MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 34 Beast World (13)

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Beast World (13)

Carter’s desperate fight is very effective.

The intensification of the whole army means that all the males in the army must be strengthened, which is not difficult in operation, but it is very risky. After the intensification of the males, the fighting power is extraordinary, with one enemy and ten, but at the same time, after the intensification, they will enter the period of power exhaustion, and the weak ones can be pushed down by a small beast.

Therefore, the intensified state is generally carried out by small teams and as a surprise attacker. After the intensification is completed, it is quickly replaced and the rest is adjusted at the end of the team. If you want to intensify again, you will need a lot of resources and abundant drugs and the appeasement of the beasts. But this is very difficult for the rushing army.

Therefore, Carter’s move is really hard to fight.

Either win or die, there is no way out.

However, from this point, it is also proved that Carter does not deserve to be the chief of the high tribe. This is still discouraged. Although it seems to be very risky, the other side is only three big teams, ten to three, and they are all intensified. It is almost one hundred. Than three, I dare not say that the moment to break through the defense, conservatively, the breakthrough in the intensification time is certainly no problem!

Occupy the resources, there is time to repair, using a lot of resources and abundant drugs, and then robbing each other's sub-beasts, may be able to rush in the footsteps of Yasin after the reinforcements, reinvigorating.

He thought very well. When he really operated, he discovered that the soldiers of the Yaxin tribe were indeed hard bones!

And Alec is a powerful and terrible warrior. No intensified form can fight the intensified male, and with one enemy and three, this strength, if its sub-beast grows up, can intensify it. That power is really amazing.

Carter couldn't help but think that if he could survive this time, he would kill Alec's exclusive sub-beast no matter what the price he paid!

Because the intensified male is fierce, even if it is Qin Mo, it is also hurt. Of course, he is always related to him. If he is willing to put down his sub-beast, it will be even more incompetent. Scruples.

When Shi Qing woke up, he saw the left arm of Qin Mo’s injury, blood and sputum, tearing the wounds and flesh and blood eversion, and all of them felt that it was a pain in the heart.

However, this wound is really not worth mentioning for Qin Mo. When he heard the voice of Qing, he just said calmly: "Nothing."

However, Shi Qing could not take his eyes off anyway.

It stands to reason that Qin Mo has encountered too many hardships in his own world. The damage that those people have imposed on him is hundreds of times stronger than this moment. At that time, Qing will be angry, but it will not be like this. The heart is pumping a pain.

He couldn't describe this feeling, it was like the separation of spirit and body. He kept telling himself that this injury is nothing to the Qin desert. He would not even frown because of such pain. Why should he? This is worried.

But if you want to return to it, he can't do it and think it!

And Qin Mo can't stay here for a long time, the outside battle is white, and he just came in but to order.

Although Carter’s move seems to have some odds, he has neglected the fatal point. If Qin Mo will sneak up the Kloor territory and the Horde’s troops and give up the rapid recovery, then the army of Klo will be intensified. Like the lamb to be slaughtered, there is only one dead road.

Even if there is no occupation of resources and territories, the army of the Klo tribes will all perish, and the territory and resources are not in the bag?

Arrange the work of the commander, Qin Mo quickly joined the battle, the three big teams outside the pressure is too big, they must guard the full force, in order to support the reinforcements back!

He touched the little panda on his chest and said, "Oh, don't move."

Did not wait until the time Qing responded, he rushed into the battle.

When Shi Qing’s heart was uncomfortable, he began to understand something. This may be the feeling of the body. Because Alec is his exclusive male, the connection between the two is from the physiological, When it fluctuates before, it is strong enough to be able to control the will.

Shi Qing took a deep breath and tried to suppress these strange feelings. He kept comforting himself, Qin Mo was fine, Alec was fine, no matter what, don't worry anymore!

The mood can be more and more frustrating, the more I don't want to think more, the more I worry, the more I worry, the pain in my heart, Shi Qing has never had this feeling, it is going crazy!

At this time, there was a huge bear who slammed into the Qin desert. Because the gap between the bodies was too big, it was overwhelming. Even if the leopard quickly flashed away, the claws of the giant bear scratched his cheek. .

The drop of blood ticks fell on the face of the little panda.

This drop of blood is like a hot magma, and when it bursts, Qing is irritated.

He can't control it anymore! Also don't want to control it! He is worried that he is anxious or afraid of him being hurt! What happened?

Seeing another giant bear, the little panda was completely angry, his eyes closed, his mouth opened, and his voice screamed: "Roll! Get out!"

Because of this screaming, the blood was absorbed into his body at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared instantly.

Shi Qing felt a heat rising from the bottom of his heart, and then a strange and familiar heat rose.

He did not reject, did not refuse, let this hate can not burn the flames of people burning, the next moment, he felt the body is expanding.

Freed from the bondage, the silver-haired cat's ear stood on the ground.

His skin is fair, his body is slender, his appearance is clean and delicate, and he clearly does not match this **** and cruel battlefield, but he has a strange beauty.

He completely ignored everything around him, and he only had the graceful impetuous leopard around him.

On one knee, he hugged the huge head of the leopard, his eyes picked up, with devout and unspeakable obsession, like a sacrifice, and kissed him up.

At this moment, time seems to be still.

Then, with him as the center, the temptation of violent violent anger is simply crazy!

The third wave, actually came at this strange moment!

The response of this fluctuation is similar to the second one, but the difference is that this is the last fluctuation of the most developmental period, and then it is completely adult, so the smell of the beast is announced to the world: I Adulthood!

At the same time, it is also seduce all adult males and seek the other half that can perfectly match!

This is the ability given by the beast god, which is experienced by every beast. It is the beast **** who tells them that it is time to travel to your obligation to survive.

However, the volatility of ordinary beasts can only affect males within three or four meters, and the degree of influence is not excessive, but it will only make the males sway. For the male beast who already has a partner, it has no effect at all.

So it doesn't cause a sensation at all.

But Shi Qing’s body... is different.

His second volatility almost confuses all the males in the tribe, and the smell of the third wave will only be stronger.

And he happened to be in this place, this moment started!

Even if it is Qin Mo, it can't help but hold it.

There will be a one to ten day interval between the two fluctuations. How can it be so fast?

No one can explain it, even if it is time, I can’t imagine it.

First, the male beasts around Shiqing began to move slowly because of this deadly breath. They were unable to resist and could not resist. This tastes so good! Not only rushing into the nose, but invading every pore of the body, into all the cells, the vibrations caused by them make them almost lose control of their bodies.

Just want to indulge, just want to be drunk forever.

Then, this seductive atmosphere began to spread rapidly and spread to the entire battlefield!

Completely confusing!

It’s crazy!

This is the most unspeakable battle ever encountered by the Orc continent.

The single male is completely out of control, and the male with the partner can't resist.

But in general, the Yasin tribes should be fortunate that their males are not intensified. This seductive atmosphere will make them unclear and even mad, but it will not cause any harm.

The Crowe tribe is very moldy.

The reason for the intensification of the male beast is that the sub-beasts use their own spiritual abilities to catalyze the inner frenzy of the male beast itself, thereby strengthening physical fitness and enhancing ability.

The sensation caused by Shi Qing was fatal to them.

Because this tempting, irresistible breath completely disrupts the mental power exerted by their own beasts in their bodies, the mental power collapses, and the power of cohesion breaks away from **** and becomes more frenzied than before.

Don't mention the battle at all, they can't even act, they can only passively endure the strong counter-attack from their own power.

The battlefield of **** hurricanes instantly became a farce.

Ten minutes of volatility, the enthusiasm of the gradual retreat, the males began to restore their minds, the first thing to see is located in the center, the only standing man - holding his exclusive beast.

The ears and tail disappeared, the long form, the white and delicate appearance, this charming sub-beast, finally reached adulthood.

The enemy has long since collapsed, and the state of intensification has disappeared. They are lying on the ground like dead fish.

Alec glanced at the male beast behind him, and the soldiers suddenly woke up and swarmed in front of him, killing the ‘dead fish’ of the Clos tribe.

In the face of the intensification of the whole army, three times the enemy of their own, they have almost zero casualty victory!

Although the process is too surprising, but the results are too ecstatic!

Yu Sheng pursued, halfway through the Yasin soldiers who were returning to help, and the brain broke into the enemy's hometown, and seized the resources of the land while successfully winning the other's tribal territory!

So easy to occupy a high-level tribe, so that the Yasin tribe is full of people.

The names of Alec and Il almost resounded throughout the Orc.

The mission of Qin Mo and Shi Qing was also successfully completed at this moment.

Back in the moment of the system space, Qin Mo clasped the younger waist and leaned over to a hot kiss like a storm.

Shi Qing has not yet slowed down from the rest of the world, and passively accepted this eagerly avid and intoxicating kiss.

Just when his brain was down, I really didn't know what to do.

A piece of information suddenly formed in his consciousness: "Trigger random task: whether the human survival disk is delivered to the host?"

The author has something to say: Beast is finished, if you have anything to look at, you can mention it, I will write it selectively, what? 2k novel reading network