MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 27 Beast World (6)

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Beast World (6)

Amelia was shocked when she heard the words of Alex.

After he was sent to the dungeon, he calmed down. Since he did not die, he must have a living path. He is waiting for this opportunity.

When he was alone, he carefully reminisced about the whole process, only to realize that he was so afraid of Alec at that time, so that he lost his mind, lost his rules, and stepped in steps, which was the next best.

Amia can't figure it out. He and Alex have been together for a long time. This man is as good as a rumor, but at the same time he is just an ordinary male. He is addicted to the comfort of the beast and enjoys him. The ultimate experience. He thinks he has learned about Alec, but the scenes of the day have completely subverted everything. At that time, the pressure that Alec brought to him made him barely breathe.

But now, he calmed down and involuntarily comforted himself. The situation at that time was special after all. Alec appeared suddenly. He suddenly panicked and added a little guilty conscience and mistakes. Under various psychological factors, he felt Alec. Especially terrible.

With this in mind, the tight heart seems to be much soothing. Although in the dungeon, Amya believes that Alec will come again, even if he really gave up, but he colluded with the Crow tribe, this kind of thing is a The leader will want to explore some hidden things.

At that time, he must take advantage of this opportunity to once again capture Alec!

Amia is very familiar with the deadly temptation of the beast for the male.

Everything was very good, and Alec appeared as he wished, but when he looked at the man again, the stock seemed to have been forgotten and the pressure was once again coming. The psychological construction that is done well is on the verge of collapse at this moment. The fragile is like a paper paste, which can be easily puncture with your fingers.

Amia slammed back to God: No, Alec must have something to ask for, otherwise he will not come over, he must, must be asked!

This comforted himself, Amia seems to have some emboldened spirit, he looked at Alec, strong and indifferent said: "I know, now I will not believe what I say, you must feel that I betrayed you, you trust Your beast, and they have always looked down on me, they..."

After a period of ‘heartless lungs’, he couldn’t say anything.

His beautiful head was stepped on the ground, pressing a leather boot on his delicate cheeks, and his master was looking at him in a condescending manner, like watching a humble ant.

"I never talk nonsense," the man's low-pitched voice rang in the cold dungeon, with the power of penetrating the human heart and the evil that could not be said. "I don't like to talk nonsense."

He did not have the slightest pity to grind the beautiful face on the ground, leaned over and looked into his eyes: "I have something here that is perfect for you."

After he said that he hooked his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, still indifferent and deep, like a pool of cold and cold ice water.

Is this really Alec? This is really...

When he saw the things in the hands of Qin Mo, he could no longer think about anything. His face was pale and shivering. He couldn’t fear himself: "No, no... you can’t give it to me, you can’t!”

"Please, please, please, please, Alec, I will say everything, I will tell you everything, don't give it to me! Don't!"

"Oh? You want to say it again?"

Amia is almost in the ground, all dignity is empty talk in front of that thing, he never knows that Alec will have it, remembering its horror, his voice is difficult to form: "Alex, Yes, Alex, I..."

"But, I don't want to hear it." The low-pitched voice was like a **** of death waving a sickle in the dark night.

Amia couldn't speak, and the despair in his eyes could almost overflow, until now he knew what he had provoked.

Fear, fear, despair, all negative emotions swallowed his heart like a viper. He finally felt that the source of this powerful pressure was only because of the people in front of him, it was a demon, a dejective, despising life and death. The **** and unscrupulous crazy devil!

‘Know why you are not dead? Because I want you to die. ’

This sentence is formed in the brain, and it is no clearer and clearer than this moment.

Life is better than death.

Amia never thought she would commit suicide, but at the moment, he only hopes to die immediately!

He tried to bite his tongue, but the devil did not let him go so easily.

Qin Mo slammed his chin and fed the thumb-sized thing into his hand.

"Let's enjoy this eclipse from the dark country."

The worm, the most terrifying existence of the orc world.

It has no fighting power and is extremely difficult to survive. It takes only a few seconds to become ashes when exposed to the sun.

But if it enters the body of any creature, it will bring a terrible disaster.

The creatures that are invaded by it will not be able to control the body, and they will not be able to move the bullets. It will quickly devour the flesh and blood of the creatures, but it will retain its nerves intact and experience the pain of tearing the heart.

If this is the case, Amia will not be afraid of this.

But the flesh and blood are swallowed up, but it is not over. The worm will stimulate the reconstituted cells in the flesh and blood, quickly reshape the flesh and blood, and then proceed to the next round of engulfment.

This cycle, until seven days later, the bone marrow is completely broken, can not be reshaped, will end.

All that happened, the invaders will remain highly awake from beginning to end, endless suffering from the pain of the carcass.

This is the sinful worm, the devil from the dark world, the dead thing that has long since died in the orc continent!

But at the moment, it is active in the body of Amy.

When Qin Mo left the dungeon, he had changed his clothes and washed it a little.

At this time, the horizon is already a little bright, and about an hour later, the sun will rise.

He looked down at the little guy in the palm and was still sleeping. The small, fluffy body curled up in the palm of his hand and rolled like a ball.

Qin Mo stretched out his fingers and touched the soft hair on his back. He felt soft and warm under the black and white fluff, and seemed to crush the body with a little force.

Such fragility is so harmless. If he loses him, he will die soon.

Qin Mo smiled slightly, and this extremely shallow smile appeared to be enchanting in the morning light. He lowered his head and gently dropped a kiss on the little guy's head.

- Shiqing, you need me, leave, you will die, you can only die.

The little panda of the palm of the hand turned over, and the rounded little head moved to the other side, his mouth was slightly open, and there was a little bit of crystal... drooling.

Ah, sweet and sour pork noodles, don't run, braised pork ribs, you are coming back, there are sauces, chicken, pork, pork, and meat. You are coming to my bowl!

Shi Qing was hungry, and when he opened his eyes, the sad reminder found that the sun had not come out! How are you still a panda!

He looked at it in a confused way and found that he was not in the bag. He couldn’t help but ask Qin Mo: "Are you going out?"

Qin Mo: "Well."

Shi Qing looked at the direction, studied the route, and immediately jumped up: "Are you going to the dungeon?"

Qin Mo: "Well."

"Ah! Why don't you wake me up? I haven't avenged yet! You don't know, Amia can be broken, necrotic. He used to bully Il, and tortured him. It's so bad." He said that he was starting to swear again. "Ill is also a fool. He was bullied by him. It was too weak and weak."

He then began to roar again: "Amy is still a traitor and wants to kill me. The little boy just kicked him, it's too addictive!"

Qin Mo looked down at the little beast, which was only the size of a palm. He was angry for a while, and his face was cold and cold for a while. At the end, he could frown and think deeply... Unfortunately, all the emotions on this small round head became two words. --Acting cute.

Qin Mo stretched out his fingers and licked his mouth and let it go.

Then... one person will look at each other.

A Meng: The mouth is still not big, and it is good to die!

Qin Mo: The tongue is really soft.

Or the appearance of Erha saved the mouth of Shi Qing.

"Wang, the chieftain, everyone is here!"

In the Qin desert calmly, I took a few regrets and pulled out my fingers. I touched the cute little beast and said, "Let's go."

Shi Qing obviously felt that he was a bit broken, but he just slept, what happened in the end? Is it hard to be a big night, the host has not been sleeping, has been working hard to do the task?

Good dedication! like!

He did not ask more, followed Qin Mo to the Chamber of Deputies, he said, it is a more spacious earth bag.

However, this came in, but it was a sigh of time, a lot of people.

Is this all the beasts and beasts of the Yasin tribe who have heads and faces are present?

Seeing that Alec came in, the originally noisy Chambers quieted down and looked up at their chiefs one by one.

Erha also found his position to sit down, next to Moya, and Moya dismissed and moved to the side, but did not walk away.

Yalik slowly moved forward to the high platform in the middle of the center.

The beasts and the beasts have all started to pay attention to them. One by one, look at Alec and look at the little beasts in his hands. After a brief doubt, they immediately put on a look of ignorance.

This is Il, you are so cute, you are not the chief beast of the chieftain!

Seeing that the two are so close, whether it is a male or a beast, there is a lot of comfort in the heart. This is what the chieftain should look like, and it is a good example for the beasts!

After Yalik stood, he first touched the beast in his hand, and then looked around. Wherever the line of sight passed, the beasts of the whole earth bag seemed to feel that they were being followed.

The majesty of the four-point leader and the love of the six-family people are just right, so that the beasts feel very comfortable in their hearts.

Then, Alec spoke up, and the low-pitched sound was in the circular building, which invisibly expanded the sound.

"I, Alec Yassin, apologize to everyone for the ridiculous behavior."

After that, he made a fist in his left hand and attached it to his chest. Then he bent slightly.

At this moment, the Chamber of the Chambers was silent, but then there was a wave of waves.

The author has something to say: ah ah! There has been a **** horse. For the website subscription, it is only one-third of the mobile phone subscription. The girls are all mobile party parties...

Cough, then, whisper, if the phone is subscribed, the author is more disadvantaged, and will lose 10% of the proceeds. It is said that it is contributed to the mobile [so the mobile version* is the authors saving money? sweat……

But it doesn't matter, everyone follows the habit, as long as I can buy genuine, I am very grateful! The code word is not easy, but also bring a buns just one year old. With everyone support, I am very happy and happy!

Ps: Thanks to Crimson throwing a mine

Crimson threw a mine

Crimson threw a mine

Crow's feet throw a mine

Wen Ruxia throws a mine

Ouou threw a mine

By the way, if a sister is really inconvenient to recharge, you can consider a few words to write a comment, twenty-five words can send points, but very few, if there is a thousand words, I can send a lot of [specific I don't know how much, but it is said that I am optimistic about several chapters. . . 2k novel reading network