MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 44 Everyone needs the best life

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Everyone froze, Zhou Tianyu quickly said: "Yu Qian, Xin Ya said when she would not drink, everyone had a good time, why are you talking so unpleasantly?" Then she said a Wen Xinya hand: "Rain Qian's words are not very good. Don't be surprised. "

Wen Ya is very grateful to Zhou Tianyu, naturally willing to give her face, nodded and said nothing.

Jiang Yuqian stared at Zhou Tianyu in disbelief: "What I say is awkward, I just tell the truth, can she deny that she was not a little **** the street?"

Xu Chenyu was so angry that he grabbed the wine glass on the table and poured it into his mouth: "Xin Ya is happy to pretend not to drink, I am happy to drink for Xin Ya, what's going to stop you, death 38."

Jiang Yuqian looked blue and angry and pointed at the Wen Xinya anger: "Brother Yu, what do you mean, we have known each other for so long, and you scolded me for such a sparrow who didn't know where to fight, you ... "

"Who do you say is a sparrow?" Qing Han's voice, with frosty sharpness, rang suddenly in the private room.

Everyone looked at the Wen Xinya, but saw her face in a slightly dim light, like ink stains, but rendered her face contours more vivid, with a thrilling sharp.

Jiang Yuqian's back, like a caterpillar, climbed up a chill: "What are you dragging, don't think that the Wen family has found you, you are the Miss Wen family, if the Wen family really admits you, you will not be now No certification has been published. "

"Do you mean the Jiang family when you say this? Is the Jiang family asking you to say this outside?" Warm and indifferent playing with the machine, staring at her coldly.

The words "Wen Xinya" changed the atmosphere in the private room. Everyone was mixed in the circle. Where is the meaning of Wen Xinya? It seems that this Wen Xinya is not so easy to associate with.

Jiang Yuqian didn't know why, but she also noticed the strangeness in everyone's faces, and a bad feeling came out, stuttering: "Why ... what do you mean?"

Wen Tianya crossed Zhou Tianyu around her, leaned obliquely to Jiang Yuqian, and said to her word by word, "It doesn't mean anything, just to tell you that things can be eaten indiscriminately. It ’s not good that it spread and affected the reputation of the Jiang family. You said it was n’t it? ”

Jiang Yuqian was stunned, and then came to mind. Although the Wen family did not issue a statement admitting warmth, it did take her back to the Wen family. Although she currently lives in a grandfather's house, everyone in the circle knows that Yes, she acknowledged her. If the words just went out, the Wen family would certainly not sit idly by, and then the Zhang family would be pushed to the cusp. No matter what the outcome was, the Zhang family intervened in the Wen family's affairs. It seems that it is not good anyway.

Han Mofeng hurriedly came out and rounded off the field: "Xu Er, you only drank one glass with six glasses of wine, and five glasses, you are not planning to lie!"

Zhou Tianyu quickly agreed: "Han Mofeng, don't talk nonsense, Xu Er is still happy to drink for Xinya." After that, he looked vaguely towards Jiang Yuqian.

"Drink and drink, but just a few glasses of wine!" Xu Ershao took up the red wine on the table and poured it into his mouth. After drinking one glass, he drank all the remaining five glasses.

"Okay!" Han Mofeng took the lead to applaud, and raised his hand to slap it.

"Xu Ersha is brave and courageous, come and come, I respect you ... You are today Shouxing, this wine can't be drunk." Gu Junlin, who was sitting next to Xu Ershao, raised his glass to pay respect to Xu Er Shake your head and do it.

"Although Xu Er was a little bit different, but you should not bully him. Always let him drink soup and eat some food and breathe!" With Wen Xinya banter, he reached for a piece of fish for Xu Er and said again Everyone has a dish: "You have to eat something too, but drinking on an empty stomach is bad for your stomach."

Xu Ersha said angrily, "Who is the second?"

Wen Xinya gave him fresh fish soup: "Aren't you the second best at home, who is the best?"

Xu Ershao couldn't speak for a while, hesitated for a long time and said, "Although I'm the second child, I'm no different at all."

Everyone looked at each other and looked like Xu Er seemed to be so single-headed and hot. Miss Wen did not have such a thought, but Xu Er still knew nothing like a second sister, but it was just two.

This is Jiang Yuqian holding a glass of wine in front of the Wen Xinya way: "I respect you."

Cozy and elegant, she ignored her, and tilted her head to speak with Zhou Tianyu.

Jiang Yuqian was so angry that she wanted to make a sobbing expression that made people feel weird: "I respect you, why do n’t you drink it, why are you so rude?"

Then Wen Ya looked at her sideways and said, "You are toasting and I'm going to drink. What is the reason, who stipulates it, and which onion and garlic do you count?"

The Wen Xinya voice, the scornful expression, and the mocking expression made Jiang Yuqian unable to maintain her pitiful expression anymore, and said angrily, "You are just afraid that you will be drunk by me, you will drink, if you sit down, you are a little The truth of Taimei. "

Wen Xinya could not help laughing, how did Xu Er know such a superb person: "If you can drink, you will be a little sister, and you will also drink, then are you?"

Jiang Yuqian trembled while holding a wine glass: "You ..."

Warm and sneer: "But you are right. I was indeed a little **** the street, so ..." Her tone turned sharply: "You do n’t want to provoke me, otherwise I will If you accidentally do something to your little sister, it will make you look bad. "

Jiang Yuqian was so angry that her entire face was distorted, but under her pair of ice-cut eyes, she didn't dare to challenge her again.

Facing the strange eyes in the private room, Jiang Yuqian ran out of the private room with a covering face.

Zhou Tianyu laughed: "Finally, we can have a better time."

Xu Chenyu sighed, "The whole neuropathy, Xinya didn't provoke her, she couldn't get along with Xinya everywhere."

A group of big men started to fight again.

Zhou Tianyu approached the Wen Xinya road: "Do you know the Zhang family?"

Zhang family? Wen Ya shook her head.

Zhou Tianyu explained: "The Zhang family is also regarded as a military and political family, but in recent years it has weakened. The entire Zhang family relies on Jiang Yuqian's father, Jiang Wenzhe. An illegitimate girl was received by the Zhang family when she was ten years old, and now it has been five years. The Zhang family is very eager to see Jiang Yuqian as an illegitimate girl.

Warm and sighed: "Sure enough, everyone who has a superb life is superb."

Thinking of her just starting the Jiang family in front of Jiang Yuqian, she was ashamed for being Wen Xinya, and it was clearly Zhang's family.

Zhou Tianyu laughed out loud: "No, Jiang Yuqian has a very serious princess disease. I think people around the world should turn around her. Jiang Yuqian and Xu Er have a period in the past."

Wen Xinya eyes widened, Xu Er actually had a past with a superb?