MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 751 Ning Shuqian's second step!

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The Wen Xinya face hung up the phone diligently, and his eyes penetrated the floor-to-ceiling glass window. The vine rose rose over the whole flower frame, with lush green foliage and cyan buds spreading on the flower vine. It may not wait until May and the end of April. Will bloom.

Si Yizhang came out of the study, watching her frown, her face calm, and whispered, "What happened?"

The operation of the Wen family, Wen Haowen's derailment, has been passive and active. Wen Haowen, including the entire Wen family, has taken it out. Although it is impossible to completely clean it, at least it minimizes losses and benefits. .

Things are getting better, Xinya's solemn expression is naturally related to Ning Shuqian who is still in the hospital.

Sure enough, her warm and thin lips lifted slightly, her face bland and said sharply: "Just the news from the hospital, Ning Shuqian has suffered from selective amnesia because of the deterioration of her condition, which has been confirmed by the hospital."

If the disorder such as mental runaway continues to worsen, most of them will have a situation such as selective amnesia. For example, the patient will not remember what he did when he became ill. These are common, and this type of mental disorder has always been the world. It is difficult for medical organizations to overcome incurable diseases. Medical devices can only measure some illusory data. To diagnose the true condition of a patient, it is still necessary to judge from the patient's performance, combined with the analysis of a psychologist.

How could she not believe that this was true? She knew Ning Shuqian too well. This woman had no other skills, but she was very strong in tricks.

Si Yixian raised an eyebrow, but did not expect that Ning Shuqian played a new trick again: "Wen Haowen was derailed and caught by reporters in bed. Ning Shuqian's condition deteriorated because of the irritation. Even if the Wen family pushed out Yang Ziyu, , Let Wen Haowen get rid of the scummed reputation of corruption of morals and ethics, but his image was damaged and his character was questioned. At this time, it is naturally not suitable for divorce again. This is the first step of Ning Shuqian. "

This Wen Xinya thought just after she learned of Ning Shuqian's memory loss: "And her next move is to get in touch with Wen Haowen again. Although Ning Shuqian has now maintained her status, if she can't get in touch Wen Haowen, then she has no use for more things. "

Pretending amnesia was her second step.

Si Yizhen watched her face so cold that she moved slightly.

Wen Xinya continued: "She and Wen Haowen had a tearful face. It was almost impossible to restore the old one, but ... if she pretends to have amnesia and puts herself completely into an innocent role, she will show her innocently. In front of Wen Haowen, she and Wen Haowen's husband and wife for more than ten years, she knows Wen Haowen, and can even pinch Wen Haowen, it is not difficult to reconnect with Wen Haowen. "

Ning Shuqian refreshed her understanding of her once again. No wonder since ancient times, there have been so many palace fights and house fights. Where there are women, there is a battlefield. Greed, vanity, jealousy, provocation can be the reason for the struggle, and ... Doing nothing to get there.

Si Yichang said lightly: "Wen Haowen is not stupid. The derailment incident is full of storms. Even if Yang Ziyu is pushed to the tip of the wind, according to his narrow and suspicious nature, he will definitely doubt Ning Shuqian. It is sure to blame all this on Ning Shuqian. It is simply impossible to reconnect with Wen Haowen by Ning Shuqian alone. The more Ning Shuqian racked her brains, the more she calculated Wen Haowen, the better for us. "

The more you do, the more traces are exposed.

The Wen Xinya thoughts cleared, and the meaning turned to understand what he meant: "You are right, the situation today is good for us, whether she really amnesia or false amnesia, now Ning Shuqian is fundamental to me Not to be afraid, the most important thing is the person behind her. "

Si Yizheng thinks that the problem is more comprehensive and far-reaching than her, which is far beyond her.

Si also said quietly: "That's the truth."

The Wen Xinya eyes were shining, looking at Si Yifan's bright.

Si Yixi smiled lightly: "Having a half-month vacation to go to class at the college today, can't I keep up with the progress of my review, how is my health? Can't I just take care of such a busy schedule?"

Her injury was in the brain and required a long period of rest. Although she was hospitalized for half a month, and had been recovered with TCM acupuncture, drugs, and food supplements, it was better to pay attention to some.

Cozy and elegant, holding her arm and laughing, "You have been helping me with tutoring before. Zhong Rufeng often came to give me pointers. I also always had to review the notes that Zhong Rufeng had sorted out for me. The progress was either a problem or a problem. After half a month of injury, everyone is lazy, and the brain is a bit lazy. It takes two days to adapt. "

It's true. After a day of class, she seemed a little lazy, and she couldn't help it in the end.

"That's good, but the review of the college entrance examination is not only tedious, but also stressful. Your body has just recovered, you should pay more attention to the body, everything should be the body." Si Yizhen looked at her glittering eyes, like Beautiful gems are just as beautiful, which was not available when healed. Learning to review enriched her life and enriched her whole body. He could not help but relax.

Wen Xinya nodded like a garlic, joking with a super plug-in such as Si Yizhen, she had no reason: "Relax! I have paid attention to my body."

The brain injury actually recovered very well. Grandpa Du also came to the hospital to check her pulse the day before she was discharged. She was very satisfied with her recovery, and Si Yezhen was also fussed.

Si Yizhang pulled her on the sofa and said, "I give you a massage to the brain, which helps blood circulation, relaxes the brain, and relieves stress and fatigue in the brain."

He controls the entire Lucifer. He lived there for three years. He saw his father's old subordinates personally. Because he was bleeding and injured at a young age, he did not take good care of him. When he was older, the hidden hidden injuries in his body became torture and torture. Those tough guys.

The injury is good. If you don't take a good rest, you may leave dark injuries more or less. At that time, you may not feel it, but when you get older, it will show up. He doesn't want Xinya's body to drop any dark injuries.

Nuan Ya put her head between his legs and closed her eyes to enjoy his massage.

Gently or lightly or gently rubbing, letting her tired and tired mood relax a little bit because of her study: "Yi Si, your massage technique is much more powerful."

Si Yiquan bends the corner of his mouth. He is a person who doesn't laugh very often. Even if he bends his mouth, he still has a hint of cool taste, but those eyes, like deep ponds, are flashing with glazed light, letting him Guanghua faded.

Since he deeply realized the "benefits" of a good massage technique, he began to value it. In his spare time, he learned several massage techniques. She enjoyed it and he was naturally happy ...