MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 633 Xiajia Dengbao and Xia Ruya break off relations

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The next morning, Wen Xinya was woken up by an alarm clock.

Listening to the annoying ringtones, Wen Xinya but not the slightest desire to get up. Hope, after turning around in bed for a while, he finally covered his head with the quilt, and the annoying ringtone finally stopped.

With no sky in my mind, it seems that I have not run in the morning for a few days. This is not good. The body is the revolutionary capital. It is important to exercise.

Then the brain opened the shell again. I thought that the morning before, Si Yizhang pulled her to do [morning exercise], (of course, just moving her mouth and doing morning exercise!) Hemei said in his name: half an hour in the morning. Run for an hour!

I wondered, last night she accompanied Si Yizheng [evening practice] for two hours, and arrived in the morning for four hours. It shouldn't matter if she didn't run early in the morning.

Thinking of it this way, she felt relieved that she could sleep even lazily.

At this time, Si Yizhang walked into the room and looked at the people on the bed, wearing his white shirt, a neatly hot white shirt, under his last night's crotch, wearing crumpled on his body, even with a bunch Unexplainable temptation.

The hem of the shirt had already been folded to the waist, revealing pure white panties, which wrapped her quite rounded hips, white ... It has always been able to wear the extreme beauty on her body, as if she was beautiful The thrilling beauty suddenly expanded to ten times, even a thousand times.

His throat rolled for a while.

I thought last night that after she took a shower, she changed his shirt and was going to change her pajamas, but he felt that when she wore his shirt, the incomprehensible intimacy made him very happy, mixed and exuding The fatal temptation made him unable to resist at all, so he forced her to use his shirt as pajamas.

It was another toss, and that made her sleep.

Si Yiqi pressed his body and was about to move, holding a food tray and chuckling, "Little lazy pig is up!"

The Wen Xinya body was tossed again and again on the bed, and the word "sleepy" was vaguely spoken in his mouth, holding the quilt to sleep again.

"The father-in-law of the sun has sunburned his buttocks." Si Yizhu looked at the slender **** like jade, and the lines were beautifully curved, just to hide the beauty between his legs, but the more he half-covered, but More mysterious and seductive.

The Wen Xinya voice was lazy, with a drowsy sleepiness, grunting dissatisfied: "Don't be noisy!"

Si Yizhen's gaze intently glanced at the alarm clock: "It's half past seven. I remember today as if it was Monday."

This sentence is more useful than anything. Wen Xinya sleeplessness, the chaotic brain instantly sober, sitting up in bed all of a sudden, grabbing the alarm clock and seeing it, it really came to 7:30 ...

Miserable, miserable, she must be late for the class at eight o'clock.

The college entrance examination is about to happen. Her lateness like this will certainly cause the college teachers to pay great attention.

Wen Xinya reached out and grabbed her hair, her face was full of annoyed expression, all blame Si Yizhen, after working until eleven o'clock last night, she was not allowed to sleep, tortured her severely, tossed her It's so sleepy and tired that I get up late.

Si Yijun laughed and said, "Breakfast is ready. Get up and wash it!"

Little girl, it's getting more sleepy.

The Wen Xinya person woke up and rushed to the bathroom when she opened the quilt. Sheshan Manor was not far from Lanfeng College, but it took a half-hour drive. She washes quickly and hopes she can catch up in a while.

When the Wen Xinya wash was done, and when he ran out of the room in a neat and tidy dress, Si Yizhen was sitting at the table waiting for her: "It is seven o'clock in Beijing time, don't worry, there is still plenty of time."

The whole person returned warmly from the chaos of soldiers and horses, and looked subconsciously towards the wall clock. The clock was exactly aligned with seven. Then she knew that she must have been flickered by Si Yizhen. He must have the alarm clock in the room. Adjusted for half an hour.

"Si Yizhen, you hate it!"

Si Yixun nodded his head with certainty: "Well! I hate it, you said it many times last night."

Ambiguous tone, with a sense of playfulness, Wen Xinya blushed, then noticed that Si Yizhen was wearing a crumpled white shirt, this shirt seems to be the one she wore yesterday ... ...

She was repeatedly messed up by Si Yizhen, and then she was maliciously treated as a paper towel and wiped somewhere on her body ...

If you look closely, you can still see the faint traces of water.

The Wen Xinya blood flew straight to the noodle door.

Si Yizhan couldn't see her thoughts at this time, and her eyes were deep. This shirt was messed up by the mess yesterday, but when she thought it was through her, his heart was even hotter.

The warm and apical heart trembled with each other for a long time. In fact, it was known that Si Yizhen had a small and quiet one, but he was wearing her dirty shirt at this time, and she just felt bloody.

She wanted to ask, Si Yizhen, are you really clean?

Si also carelessly, as if she didn't find her strange: "What are you doing? Come sit down. Today's newspaper is very interesting. You will be interested."

Shike knew it, but the little girl looked bold and open, but shy.

Wen Xinya to catch up with thoughts, today's newspapers and magazines must be reported on Xia Ruya's rituals and banquets. She was really interested. She sat at the table and picked up the newspaper to watch.

At first, there was still some trembling thinking. When he saw the report in the newspaper, he widened his eyes suddenly: "Xia Jiaran published the newspaper and Xia Ruya broke off the relationship!"

This is simply too frightening. The father of the Xia family made a sad statement, stating that Xia Ruya was the adopted daughter of the Wen family and had been raised by the Wen family for twelve years. She was so helpless to help Ning Shuqian deal with Wen Jiada. Miss, calculate Wen's family, how can the Xia family dare to have such a white-hearted wolf?

Mr. Si also said lightly: "This news from the Xia family will be the last straw that overwhelms Xia Ruya. Since then, even if Xia Ruya has the ability to clear the sky, he cannot pick himself up and sit down Xia ’s reputation is ashamed. "

Warm and sneer sneered: "Xia Ruya completely lost the favor of the Wen family, and now even the straw of the Xia family has been lost. See how she will fight against me in the circle in the future."

After thinking about it, Xia Ruya fell out of favor with the Wen family and lost her reputation in the circle. The transformation of the new shopping mall was halfway through and could not go on. The Xia family suffered heavy losses. The adult banquet cost a large price, but did not get any benefit. Xia Ruya ’s adopted daughter from Wen ’s family not only did not bring a little benefit to Xia ’s family, but also caused Xia ’s family to suffer such losses. In the eyes of Xia ’s family, Xia Ruya was an abandoned son, and Xia ’s family is only profitable by nature. Counting on Xia Ruya's head, how can she tolerate Xia Ruya.

This result is also reasonable.

Read The Duke's Passion