MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 750 Go back to college

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After having breakfast, the driver Xiao Tao sent her to Lanfeng College. She was injured and asked for half a month's leave. She should also return to the college and join the intense college entrance examination review.

Regarding her abduction, injury and hospitalization, she has been well-known by the media for a long time, and she is a popular figure in the college. So when she came to the college, it attracted many people's attention.

"Look, Wen Xinya is coming to class."

I don't know who exclaimed, everyone's eyes brushed towards Wen Xinya.

Wen Xinya carrying the schoolbag, watching everyone's eyes like going to the zoo to see monkeys, could not help but laugh a little, starting from the entrance of the college, such eyes followed her all the way.

"It's her! It looks like her injury has recovered."

"Well, look at the spirit and look, it must be fine."

"The college entrance examination has entered the countdown. Everyone is almost racing against the clock. I ca n’t wait to eat, go to the bathroom, and go to bed to review my homework. She got a half-month leave because of her injury, and I don't know if the review can catch up with everyone."

"It should be possible! It must be that her academic performance has always been good. The main points of the teacher are notes, and there is no major problem in hard work."

"I think it's pretty dangling. The college entrance examination is advancing. It ’s almost a mile, it ’s a thousand miles. It ’s been half a month, not a day or two, and you do n’t forget what happened to the Wen family recently. His dad is outside. It's a mess, and the media is full of excitement. The Wen family has become a laughing stock in the entire circle. As a Miss Wen family, how could she not be affected ... "

"You are right. In the face of such a thing, her daughter will definitely be affected. How can it be dedicated to review, hey ... I think she is very pitiful."

"Don't be stupid, people are a dignified Miss Wen Jia, where is the pity?"

"I also feel that she was pathetic. She lost her mother at birth and spent 15 years suffering from it. She even found her on the streets. She was finally found. The stepmother and stepmother had a vicious calculation, and she had a stumbling block. It was easy to get out of the way, and at the age of eighteen, as a result ... kidnapping was encountered, and now there are waves of unrest, and waves have started again, and his dad happened again ... "

"When she didn't return to the Wen family, the Wen family was not as ups and downs as it is now. I guess she was probably incompatible with the Wen family. Her life was too hard. She killed her biological mother and caused Wen Jianing to be restless ... "

"What age do you still believe in!"

"No, I think what he said makes sense, you think about it! Poor people must have hatred. Most fateful people like her are mostly lonely, hard-hitting, g Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters ... Anyway, who is the one who is unlucky. "

With a Wen Xinya footstep, she didn't know that the college actually had such a statement to her. She stepped forward and walked towards those talking people: "Are you talking about me?"

Any bad words about people were caught on the spot, and anyone would feel guilty. Several girls looked at the Wen Xinya standing in front of them, their bodies were upright, their bones were bright, and their mixed body exuded a sense of nobility and confidence that was born with them. The majesty was deterrent, and several people stepped back subconsciously, scarcely daring to look directly at her.

Hey! The aura is too strong!

Warm and attentive watching a few girls not talking.

A woman couldn't bear such a scene, stuttered: "This is not what I said ... I ... I also listened to a classmate in class three and five ..."

High school third and fifth class, Xia Ruxue and Jiang Yuqian are in fifth class!

Wen Xinya nodded, turned and left.

Another girl stepped forward nervously, "That ... I'm sorry, we didn't mean you intentionally."

Wen Ya looked back at her, and saw that her cheeks were flushed and her eyes flickered, but she nodded slightly. The high-class social circles, especially the business field, believed in some superstitions, so she likes to use reputation to attack people. Xia Ruya used it, but only spread it through the mouths of Jiang Yuqian and Xia Ruxue.

However, Xia Ruya now has only this method.

And she was not afraid.

Wen Xinya went to the classroom. Everyone saw how her eyes were inquiring and weird, probably because she had been kidnapped and Wen Haowen was exposed to extramarital affairs. Of course, there were also some that were affected by that hard-lined statement.

The class leader looked at the Wen Xinya way: "Wen Xinya, the head teacher is looking for you."

Wen Xinya thanked the monitor and turned to the teacher's office.

Wen Xinya studied in class three of high school. The class teacher is a 40-year-old Mediterranean, surnamed Zhao, but he is a good person. The students in class three of high school respect him, of course, including Wen Xinya.

The door was open, and Wen Ya gently knocked on the office door and entered the office: "Mr. Zhao, please find me."

Teacher Zhao looked Wen Xinya, and smiled very kindly: "How is your health, classmate Wen?"

Wen Xinya smile: "Thank you Teacher Zhao for your concern, my body has completely recovered, and I will start class today."

Before she was in the hospital, Mr. Zhao organized several teachers from class three and one of the classmates who usually had a good relationship with her went to the hospital to see her.

Teacher Zhao Xinxin said comfortably: "That's good! You were hospitalized after being injured. Many students in the college are very concerned about your body."

She is a popular figure in the academy. There are many junior students and she admires her. After she was hospitalized, many people asked him about her physical condition.

Wen Xinya smile did not say a word.

Teacher Zhao continued: You took a half-month leave. Since returning to the college, you must focus on your studies and devote yourself to the review to prepare for the college entrance examination. Then he replied, "I have heard something about your family. I believe you are a smart girl, and understand what is most important to you now, so you will not be affected by those things." . "

Wen Xinya is the most unique student he has ever seen. He is smarter than her and more talented than her. He hasn't seen her, but he has seen a tenacity in her, which is what he admires most.

Wen Xinya: "I know Teacher Zhao, I will not let you down."

The smile on Mr. Zhao's face deepened, and she took a thick note from the pump and gave it to her: "This is a class note you took for half a month, you go back and review it. If there is anything you do n’t understand , Come directly and ask me. "

The heavy weight that touched Wen Xinya heart was all moved: "Thank you, Teacher Zhao."

Teacher Zhao waved his hand and said, "Okay, there is nothing else, you can go back to the classroom to review your homework!"

Nuan Ya said thank you again, and then turned around and left the office. She took a half-month leave of absence to come to the academy and felt a lot of malice from the academy.