MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 67 Court sentence

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On May 22, Wenya filed a lawsuit against Changjiang News Agency and dozens of newspapers and magazines for insulting its reputation with serious insults.

Wen Xinya defense lawyers are the gold lawyers of Chaofan Law Firm. Gu Junlin, Xu Chenyu and Zhou Tianyu both attended the court as witnesses. Father Mo and Wen were present as relatives and friends.

In the course of the argument, the lawyer of Wen Xinya first pointed out the insulting words of Wen Xinya by the Yangtze River and dozens of newspapers and magazines, and then pointed out those seriously untrue and maliciously vilifying statements. A series of physical examination reports. The report shows that Wen Ya is in good health and has never taken any boosting drugs. There is also a survey conducted by Chao Fan Law Firm on the life of Wen Ya who has lived abroad for 15 years. The survey shows that Although ya mixed with the streets, they were not as nonsense as those mentioned in newspapers and magazines.

In addition, the Wen Xinya lawyer made a sensible and emotional remark, pointing out that Wen Xinya is not yet an adult, and that all acts cannot be used as a basis for media insults and insults, so that everyone on the scene has moved.

The judge and the jury studied and discussed the evidence submitted by the Wen Xinya lawyer. The judge asked the defendant to present new evidence, proving that the words in the newspaper and magazine were not false, and the defendant naturally could not produce new evidence.

"In this sentence, the plaintiff Wenhua Ya filed a lawsuit against the Yangtze River News Agency and dozens of newspapers and magazines for seriously insulting and misrepresenting infringements on their reputation rights. Because the defendant was unable to come up with new evidence, the court finally ruled that the plaintiff would prevail. . "

"According to the provisions of Articles 120 and 134 of the General Principles of the Z Civil Law, the court ordered the defendant to stop infringing on the plaintiff's reputation right, restore its reputation and eliminate its impact, and review by the court."

"The plaintiff's lawyer proposed that the Yangtze River News Agency and dozens of newspapers and magazines have issued serious insults and misrepresentations that infringed on his right to reputation, demanded that his property be compensated for five million yuan, damage to the plaintiff's honorary interests and the victims suffered as a result. The mental pain required compensation of five million yuan. The court declared that the content of the compensation was established. The defendant must clear the compensation within three months. The recovery of the compensation shall be carried out together with the court and the plaintiff's law firm. "

The jury distributed the details of the compensation to the Changjiang Newspaper and dozens of newspapers and magazines.

After leaving the courtroom, Wen Ya first hugged and shook hands with the lawyers of Chaofan Law Firm. She did not expect that the lawyers of Chaofan Law Firm were so sharp. People say that it is just human feelings. He even played a reasonable card and treated her as an adult. The painful reaction with people from all walks of life was presented in full before the judge and jury, so she would receive such huge compensation.

Mr. Wen did not expect that he had not intervened in this matter, but she handled it so perfectly: "OK! OK! OK! Xinya, you did not disappoint Grandpa."

Afterwards, Warm and Ya went out of the court together with Father Mo and Wen, and the reporters who stood outside hesitated like a tide, and surrounded them with warm flashes.

"Miss Wen, please express your thoughts on this scandal?"

She stood warmly and quietly in the crowd, but she was an inviolable stance in her youthful age. Her eyes swept the reporters around her, and her eyes were like stars in the sky. "People do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend, if they offend me, they will pay me 100 times. This is my principle of doing things."

This arrogance to the extreme made the media rush: "Ms. Wen, this scandal has involved your father Wen Haowen and stepmother Ning Shuqian. What do you think about this?"

"The things in my last life haven't been commented on by my daughter."

"Miss Wen, you still have Xu Chenyu's ear drill on your ear. What is the relationship between you and Xu Chenyu?"

The Wen Xinya complexion cooled down, and his eyes were astonishingly cold, as if Frost Lingbing shot at the questioning reporter: "Which magazine company are you from?"

"I ... I'm a reporter from the Daily Magazine ..." The reporter was stunned by the Wen Xinya eyes, and was actually deterred by her momentum. The newspaper's name was published in the newspaper.

"You listen well, I am wearing Xu Chenyu's ear drill, just because we are good friends, yes ... you've grown old even with memories. Where can I learn about the minors now? Emotional world. "

With such a tone of adjustment, many people at the scene laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed. The reporter of the Daily Magazine was flushed with Wen Xinya words. He was only 35 years old. Only thirty-five years old.

Wen Xinya: "I don't want any more to use Mystery to hype my news through Xu Chenyu. As my grandfather said, media workers have the social responsibility to spread culture and news, and pass positive energy to the people instead of Catching wind and using work for personal gain. "

Everyone is a smart person. The scandal case that was caused by Xu Chenyu because of the Wen Xinya just ended. It was just when the limelight was flourishing.

"Miss Wen, you have been living abroad for fifteen years. After returning to the Wen family, the Wen family did not announce any fame. Instead, you moved to your grandfather, Mr. Mo Lao. Why?"

The Wen family did not show up from the beginning to the end of the scandal. It is no wonder that everyone has some conjectures.

Warm and eager to answer, Mr. Wen said in a deep voice: "Xin Ya is the only bloodline of Wen ’s family, and heir to Wen ’s family. This is unquestionable. As far as I have n’t published his fame before, just because I plan to give Xinya held a return introduction banquet and officially introduced her to the media and the public. It has not been made public before, but because she has just returned to Wen ’s family and needs a process of adaptation. I do n’t want her to have too much because of outside attention. Pressure, please do not speculate. "

Father Wen is at the helm of the Wen family. Naturally, his words have absolute authority. For a time, the reporters were angry, and the flashing lights kept shooting.

A warm smile evoked a faint smile on the lips, but it quickly disappeared: "The reason why I moved to Mo's house is that on the one hand, my grandfather has only my loved one, and I want to die for me My mother did her filial piety. On the other hand, because she had stayed abroad to delay her studies, she wanted to learn more with her grandfather, which would be a good match for Miss Wen's name. "

Father Wen watched Wen Xinya surrounded by reporters in the crowd. Every move had a demeanor of Ling Ran. He was decent in every word, and she was ... better than he thought.