 5 percent stake in Wen's. Ning Shuqian, they dare not treat me . "

Father Mo naturally knew that Xinya said this just to reassure him: "Bright guns are easy to hide from arrows, and tough people like Master Wen can't stop Ning Shuqian from becoming Wen's daughter-in-law. I miss her The wiseness of the means. "

"Grandpa, I will be careful. I will not openly hostile to her until there is not enough strength." Wen Xinya thought of Yang Chongguang's death, feeling that Ning Shuqian's body was like a layer of fog. She is currently There is not enough strength to openly enemy Ning Shuqian, naturally she will not tear her face.

"Just know the size." Father Mo nodded, fearing that she was wearing the aura of Miss Wen, who was so proud of herself that she forgot about the size.

Wen Xinya shook her grandfather's arm and coquettishly said, "Grandpa, do n’t patronize me. I move back to Wen's house. You do n’t need to practice calligraphy and painting too late at night. You have to go to bed at ten o’clock, and every morning at seven When Zhong wakes up, he has to do Tai Chi three times. The medicated meal made by Jiang and He must not be eaten. After meals, they have to walk for 15 to 30 minutes in the backyard. "

Wen Ya has a small mouth and chatter. She almost forgot that although she returned to Wen's house, she still spends most of her time in Mo's house.

Father Mo looked at her for a long while and was speechless!

Nuan Ya said a bunch in one breath, and after thinking about it, she said, "I'll let Zhang Bo look at you."

At this time, Zhang Bo just walked into the room and quickly assured Warm and Ya: "Miss, please rest assured, I will definitely look at the old man."

Wen Xinya smile at Grandpa: "Grandpa, you obediently!"