MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 775 Poor endurance, poor physical strength

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There was still agitation in the air. The lingering aftertaste of love is mixed with fragrant sweat stains, moist sweetness, and ambiguous ambiguity.

The Wen Xinya blend is soft and slumped in Si Yizheng's arms, and he is too lazy to move his fingers, but it is just a ****, but it seems that he has exhausted his whole body strength, but Si Yizheng is fiercer than ever , Like a wolf, released the fierceness hidden in the bones, and conducted all her fierce and patient contests.

Si Yizhen's face was filled with satisfaction after finding a foot, and his eyebrows were dyed with a beautiful feeling: "endurance is acceptable, physical strength is not good."

Wen Xinya did not even want to lift her eyelids, and her charming red lips lifted: "Shameless!"

Get cheap and sell well.

The woman who tossed herself like this did not show any pity for Xiangxiangyu, nor was she afraid of being ruined!

Cozy and savage Si Yizhen in her heart.

Si Yizheng, while massaging her body, whispered: "When will you be able to pay off my debts like your physical strength?" He said with a low ambiguous smile: "Don't think that you have too much debt If you do n’t overwhelm yourself, you have to pay your debts, so I will not be merciful. "

Other things can still be accommodating, but this matter is related to his future sexual life and is a matter of principle, so he can't give in.

The warm and soft body suddenly hit an irritant and stared angrily at him, but she could not say a word. She did not think she could hold on to the debt. cunning.

Si Yizhang arranged her clothes for her and said, "Aren't you going to learn marksmanship? From now on, I must have just collected the [tuition fee]."

He deliberately bite the tuition a bit louder, with an ambiguous meaning.

"Yi Si, don't you shamelessly die?" Wen Xinya, angry and shameless, beautiful little face, thin anger, and fat red from smoky, as if the desert is in full bloom, gorgeous desert rose.

Oops, playing too much.

Si Yiyun was a little annoyed, and quickly turned to the topic: "Have you ever touched a firearm before?"

"No!" Although she was angry, her enthusiasm for learning marksmanship overwhelmed her anger, so she temporarily suppressed her heart-warming anger, but she also remembered Si Yizhen.

Poor Si Yiming, in the coming week, clearly realized how a woman is a creature of revenge.

Si Yizheng took out a square box from the shelf in the training room, and took out a small and exquisite silver pistol from the box: "This is a modified firearm. The design concept is from the desert eagle. The caliber is 0.357. Tough but elegant, this pistol has a simple structure, few parts, reliable mechanism movement, good safety, low failure rate, small size, light weight, and low recoil, but it will not affect the shooting accuracy, and the firing force is also Modified based on your body data, it is a perfect pistol that fits you perfectly. "

He had long thought of teaching her marksmanship, but too much has happened recently and has not been put into action. This pistol comes from a very good master of firearm assembly in Germany, which he specially tailored for her.

She looked at the delicate and small pistol in Si Yizhen's hand, and revealed the killing in a low profile, which she liked very much.

Si Yishou handed her the pistol: "How about you feel? Don't worry, there are no bullets in it."

Wen Xinya took the pistol, the weight of the pistol is very light, but it feels very good to hold in her hand. She learns that in the M country 007 movie, the heroine's handsome gestures of holding the gun, no matter which posture, they feel very handy.

"How do you feel?" Si Yijun saw that she liked the pistol very much, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Very good!" Warm and eagerly holding the pistol and was very touched. Si Yezhen, who was suitable for her, must have spent a lot of time and had already prepared.

Seeing her like it, Si Yizheng was very happy: "Okay, today I will teach you how to shoot a gun, and if I have time, I will teach you some principles about guns and assembly."

The warmth revealed in the Wen Xinya eyes, the whole person seemed very excited.

Si also chuckled: "Don't worry, safety comes first."

Si Yizhen went to the lounge with Wen Xinya clothes to change and prepare combat uniforms for her. She even wore bulletproof vests, earmuffs, goggles, gloves, and wristbands, almost arming her from head to toe.

The camouflage combat suit, worn on a Wen Xinya body, was very refreshing, making her beautiful and elegant temperament become heroic and cool, neat.

Si Yichen's eyes glowed fiercely!

Reached out and rubbed their chins, maybe they can have fun!

As soon as this idea emerged, it took root in my brain, waiting for some day to act.

But now it matters: "I'll demonstrate it first."

Si Yizhen took the pistol in her hand, the small and delicate pistol, rotated it between his thumbs, and then held it firmly in his hand, pressing the bullet to load, but it was completed in an instant. , Is aiming, a series of actions are completed, his mixed temperament changes instantly, and the momentum is ready to make him feel like a **** of war.

Warm and dazzling for a while!

"Yeah!" A gunshot sounded, and Si Yizheng had already hit the target in front, hitting his heart.

Warm and excited cheeks flushed: "Yi Si is so good."

Si Yiming's male vanity was fully satisfied, handing the pistol to Wen Xinya, standing behind her, guiding her to hold the bullet, adjusting her posture, covering her little hand with the big palm, and taking her :"aim!"

The Wen Xinya mood became tense, and subconsciously held his breath, the whole person became calm. Using the sight, aimed at the red target on the opposite target.

Si Yiming's hot breath sprayed in her ears: "Don't be nervous, relax."

Wen Xinya took a deep breath, and the nervous heartstrings relaxed a little.

Si Yiming's low voice, with a calmness: "Ready ..."

Wen Xinya subconscious motive ...


"Hello!" A gunshot sounded, Rao was relatively weak in the back seat of this pistol, but the first time she fired, she still felt a numbness in her arm.

Si Yi said, "How?"

Nuan Ya was a little excited. "Some numbness in my arm may be the first time I was a bit uncomfortable."

After listening, Si Yizhen reached out and massaged her arm muscles. "Not fit is on the one hand. On the other hand, you shoot too fast, your consciousness precedes your body, and your body is not ready."

Warm and happy took up the pistol, some eager to try: "I try again."

Si Yizhen took the gun in her hand: "That's all for today. First learn some shooting skills and precautions. I will prepare a pistol suitable for novices. You should first master the coordination of the body."

This gun is just for her experience. She is a beginner and is not suitable for such a high-fire pistol.

Nuan Ya is a little disappointed, but she also knows that learning marksmanship does not happen overnight, so she nods to cooperate.