MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1933 Chu Jingnan, your retribution is here

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Although Xia Ruya hurt her forehead and bleed a lot of blood, the injury was not too serious. After staying in the hospital for two days, she was discharged. At this time, Xia Ruya suddenly found that she could no longer contact Z The part of the network that Mr. gave her.

She has lost her last reliance.

This discovery made her whole bad.

Without reliance, without reliance, she felt as if she had been abandoned by the whole world, feeling a sense of fear and anxiety, which drowned her like a tide, making her intolerable.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty!"

"Hello, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later!"

Xia Ruya persevered in contacting her grandfather in Hong Kong City, hoping that her grandfather would forgive her because she was the only bloodline of the Li family and the affection of her grandparents.

However, Grandpa seemed to be too irony to accept her anymore. She changed her phone number and Li Zhai's phone could not be connected for a long time. The servants who served Grandpa did not answer her call, which gradually cooled her heart.

To this day, she finds that she really has nothing but Chu Jingnan.

Xia Ruya looked at the door in front of her, took a deep breath, and found the key from her bag to open the door, but soon she discovered that Chu Jingnan's door had been relocked and she could not enter at all.

Xia Ruya's face was all white, and at this moment she realized with horror that Chu Jingnan seemed to abandon her.

"No ... you can't!" Xia Ruya muttered to herself, raised her hand tremblingly, and went to ring the doorbell. She asked Chu Jingnan to ask for it.

The door quickly opened from the inside, and Chu Jingnan looked at her, looking cold and cold: "What are you doing?"

The relationship between him and Xia Ruya has long since disappeared with the two people's congresses. Now he only has a deep disgust for Xia Ruya.

Xia Ruya looked down on him and felt he was incompetent.

And he also abhors Xia Ruya, thinking she is no different from a market mother-in-law.

"I'm here to apologize to you. I made a mistake that day. Can you let me in?" Xia Ruya was sickly pale, slender and weak, and she had a charming and pitiful style. This is the result of her careful dressing.

However, her weak side could no longer deceive Chu Jingnan, who had completely recognized her true face. She had wanted to keep her out, but when he touched the white gauze on her forehead, hesitated again and pulled it open. The door indifferently said, "Come in!"

Horizontally, he will soon leave Country Z, and there will be no involvement with Xia Ruya.

"Jingnan, thank you!"

Xia Ruya came into the room with a happy complexion, but soon she couldn't laugh anymore, because she clearly saw that Chu Jingnan placed the suitcase in the middle of the living room, and the sofas and furniture were all white canvas. Wrap around.

Chu Jingnan is leaving.

Her luggage was almost packed, and she was always covered in Guri.

Chu Jingnan really wants to abandon her!

Sure enough!

Xu Shi noticed her strange eyes, and Chu Jingnan explained: "The Xiao Group has a very important position in Beijing. The Lin family has made it clear that they can't get along with me. Beijing has no place for me. There are some connections on Wall Street in Country M. It will not be too difficult to make a comeback. "

His tone was a little self-deprecating.

I had known today that he would not give up everything in country M and return to country Z. In any case, the taste of failure was even more daunting than he thought.

His three M-country experiences in his life were full of failure and embarrassment.

Xia Ruya sneered: "If I don't come to you today, do you have to say goodbye?"

Yes! Because she knew that Chu Jingnan had chips in her hand, she put down her body, came down to see him proudly, and apologized to him, but Chu Jingnan was even more selfless and ruthless than she imagined.

The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the calamity is about to fly.

Not to mention they are not husband and wife.

Chu Jingnan's so-called affection for her had disappeared long after she lost the Li Group and was abandoned by the Li family. The so-called affection had completely turned into a big joke.

She Xia Ruya ended up with a betrayal.

Chu Jingnan's complexion was a little awkward, but he still said, "Don't you look down on me all the time and think I'm incompetent, nothing without you? What's the point of saying this now?"

He really never thought about taking Xia Ruya out of Country Z.

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this. He said that marrying a wife and marrying a man. He did n’t even acknowledge her true face before. Now that he has recognized it, why do n’t he continue to be confused?

"This is just an excuse for your selfishness and indifference." Xia Ruya looked at him with a flash of contempt and sneer in his eyes: "Chu Jingnan, you too, but I finally know, Why did you bother to be Wen Xinya at first, but she dismissed you. "

Until this moment, Xia Ruya finally admitted that she was not as Wen Xinya.

At least the eyes of men are not as good as hers.

Not only did she pick what was warm and inconsiderate, she also picked a petty, selfish dog.

It's ridiculous.

"Xia Ruya, what do you mean?"

Chu Jingnan's complexion was distorted. The biggest failure of his life was Wen Xinya. All his failures originated from Wen Xinya. Whether it was affection or career, Wen Xinya disdain for him was the biggest in his heart. Humiliation.

Xia Ruya's cold lips, thin, like a knife, said vicious words: "Chu Jingnan, you think you can get rid of me, you can get away safely ..." She smiled "giggling" Then he laughed ironically and scornfully: "Don't dream anymore, I'm upset, you shouldn't be upset."

As soon as Xia Ruya's voice fell, the doorbell rang outside.

Chu Jingnan's face changed, and she glanced at her dimly and turned to open the door.

Two policemen in uniform stood outside the door. After meeting Chu Jingnan, they showed their credentials: "Mr. Chu Jingnan, the police suspect that you have taken advantage of your position in the process of being the president of the Xiao Group. Misappropriation of public funds, please go to the police station to assist the investigation. "

Chu Jingnan's face changed dramatically, and he said subconsciously, "Comrade police, are you wrong?"

Misappropriation of public funds is a commercial crime. Once found guilty, a fine may be imposed, and a sentence of imprisonment will be imposed. However, he will leave the case behind, and his future will be ruined, and no regular company will ask him. Especially invest in this high-risk industry.

Even if he returns to country M, there will be no future.

The policeman said flatly, "Is it wrong? The police will naturally check and hope you cooperate with us."

Xia Ruya looked at Chu Jingnan, who looked like vegetables, and laughed, "Chu Jingnan, your retribution is here."