MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 635 Known to be fired

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After being insulted by Chen Linfang, Xia Ruya was blocked by reporters. The reporters kept taking pictures of her and took pictures of her embarrassment. Various problems emerged endlessly, and she was surrounded by her. Zhu Ning Shuqian deal with Wen Xinya, calculate Wen family.

After finally getting rid of the reporter, she received a call from the Zhishan Yahui.

Her entire heart, heavy like lead, sinks slowly in the long sea, except for helplessness and despair, there is no other.

Xia Ruya slowly walked into the Zhishan Yahui Club, knocked on the door of Tang Xiaowei's office, and heard the sound of Yingying coming from inside. Xia Ruya shook her hand and pushed in.

In the office, there were only Tang Xiaowei and Zhou Huiyan.

Xia Ruya's face was pale: "Mr. Tang, Mr. Zhou, look for me!"

After receiving a call from Zhishan Yahui, her whole person seemed to be choked by her throat, fear, fear, confusion, despair ... She could guess even if she was stupid. Tang Xiaowei wanted to find her.

Tang Xiao said lightly: "You will transfer to the Ministry of Personnel for a while and talk about some issues concerning the Zhishan Yahui."

Xia Ruya looked miserable and looked at Tang Xiaowei suddenly: "Mr. Tang, you ... you want to fire me?"

Although there has been speculation for a long time, at this time listening to Tang Xiaowei's words clearly, she still felt unbearable and lost the favor of the Wen family. She also had the Xia family. Now she lost the Xia family. The life-saving straw will also be lost. Once she is fired by Zhishan Ya, she will be denied by everyone. That is the real disaster.

Tang Xiaowei said, "I gave you a chance."

In the previous scandal, Xia Ruya is no longer suitable for staying in Zhishan Yahui. She stopped her work and refrigerated her. In fact, she wanted to give Xia Ruya a chance and inspect her for a while, but What she never expected was that not only did Xia Ruya not seize the opportunity this time, but she made trouble to help Ning Shuqian deal with Xinya and calculate Wen's family affairs.

The blood on Xia Ruya's face faded, her lips were pursed, and her delicate look made her pity and sympathy: "Why, because of the news reports in newspapers and magazines?"

The expression on her face was sharp, her lips pressed tightly, her stubborn and unconvinced.

But it was just that everyone was pushing against the wall, and there was no noble place for Zhishan Yahui.

Zhou Huiyan took a look at her look, and she gently touched the graceful peony print on the tea cup: "Isn't this reason enough? Zhishan Yahui is doing charity work, and Baishan filial piety is the first. You first settle the plan. The Wen family's reputation for being so indifferent and then being severed by Xia Jiadeng reported that such a bad reputation would have a negative impact on the knowledge of the good and the good. "

She always felt that Xia Ruya was a smart girl, but she didn't appreciate it, she was too utilitarian, she had too much thought, and more importantly, she was not sincere to others.

Zhou Huiyan's words were so clear that Xia Ruya had no way of refuting it. Her face had a frustrating color and a dry bitterness in her throat. She said horribly: "The newspapers above the newspaper are just groundless, catching the wind and catching the shadow, it is not true at all. ! "

Tang Xiao looked at her coldly: "Miss Xia, don't say that every time a scandal is exposed, pretend that it is groundless and catch the wind. You have always been a smart girl. I appreciate you before you enter the Zhishan Yahui, but Please don't treat everyone in the world as a fool, let me not look down on you. "

Tang Xiaowei's words were sharper than Zhou Huiyan's bloodshot. Xia Ruya's allegations and rebuttals got stuck in her throat. I just feel that my cheeks are hot, and I have a sense of self-compliance.

"I'm not convinced. I had a Wen Xinya scandal before. Why would Zhishanya be able to tolerate her, but not me?" Xia Ruya's slippery eyes gradually dried up, filled with red blood, as if The dry cracks were full of sharp unwillingness.

Wen Ya and Zhou Huiyan have such a close relationship. Tang Xiaowei and Mo Gong are good friends. They must be fired because of the Wen Xinya relationship.

Tang Xiaowei looked at her. She always knew that this girl always had a smart brain and calm reason. This was also what she appreciated most. At this time, she was so sharp and out of control that she had long treated her to the Wen Xinya. Jealousy and resentment were revealed.

Zhou Huiyan looked at her with surprise: "You and Xinya are different. Xinya can control her life, so no matter what happens, she can hold it firmly in her own hands, but You're different ... you try to control things that don't belong to you, and the result is doomed from the beginning. "

The meaning of Zhou Huiyan has been made clear. She secretly refers to what she is greedy and does not belong to her. The mask disguised by Xia Ruya can no longer be maintained, cracking on her face, and then peeling off one by one, exposing The most true inside comes: "It's a grandiose one, but it's just a wall of people."

Tang Xiaowei looked at her and frowned straightly: "Xia Ruya, you have a plan, you are Wen Xinya, and you are both ambitious. This is also what I admire you most, but ... the biggest difference between you and Wen Xinya is As soon as Wen Ya returned to the Wen family, she recognized her position and worked hard, and you ... can't see the reality, and you were blinded by vanity and prosperity, and you used your intelligence and ambition on the magical calculations. "

At first, she saw the wrong person and thought that she was a girl who judged the situation, but she didn't know that she was actually hiding her mischief.

Xia Ruya smiled angrily and smiled, her complexion tinged with embarrassment: "Everything in this world can't reach the king and defeat the pirate. You are just taking the opportunity to smash me down. Why do you treat me like this ..."

Tang Xiaowei and Zhou Huiyan stared at each other, and after frowning slightly, they stopped speaking.

Xia Ruya hissed: "Just because Wen Xinya is Miss Wen's, I'm not! Just because she has a respected grandfather, I don't!"

Wen Xinya ...

The name echoed in her ears like a curse, shaking her spirits.

She hates it, she really hates it.

Everyone takes her and warm Yabi, where is she worse than warm Ya?

Obviously she is the arrogant girl of the sky. Wen Xinya is just a little girl who has been in the street for fifteen years.

Obviously she is a little princess who was greatly loved by the Wen family. Her Wen Xinya is just a crude, lowly mean sparrow.

Why should everyone praise Wen Xinya and trample her into the mud?

