MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1755 Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis behind

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Xu Tongxuan told her about Ning Yuya, although it was not a big deal, but it also caused Wen Xinya vigilance. Now she asked Liu Yanhua to investigate Ning Yuya's recent behavior.

The results of the investigation were unexpected.

After Ning Shuqian's death, Ning Yuya mingled with the bar all day and went to high-end clubs. Her shots were quite magnificent. I heard that she inherited Ning Shuqian's great legacy.

Sounds taken for granted.

But Wen Ya is very clear. After Zhang Hui appeared, she used Zhang Hui to squeeze Ning Shuqian's small coffer into nothing. Ning Shuqian had no legacy at all.

Therefore, she guessed that Xia Ruya must have given Ning Yuya the money, which was for Ning Shuqian's death, and compensated Ning Yuya. The amount of the money was amazing. Not quite the same.

This is also more sure of Wen Xinya speculation.

"Ning Yuya is degraded and looks like a drug-controlled walking dead. I really can't think of any use value for Xia Ruya, but if Xia Ruya died because of Ning Shuqian's death, she would really take care of Ning Yuya I ca n’t believe it. ”

Ning Yuya has been taking drugs for seven or eight years. Drugs have already consumed all her will. Even if Ning Yuya hates her again, it will not pose much threat to her. Therefore, she has never paid attention to Ning Yuya in these years.

But I don't know, Xia Ruya actually has a strange mind.

Si Yiming said for a long time: "I think it is likely to be related to the next move of the H-Z League of Nations."

The H-Z League of Nations, which has been in constant action since Xia Ruya's fall to Beijing, all illustrates a problem.

Losing control of the project in the entertainment city, the H-Z League of Nations organization couldn't sit still.

Nuan Ya asked, puzzled, "How do I say this?"

She couldn't think of any value of Ning Yuya's use to the H-Z League of Nations.

Si Yizhen asked, "Do you remember, when we analyzed Xia Ruya's purpose of returning to Beijing?"

At the beginning, after Xia Ruya returned to the capital, she kept secretly ambushing. Later, Xinya guessed through the hidden possession, and found out some secrets of Xia Ruya, from which she inferred the purpose of Xia Ruya to return to Beijing. .

Helping the T-K Group to win the acquisition war, win the project control of the entertainment city, and operate the Lee Group. The three purposes are to further expand the H-Z international alliance organization and its influence in the Z country.

Wen Xinya nodded: "Naturally I remember that after Xia Ruya returned to Beijing, she stepped in the acquisition war of TK Group, stirred up the Wen family situation, and helped the Li Group develop rapidly in the mainland. All this is confirmed. Our previous speculations true."

Warm and faint understand the meaning of Si Yizhen.

"The TK Group has fallen. You are in control of the Wen Group. The three purposes of Xia Ruya have been broken by us. The HZ League of Nations has lost its right and left arms. Now only the Li Group is left. . "

He would guess like this, not without reason.

The majority of H-Z League organizations in Beijing are now under his control.

The HZ International Alliance organization is inevitable for the entertainment city project. It has been jumping up and down before, but after experiencing the Wen family storm and the acquisition battle of the TK Group, the HZ International Alliance organization suddenly became completely silent. This already illustrates the problem.

Warm and Yayin somewhat understood what he meant: "The H-Z League of Nations has suffered a great deal this time, and its strength has been greatly damaged. I'm afraid that there will be other calculations, and Ning Yuya will play a huge role in it."

The H-Z League of Nations will never be reconciled.

Otherwise, you won't lose Black Sunday and come up with an entertainment city project.

The Wen family was out of control and tried to control the Li Group.

Thinking about it, Warm and Ya could not help but rack her brains and frowned slightly: "What role can Ning Yuya play in it?"

Si Yichang said lightly: "Xin Ya, you're magically impaired, Ning Yuya is a small character, you want to find a breakthrough from her, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Wen Xinya, a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, I felt that Si Yizheng made sense.

"In fact, it is not difficult to guess from Xia Ruya's series of actions. The H-Z International Alliance organizes projects in the entertainment city, so next, they may start with Wen Group."

The Wen Group suffered severe injuries at the outset and suffered serious injuries, but has not yet fully recovered.

If it had not been for the acquisition battle between Lanxin Group and T-K Group, it would have blocked the plans of H-Z League of Nations, I'm afraid they would have already started against Wen Group.

Today, the HZ International Alliance organization has suffered heavy losses, suffered great losses, and is suffering from constraints. The completion of the project in the entertainment city has been delayed, and their overall plans cannot be successfully implemented. Therefore, they have to control the entertainment completely. City project, so that this project can be completed as soon as possible in order to restore their strength.

While the strength of the Wen's Group has not recovered, it is the right time to start the Wen Group.

Warm and ya could not help but be furious, and his face became extremely ugly: "It turned out that they were doing this idea."

She has been struggling with Ning Yuya's use of Xia Ruya, and she ignored it.

"Don't worry, now that you have the card from Lanxin Group, Xia Ruya only has difficulty with the Li Group, and the H-Z League of Nations can't escape my palm. We can just watch it change."

Xia Ruya and the H-Z League of Nations, I'm afraid I can't think of anything. The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

The Wen Xinya heart settled, only to sigh: "It seems that Ning Yuya will eventually end up like Ning Shuqian."

She doesn't sympathize with Ning Yuya.

Ning Yuya hated her so much that she co-founded Ning Shuqian four times and tried to frame her. Although Ning Shuqian had a bad heart and ruthless means, she was really sincere to her daughter. The heart can prove the sun and the moon, but after Ning Shuqian's death, Ning Yuya mingled with the bar club, happy and happy. Ning Shuqian's funeral did not matter, and her cold and selfishness was even irritating.

Such a person, no matter what happens, is not worthy of sympathy.

She was just a bit sighed by the vicious means of the H-Z League of Nations.

Si Yizhen didn't take it seriously and said lightly: "Take the blame!"

His mind was faint.

When Xinya became addicted to drugs, did she end up like Ning Yuya?

Most of his incidents related to Warm and Refined I originated from his conjectures about Wen Xinya behaviors. According to many things, he can also speculate on the situation.

The Wen Xinya look is a bit complicated.

Today Ning Yuya is her best portrayal of the last life.

However, she is not as depraved as Ning Yuya.

Even if she was controlled by a drug addiction, she still maintained her final dignity.