MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 45 Xu Er, you are looking for death!

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Zhou Tianyu was amused by her expression: "When Jiang Yuqian was just taken back to the Zhang family, the Zhang family didn't wait to see her. Children in the courtyard and her, almost as big as her, looked down on her illegitimate daughter, so they bullied her, and You also know Xu Er. Sometimes he likes to commit the second crime. One day, he does n’t know which muscle he pulled. When he saw Jiang Yuqian being bullied, he actually came forward and knocked that down to the ground. Since then, the children in the compound have been She dared to bully her. Before saying that Jiang Yuqian had a serious princess disease, she thought that Xu Er was sent by the heavens to save her prince, so she thought of Xu Er. As long as the girl who talked with Xu Er was hostile.

Warm and yelled, "So she's hostile to me because she's jealous?"

Zhou Tianyu deeply felt that Wen Xinya was a very interesting girl, so she liked her very much: "You can say that."

"How old is she! How can a child be so precocious now?" Warm and sighed, looking at Xu Er who was fighting for wine, her short hair dyed back black, and in a slightly dim light, she looked like she was wearing With a circle of halo, a pair of peach eyes appeared wet because of the drunkenness, becoming more enchanting, and her face covered with red halo was a sorrow, and she was indeed a young and beautiful teenager. No wonder he could provoke peach blossoms casually.

Zhou Tianyu pinched her waist: "It sounds like you are so big."

She looked at her warmly and honestly: "I'm a fifteen-year-old body and a twenty-five-year-old soul."

Zhou Tianyu naturally refused to believe it, and reached out and shoved her: "Let's go, Huyou will not take you like Huyou."

Wen Xinya shook his head and said, "Hey! Life is lonely like snow, even if I tell the truth, no one will believe it."

Zhou Tianyu laughed out loud: "Go away, you are still lonely like snow, how old are you, and what do you know about loneliness, isn't this a shy person!"

Warm and ya laughed herself, and her last life always laughed and scolded like this, and she was born again. With hatred in her heart, she always restrained her true disposition, and Zhou Tianyu's heartiness made her feel at first sight. .

Zhou Tianyu talked with her easily. It seemed that they were talking about some gossip in the Beijing circle. In fact, she heard it warmly and elegantly. Zhou Tianyu was trying to spread her some popular nobles in Beijing.

For this, Warm and Ya was very grateful to Zhou Tianyu, and did n’t know much about the famous aristocrats in Beijing, even if she had lived for ten years in the last life, because no one had told her and she never entered After that circle, hovering outside the door forever and forever.

Zhou Tianyu looked up at the boys in the room who had blushed and had thick red necks: "Although these people look proud, as long as you are right, you know that they are very affectionate."

You are naturally Wen Xinya, and Han Mofeng is just such a person. It is not too bad to meet Han Mofeng.

Zhou Tianyu continued: "Xu Er is leading you today, and you are also officially taking the lead in this circle. It is estimated that everyone will call you when you party, but you can't refuse."

Warm and natural, of course, knows that entering this circle plays a decisive role for her to connect with her. She will not refuse: "That's natural."

"By the way, my second birthday is next month. There will be a small party. You must come by then."

Wen Ya knows that Zhou Tianyu is to help her integrate into the circle as soon as possible, so she will send out this invitation. Once reborn, this is the first time Wen Ya has received such an invitation: "I will definitely pass."

Everyone eats and drinks like this, and they are all drunk and drunk. They called the waiter warmly and elegantly. They brought the sober soup and poured it for everyone. Now they drink sober soup and will not have a headache tomorrow morning.

They didn't disperse until eleven o'clock. When everyone left, they exchanged contact information with Wenya, and it was considered as accepting her.

The waiter helped Xu Chenyu out of the Ninth Heaven, and then Wen Xinya took Xu Chenyu. Xu Chenyu hugged Wen Xinya, and put her head on her shoulder: "Comfortable, uh ... my birthday ... you haven't ... ... did not wish me a happy birthday. "

Warm and helpless pulling Xu Chenyu, who knows that Xu Chenyu's body can't stand at all, and then flung into her arms again: "Come on ... I wish you a happy birthday."

Warm and unhappy: "Okay, happy birthday to you!"

I didn't know Xu Chenyu cheated, and took a bite on her shoulder: "Just say birthday ... happy birthday is still ... not yet, but also ... give me a gift ..."

Nuan Ya was bitten by him a bit, and he stretched out his hands and slaped Xu Chenyu's face: "Xu Er, you are a dog."

"I'm not a dog ... I'm a wolf, uh ... a howling wolf, want to ... swallow you in one bite!" Xu Chenyu suddenly opened his mouth and howled in his throat and rushed towards the Wen Xinya face.

A scent of scent of wine rushed towards his face, and Warm and Ya swept away his face, "Xu Er, you are looking for death."

Xu Chenyu, like a child, relied on her arms, "I don't want to die, I ... I want a gift, you want to give me a gift ..."

He was so annoyed by Wen Ya that he had to take off from his ears a ring of inlaid diamonds and a stud with pink pearls in the middle and hand it to his hand: "Now! "

Xu Chenyu watched her remove the earrings from her ears, as if thinking of the day when he was at the airport, he took the ear drill down to her, and his heartbeat could not help but violently jumped up. He said: "No ... you have to help I ... help me put it on my ears! "

Only then did you see that Xu Chenyu was wearing six-color earrings on her left ear. The one wearing the red diamond was still empty. She touched her left ear. The red diamond was still on her ear, so she took it for granted. He put his broken diamond and pink pearl studs on his ear.

Xu Chenyu felt that her hands were soft and warm, and gently leaned on his ears. The whole face was close to his ears, and a warm breath was gently sprinkled on his ears, on her. A faint Qingxin drifted into his nose, all of which made his heart pound, his breathing was difficult, and he felt a fever all over his body.

"My earrings are not as valuable as your red diamond, so don't be disappointed." Wen Xinya, wearing good earrings took a step back and looked at him. The earrings are very beautiful, but he wears some nondescript feeling, and she can't help fluttering. Laugh out.

Xu Chenyu touched the studs on her ears, and her heart was still calm.

At this time, a taxi parked beside them, warmly and elegantly approached Xu Chenyu and got on the car, reported the address of Xu's family, and planned to send Xu Chenyu back first.