MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 868 Grandpa's medical examination results

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Grandpa has always disliked going to the hospital. In order to persuade her grandfather, her grandfather promised to go to the hospital for an examination. That's why she promised her.

Wen Ya went to the Mo family to pick up her grandfather, and went directly to the hospital.

Dr. Hans arranged for Grandpa to enter the consulting room, and Wen Ya kept stopping outside.

Waiting for the unknown is a bit difficult, especially the unknown waiting for the result, which is like years and seconds, Wen Xinya, very nervous, constantly watching the time.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour ...

She finally couldn't sit still, just checking her heart function. How could it take so long? Is there something wrong with her grandfather's body?

Wen Xinya waiting in this anxious torment.

Forty minutes, one hour, two hours!

Just when she was anxious and could not wait any longer, the door of the consulting room opened with a click, the grandfather stepped out first, and Dr. Hans followed closely. The two were talking and seemed to talk. Very happy.

She was worried and worried, and relaxed for a moment. She raised a polite smile and looked at Dr. Hans sincerely. "I have Dr. Hans to do an examination for my grandfather. I wonder what happened to my grandfather's health?"

Dr. Hans replied: "Mo Gong's body is very good. Although his heart function is weaker than the average person, this does not affect the health of Mo Gong's normal life. I will send you a detailed test report within three working days. Mailbox. "

After listening warmly, a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you Dr. Hans."

Dr. Hans is the world's top cardiologist. He said his grandfather's body was fine, and his grandfather was really fine.

Dr. Hans shrugged: "This is my duty, Miss Wen is polite."

After saying goodbye to Dr. Hans, Father Mo looked at the grandmother's daughter's face with pure joy. This joy also wiped out the gloom and haze from her brows, and his mood improved for no reason.

"Now happy?" In order to convince him to come to the hospital, the girl had no crying, noisy, and three hangings. He knew for the first time that the granddaughter daughter, who had always been worrying, could turn into a little devil and become so tangled people.

Warm and yelled at her grandfather with a cute and proud expression: "Of course I'm happy, my grandfather's body is okay, it means that my grandfather can live a long life. I can always be annoyed and annoyed."

The death of her grandfather in the last life was too bad for her. She couldn't tell what it was like. It was too complicated and too confusing. She just felt faintly. Some things in her blood were stripped. .

In this life, once she returned, she consciously paid attention to her grandfather ’s body, and even learned medicine. If the various medicated diets on the other side have not been broken, the secret recipes on Wanniang ’s side have not been missed. A little bit better and healthier, she was very happy.

But three years!

This was a nightmare year for her. This year she was poisoned and she ruined her whole life. This year she fell in love with Chu Jingnan and started a life of misery. This year her grandfather died. The only person in the world who really treated her away from him also started her degenerate life.

This year was like a nightmare.

Like the shadows covering her, no matter how good Grandpa was, she couldn't rest assured.

It was not until this moment that she was sure that her grandfather was okay, and she really let go of this burden.

Grandpa Mo looked at her naughty appearance, and reached out and gently rubbed her hair: "My grandfather said before that my body is fine, and you are still not assured. You have to find out what to check on your body, Grandpa Du Is it possible that the medical treatment is not good enough? "

He knew Xinya cared about his body, and he was willing to cooperate with her, but he didn't know if it was his illusion. She felt that Xinya's performance on his body was a little too nervous, and even a bit of a soldier. Some time ago, he didn't just have a bad appetite. As a result, she ran over from college to ask for leave, and even invited Lao Du to come and give him a pulse.

He was a little difficult to understand.

He smiled warmly and said: "Grandpa, you are so treacherous, but you talk to Grandpa Du, and want to trap me in injustice." Said she had her grandfather's hand and said, "Grandpa Du is the sacred hand of Xinglin in traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, it is not covered, but the surgery industry has a specialization. Grandpa's heart is not good. Western medicine can more clearly grasp the grandpa's physical data, and cooperate with Grandpa Du's medical treatment, so that Grandpa's body will be healthier! "

She naturally trusted Grandpa Du. Of course, Dr. Hans couldn't compare with Grandpa Du, but she just wanted to use advanced and sophisticated instruments to detect the data of her grandfather's body, so that she could know the specific situation of her grandfather's body.

Mr. Mo glared at her and said, "Not big or small."

Being treacherous by a junior, he only dared to say it to her granddaughter.

Naturally and naturally, she said something wrong, and quickly held her grandfather's arm and coquettishly said, "Grandpa, you have high reputation, wise, and treacherous. How could this derogatory term appear on you?"

Mr. Mo laughed angrily, and ignored her with a stern face, this girl became more and more out of shape.

But ... but those old and clear eyes were full of smiles, Xinya had picked it up since then, and his temperament was calm and sensible, and he was not restrained in front of him, but he was nothing like a girl. It seems that in the past two years, her temper has become more mischievous, and he is very relieved.

Wen Xinya courting in front of Grandpa: "Grandpa, you are so handsome today. When you walk on the street, people will think we are father and daughter."

The grandfather originally seemed to look like her. She did not inherit the Wen family, but completely inherited the Mo family. Her mother's beautiful and elegant appearance took 70%, and the other three points were beautiful and scorching.

After three years of conditioning, my grandfather ’s body is no longer old, and his energy and spirit are good. In addition, the literati has shown his temperament, but he is not old, so his grandfather ’s appearance looks like he is in his 40s or 50s. .

Father Mo gave her a slight glance.

Wen Xinya immediately made a face at his grandfather: "Hee hei, grandpa, you finally agreed to me."

Father Mo reluctantly said: "Immediately get me back to the college to take a good class immediately. I was three years old and asked for leave at both ends. This is so casual in the face of the college entrance examination."

The Wen Xinya face immediately collapsed: "Then I will send grandpa to Mo's home first."

In the eyes of Mr. Mo's eyes, he was spoiled for her: "No, I just called Lao Zhang just now, and it is estimated that Lao Zhang has come over this time."

While talking, the old man's car was parked on the side of the road: "Little girl, I will safely send the old man home, so you can go to class with peace of mind!"

Wen Xinya had to walk towards the roadside car in three steps and two turns, like an abandoned puppy.

Father Mo couldn't help laughing.

Nuan Ya ran back happily in an instant, kissed her grandfather's face, and hurriedly ran towards her car. She got in and waved towards her grandfather: "Grandpa, 88!"