MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 579 Grand Property Transfer Ceremony

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First, Wen Ya went to the cemetery with her grandfather to worship her mother, and then set off for the bank.

When the car stopped steadily at the bank door, a flash of light flashed for a while, and a group of reporters quickly approached them, but these people did not dare to get too close because of the awe of their grandfather.

Warm took the lead in getting out of the car, then bypassed the body, opened the door for the grandfather, and helped the grandfather out of the car.

The reporters took pictures and asked questions. The grandfather ignored them, but entered the bank with warmth and elegance.

Arrive at the VIP room of the bank, the people who should have come.

In addition to the heavyweight lawyers of the extraordinary law firm, there are also the most authoritative notaries in the industry, and even the relevant appraisers in the jewelry and antiques industry. Of course, there are many high-profile seniors in the society who serve as witnesses.

Grandpa Zhong and Grandpa Du were among them, and there were others. He had only heard of his name before, but no one had seen him.

The reporters saw this situation as if they had beaten chicken blood, and they had already taken enough photos to take pictures crazy. You must know that the people attending today are all seniors who cannot fade out of the circle!

Mr. Mo slowly said, "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to witness the transfer of the property related to the Wen Xinya ceremony of my granddaughter's daughter."

Zhong Haofeng said with a smile: "Ha ha! You are so kind, old Mo. We have been in each other for many years, but we don't pay attention to these."

Du Shinan also said, "Old Zhong is right, don't be a sociologist of literati, I listen to headaches, I need to be on call."

Everyone joined together, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Then, the bank opened several safes in the VIP compartment, and security personnel surrounded the reporters with guns and banned any photos.

The same ancient books, rare books, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, jade articles, gold and silver, jewelry, precious wood, brocade ... were put out, and the jewelry appraiser came forward to re-identify the authenticity and value of things, one by one.

Notary public to take pictures of the guarantee.

The lawyers and Wenya signed a transfer agreement for various items.

The whole process was very smooth.

In fact, these things are as early as the year after, and Mr. Mo has invited professional appraisers to keep the files for the appraisal, but this time it is just a cutscene.

About ten o'clock in the morning, this batch of dowry is clear from point to point. Except for the ancient books, which are priceless, other things are worth 1.5 billion.

Then, Grandpa transferred some of the property in her name to her.

The things that her grandfather left her are mostly jade, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and rare books, among which more than 500 million can be calculated.

At about eleven o'clock, the relevant details of the property transfer have been basically completed.

The heavyweight lawyer of Chaofan Law Firm read out his mother's will in public, explained all the regulations in the will, and then read the consent of the grandfather's property transfer in public, and finally acted as a lawyer's notary and weight. In the face of the senior witnesses, he signed the property transfer agreement and pressed his handprint.

After signing and pressing the handprint, the two billion jewels, as well as those rare books that could not be measured, belonged to her completely.

Warm and ya looked at the red fat on the thumb, and in the clouds and mist for a while, there was some unreal feeling.

Father Mo looks at Wen Xinya, with too many complex emotions in his eyes, but more expectations: "The good wind relies on strength to send me to the sky, Xinya ... I hope my grandfather's wind can really send you to the sky. "

The Wen Xinya eyes suddenly became wet, with tears in their eyes, but a firm light shone: "Grandpa, I will never live up to all your expectations for me."

"Good boy!" Father Mo slowly walked over and hugged Wen Xinya.

"Grandpa, thank you!" The tears in Wen Xinya eyes dropped instantly, and the tears suddenly fell like rain.

Although it was just a hug of lack of language, it inexplicably moved all the people present, and even when the reporter took a picture, he took a serious attitude.

Finally, authoritative notaries read the two financial transfer agreements in front of the media.

It is equivalent to announcing the media and calling the world!

At that time, the reporters were in a rush, shocked, shocked, exhaled, chilled, uproared, and hustle and bustled in the whole VIP room, and then they took pictures like chicken blood.

After the ceremony was completed, the reporters came out frantically when they went out of the bank and surrounded Father Mo and Wen Xinya in the middle.

"Mo Gong, I heard that these properties were accumulated by the three generations of Zhou, Ren, and Mo. Do you have any intention of holding this financial transfer ceremony on the day of the Wen Xinya ritual of your grandson's daughter? "

Father Mo's footsteps paused, his face pale, his eyes lightened: "I hope that my granddaughter is Wen Xinya. On this day, the most important turning point in the life of the adult ceremony, the pearl is gone and the glory is shining."

The reporters rushed with emotions: "Mr. Gong, your granddaughter is Wen Xinya, and you have just transferred these astronomical properties to her name. Are you really assured?"

Father Mo Gong's eyes fell on his Wen Xinya body, and his eyes were clear: "I believe that the granddaughter that I taught in the first hand can know blessings, cherish blessings, never forget the original heart, adhere to the original heart, and go out of his own way. "

The tone of his deliberately one-handed teaching aggravated a bit, and his intentions were far-reaching ... Obviously, he didn't want anybody to get tangled up before taking Xinya back to the Wen family. At this time, he was Wen Xinya, and he had completely reborn. Mongolian.

"Mo Gong, I heard that your granddaughter has been Wen Xinya since she was retrieved by the Wen family. She has been studying with you all the time. Has she grown into a real famous lady?"

Father Mo's expression was indifferent: "I will not teach Mingmen Shuyuan, I will only teach her five virtues and six natures!"

"Excuse me, what do you mean by the five virtues and six natures?"

"Five virtues are Qing, harmony, thrift, benevolence, and truth; six natures are: quality, simplicity, elegance, simplicity, simplicity, and indifference!"

"Mo Gong, what do you think of the scandalous incident about your granddaughter's warmth and elegance a while ago?"

"My granddaughter is a butterfly emerging from a pupae. She never denied that she was an ugly puppet before she broke a cocoon, so I don't comment on this."

Faced with the reporter's reply, Mr. Mo always kept his head hidden, so that the reporters soon sweated, and the questioning turned to Wen Xinya.

"Miss Wen, you suddenly get such a large amount of sky-high property, how do you feel at this time?"

Wen Xinya smile: "Honestly, it was like a pie suddenly fell from the sky, but it was found to be an iron pie, and I was smashed with dizziness."

She replied, making everyone laugh loudly: "Excuse me, how do you plan to use this property?"

"Unless I have to do so, I will not use my property. This property is the accumulation of three generations and three generations of Zhou Renmo. I hope to pass it to my daughter in the future as a dowry."

"Did you tell us about the arrangements for your banquet today?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it. It's 11:30 in the morning. I have an appointment with a beautician at Huayuxuan at one o'clock, and I will arrive at Shande Manor at five in the afternoon. The schedule for the whole day is very tight today."

Although everyone regrets it, they have not done much entanglement.